audio/amarok - The NetBSD Packages Collection

KDE audio player

There are many media players around these days, it's true. What's
missing from most players is a user interface that doesn't get in
the way of the user. How many buttons do you have to press for
simply adding some new tracks to the playlist? Amarok tries to be
a little different, providing a simple drag and drop interface that
really makes playlist handling easy.

* Quick and simple drag and drop playlist creation
* Music library
* Cross platform: Support for Unix, MacOS X and Windows
* Plays all audio formats known to man
* Cover art download using services
* Automatic play-statistics generation (iRate style)
* Full lyrics download
* Learn about your music with integrated Wikipedia
* Full support
* support
* Configurable on screen display for track changes
* Podcast support
* iPod support, as well as other media players
* Powerful scripting interface
* Integration with Plasma and KDE Applications
* Integration with multiple web sources including Magnatune,
  Ampache, and others.

Build dependencies

pkgtools/x11-links x11/xorgproto x11/xcb-proto devel/googletest x11/xcb-proto devel/extra-cmake-modules devel/cmake devel/glib2-tools pkgtools/mktools devel/pkgconf pkgtools/cwrappers

Runtime dependencies

security/gnupg2 lang/perl5 archivers/karchive x11/qt5-qtbase audio/taglib databases/mariadb1011-embedded devel/kcmutils devel/kdeclarative devel/kio misc/attica-qt5 x11/kglobalaccel devel/kconfig devel/kcrash devel/kcoreaddons x11/kwindowsystem sysutils/kdbusaddons devel/ki18n graphics/kiconthemes x11/kconfigwidgets textproc/kcodecs x11/kguiaddons x11/kwidgetsaddons x11/qt5-qtsvg x11/qt5-qtdeclarative devel/knotifications sysutils/solid devel/kpackage devel/kdoctools devel/ktexteditor devel/libmtp devel/threadweaver graphics/hicolor-icon-theme math/fftw net/kdnssd net/knewstuff x11/qt5-qtwebengine archivers/karchive x11/qt5-qtbase audio/taglib devel/kcmutils devel/kdeclarative devel/kio misc/attica-qt5 x11/kglobalaccel devel/kconfig devel/kcrash devel/kcoreaddons x11/kwindowsystem sysutils/kdbusaddons graphics/kiconthemes x11/kconfigwidgets textproc/kcodecs x11/kguiaddons x11/kwidgetsaddons x11/qt5-qtsvg x11/qt5-qtdeclarative devel/knotifications sysutils/solid devel/kpackage devel/kdoctools devel/ktexteditor devel/threadweaver graphics/hicolor-icon-theme math/fftw net/kdnssd net/knewstuff x11/qt5-qtwebengine

Binary packages

NetBSD 10.0aarch64amarok-3.0.0nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0x86_64amarok-3.0.0nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.0x86_64amarok-3.0.0nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.3x86_64amarok-3.0.0nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.3x86_64amarok-3.0.0nb2.tgz

Binary packages can be installed with the high-level tool pkgin (which can be installed with pkg_add) or pkg_add(1) (installed by default). The NetBSD packages collection is also designed to permit easy installation from source.

Available build options


Known vulnerabilities

The pkg_admin audit command locates any installed package which has been mentioned in security advisories as having vulnerabilities.

Please note the vulnerabilities database might not be fully accurate, and not every bug is exploitable with every configuration.

Problem reports, updates or suggestions for this package should be reported with send-pr.