#! @PYTHONBIN@ # $NetBSD: url2pkg.py,v 1.55 2024/05/10 06:33:04 rillig Exp $ # Copyright (c) 2019 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation # by Roland Illig. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Overview # # The url2pkg program gets a URL and produces a pkgsrc package from it, # filling in several defaults in order to reduce the amount of manual work. # # This happens in two phases. Phase 1 is done by the Generator and generates # an initial Makefile, just enough to download the distfile. Phase 2 then # takes the generated Makefile and applies various adjustments for different # types of packages, such as Perl or Python modules. This is done by the # Adjuster class. import getopt import os import re import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, NoReturn, \ Optional, Set, Tuple, Union class Var(NamedTuple): """ An abstract variable assignment for the package Makefile. """ name: str op: str value: str class Varassign(NamedTuple): """ A variable assignment including layout information. """ index: int varname: str op: str indent: str value: str space_after_value: str comment: str class Globals: make: str libdir: str perl5: str pkgsrcdir: Union[Path, Any] pythonbin: str pkgdir: Union[Path, Any] out: Any err: Any verbose: bool def __init__(self): self.make = os.getenv('MAKE') or '@MAKE@' self.libdir = '@LIBDIR@' self.perl5 = '@PERL5@' self.pkgsrcdir = Path(os.getenv('PKGSRCDIR') or '@PKGSRCDIR@') self.pythonbin = '@PYTHONBIN@' # the following are overridden in tests self.pkgdir = Path('.') self.out = sys.stdout self.err = sys.stderr self.verbose = False def debug(self, fmt: str, *args): if self.verbose: msg = fmt.format(*map(repr, args)) if len(args) else fmt self.err.write(f'url2pkg: {msg}\n') def find_package(self, pkgbase: str) -> str: makefiles = sorted(self.pkgsrcdir.glob(f'*/{pkgbase}/Makefile')) candidates = [p.parent for p in makefiles] if len(candidates) != 1: self.debug('candidates for package {0} are {1}', pkgbase, candidates) return '' return str(candidates[0]).replace(str(self.pkgsrcdir), '../..') def bmake(self, *args: str) -> None: self.debug('running bmake {0} in {1}', args, str(self.pkgdir)) env = dict(os.environ) env.update({ # Resuming transfers only works when distinfo already exists. 'PKG_RESUME_TRANSFERS': 'no', }) subprocess.check_call([self.make, *args], cwd=self.pkgdir, env=env) def show_var(self, varname: str) -> str: output = subprocess.check_output( (self.make, 'show-var', 'VARNAME=' + varname)) return output.decode('utf-8').strip() def pkgsrc_license(self, license_name: str) -> str: comment = '' if comment == '' and license_name.endswith('| file LICENSE'): comment = f'\t# OR file LICENSE' license_name = license_name[:-len('| file LICENSE')].rstrip() if comment == '' and license_name.endswith('+ file LICENSE'): comment = f'\t# + file LICENSE' license_name = license_name[:-len('+ file LICENSE')].rstrip() known_licenses = ( ('2-clause-bsd', 'BSD-2', 'bsd2', 'BSD_2_clause'), # ('2-clause-bsd OR modified-bsd OR original-bsd', 'BSD'), # XXX: the above is questionable since it may be too specific ('acm-license', 'ACM'), ('apache-1.1 OR apache-2.0', 'APACHE'), ('apache-2.0', 'Apache 2', 'Apache 2.0', 'apache2', 'Apache Software License', 'Apache License 2.0', 'Apache License (== 2.0)'), ('apache-2.0 AND lppl-1.3c', 'apache2lppl', 'apache2lppl1.3c', 'lppl1.3capache2'), ('artistic OR artistic-2.0', 'ARTISTIC'), ('artistic-2.0', 'artistic_2'), ('boost-license', 'BSL-1.0'), ('cc-by-v4.0', 'cc-by-4'), ('cc0-1.0-universal', 'CC0'), ('gfsl', 'gfl'), ('gnu-fdl-v1.3', 'fdl'), ('gnu-gpl-v1', 'GPL-1'), ('gnu-gpl-v1 OR gnu-gpl-v2 OR gnu-gpl-v3', 'GPL'), ('gnu-gpl-v2', 'gpl', 'gpl2', 'GPL-2'), ('gnu-gpl-v2 AND cc-by-sa-v4.0', 'gpl3+cc-by-sa-4'), ('gnu-gpl-v2 AND lppl-1.3c', 'lpplgpl', 'gpl2lppl'), ('gnu-gpl-v2 AND ofl-v1.1 AND lppl-1.3c', 'gplofllppl'), ('gnu-gpl-v2 OR gnu-gpl-v3', 'GPL-2 | GPL-3', 'GPL (>= 2)', 'GPL (>= 2.0)'), ('gnu-gpl-v3', 'gpl3', 'GPL-3', 'GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 3'), ('gnu-gpl-v3', 'GPL (>= 3)'), ('gnu-lgpl-v2', 'LGPL', 'LGPL-2'), ('gnu-lgpl-v2 OR gnu-lgpl-v2.1 OR gnu-lgpl-v3', 'LGPL'), ('gnu-lgpl-v2.1', 'LGPL-2.1'), ('gnu-lgpl-v3', 'LGPL-3'), ('gnu-lgpl-v2 OR gnu-lgpl-v3', 'LGPL-2 | LGPL-3'), ('gnu-lgpl-v2 OR gnu-lgpl-v2.1 OR gnu-lgpl-v3', 'LGPL (>= 2)'), ('lppl-1.0', 'lppl1'), ('lppl-1.2', 'lppl1.2'), ('lppl-1.3c', 'lppl', 'lppl1.3', 'lppl1.3c'), ('lucent', 'LUCENT', 'Lucent Public License'), ('mit', 'MIT', 'MIT License'), ('mit\t# + file LICENSE OR unlimited', 'MIT + file LICENSE | Unlimited'), ('mit AND lppl-1.3c', 'mitlppl'), ('modified-bsd', 'bsd3', 'BSD 3 clause', 'BSD_3_clause'), ('ofl-v1.1', 'ofl'), ('ofl-v1.1 AND lppl-1.3c', 'ofllppl1.3', 'ofllppl1.3c', 'ofllppl'), ('${PERL5_LICENSE}', 'perl'), ('postgresql-license', 'POSTGRESQL'), ('public-domain', 'pd'), ('python-software-foundation', 'PSF', 'PSF license', 'Python Software Foundation License'), ('zpl-2.1', 'ZPL 2.1'), ) lower = license_name.lower() for group in known_licenses: if lower in map(str.lower, group): return group[0] + comment if (self.pkgsrcdir / 'licenses' / lower).is_file(): return lower + comment return '' class Lines: """ A list of lines (typically from a Makefile, but other file types work as well) with high-level methods for manipulating variable assignments. """ lines: List[str] def __init__(self, *lines: str) -> None: self.lines = [] for line in lines: self.add(line) @classmethod def read_from(cls, src: Union[Path, Any]) -> 'Lines': return Lines(*src.read_text().splitlines()) def write_to(self, dst: Union[Path, Any]): tmp = dst.with_name(f'{dst.name}.tmp') with tmp.open('w') as f: f.writelines(line + '\n' for line in self.lines) tmp.replace(dst) def all_varassigns(self, varname: str) -> List[Varassign]: varassigns = [] for (i, line) in enumerate(self.lines): pattern = r'''(?x) ^ ([#]?[\w+\-]+?) # varname ([!+:?]?=) # op ([ \t]*) # indent ([^#\\]*?) # value (\s*) # space_after_value ([#].*|) # comment $ ''' m = re.search(pattern, line) if m and m[1].lstrip('#') == varname.lstrip('#'): varassigns.append(Varassign(i, *m.groups())) return varassigns def unique_varassign(self, varname: str) -> Optional[Varassign]: varassigns = self.all_varassigns(varname) return varassigns[0] if len(varassigns) == 1 else None def get(self, varname: str) -> str: """ Returns the value from the only variable assignment, or an empty string. """ varassign = self.unique_varassign(varname) if varassign is not None and varassign.varname == varname: return varassign.value return '' def index(self, pattern: str) -> int: """ Returns the first index where the pattern is found, or -1. """ for (i, line) in enumerate(self.lines): if re.search(pattern, line): return i return -1 def add(self, *lines: str): for line in lines: assert type(line) == str, type(line) self.lines.append(line) def add_vars(self, *vars: Var): """ Appends the given variable assignments to the lines, aligning the variable values vertically. """ relevant_vars = [var for var in vars if var.value != ''] if not relevant_vars: return width = 0 for var in relevant_vars: indent_len = len(var.name) + len(var.op) + len('\t') name_op_len = (indent_len + 7) // 8 * 8 width = max(width, name_op_len) for var in relevant_vars: tabs = (width - len(var.name) - len(var.op) + 7) // 8 self.add(var.name + var.op + '\t' * tabs + var.value) self.add('') def set(self, varname: str, new_value: str) -> bool: """ Updates the value of an existing variable in the lines. """ varassign = self.unique_varassign(varname) if varassign is not None: self.lines[varassign.index] = \ varname + varassign.op + varassign.indent + new_value return varassign is not None def append(self, varname: str, value: str) -> bool: """ Appends to the value of an existing variable in the lines. """ varassign = self.unique_varassign(varname) if varassign is None or value == '': return False before = ' ' if re.search(r'\S$', varassign.value) else '' after = '' if varassign.comment == '' else ' ' self.lines[varassign.index] = \ f'{varassign.varname}{varassign.op}{varassign.indent}' \ f'{varassign.value}{before}{value}{after}{varassign.comment}' return True def remove(self, varname: str) -> bool: """ Removes the unique variable assignment. """ varassign = self.unique_varassign(varname) if varassign is not None: self.lines.pop(varassign.index) return varassign is not None def remove_if(self, varname: str, expected_value: str) -> bool: """ Removes a variable assignment if its value is the expected one. """ for varassign in self.all_varassigns(varname): if varassign.value == expected_value: self.lines.pop(varassign.index) return True return False class PackageVars: """ Determines the package variables from a distfile URL. """ url: str master_sites: str distfile: str homepage: str extract_sufx: str categories: str github_project: str github_tag: str github_release: str dist_subdir: str pkgname_prefix: str pkgname_transform: str maintainer: str distname: str pkgname: str def __init__(self, url: str, pkgsrcdir: Path) -> None: self.url = url self.master_sites = '' self.distfile = '' self.homepage = '' self.extract_sufx = '' self.categories = '' self.github_project = '' self.github_tag = '' self.github_release = '' self.dist_subdir = '' self.pkgname_prefix = '' self.pkgname_transform = '' self.maintainer = '' self.distname = '' self.pkgname = '' self.adjust_site_SourceForge() self.adjust_site_GitHub_archive() self.adjust_site_GitHub_release() self.adjust_site_CPAN() self.adjust_site_from_sites_mk(pkgsrcdir) self.adjust_site_PyPI() self.adjust_site_other() self.adjust_everything_else() def adjust_site_from_sites_mk(self, pkgsrcdir: Path): if self.master_sites != '': return varname = '' with open(pkgsrcdir / 'mk/fetch/sites.mk') as sites_mk: for line in sites_mk: m = re.search(r'^(MASTER_SITE_.*)\+=', line) if m: varname = m[1] continue m = re.search(r'^\t(.*?)(?:\s+\\)?$', line) if m: self.adjust_site_from_site_var(varname, m[1]) def adjust_site_from_site_var(self, varname: str, site_url: str): url_noproto = re.sub(r'^\w+://', '', self.url) site_url_noproto = re.sub(r'^\w+://', '', site_url) if not url_noproto.startswith(site_url_noproto): return rest = url_noproto[len(site_url_noproto):] if '/' not in rest: self.master_sites = f'${{{varname}}}' self.distfile = rest self.homepage = '# TODO' return subdir, self.distfile = re.search(r'^(.*/)(.*)$', rest).groups() self.master_sites = f'${{{varname}:={subdir}}}' if varname == 'MASTER_SITE_GNU': self.homepage = f'https://www.gnu.org/software/{subdir}' else: self.homepage = self.url[:-len(self.distfile)] + ' # TODO: check' if varname == 'MASTER_SITE_R_CRAN': sys.exit('url2pkg: to create R packages, ' 'use pkgtools/R2pkg instead') def adjust_site_CPAN(self): pattern = r'''(?x) ^ https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors /id/(?:\w+/)+ ( # distfile (\w+-)+ # namespace prefixes (\w+) # project name -v?[0-9].+ ) $ ''' m = re.search(pattern, self.url) if not m: return distfile, prefixes, name = m.groups() prefixes_slash = prefixes.replace('-', '/') prefixes_colon = prefixes.replace('-', '::') self.master_sites = f'${{MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN:={prefixes_slash}}}' self.homepage = f'https://metacpan.org/pod/{prefixes_colon}{name}' self.distfile = distfile self.pkgname_prefix = 'p5-' def adjust_site_SourceForge(self): pattern = r'''(?x) ^ https?://downloads\.sourceforge\.net/(?:project|sourceforge)/ ([^/?]+)/ # project name ((?:[^/?]+/)*) # subdirectories ([^/?]+) # filename (?:\?.*)? # query parameters $ ''' m = re.search(pattern, self.url) if not m: return project, subdir, filename = m.groups() self.master_sites = f'${{MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:={project}/{subdir}}}' self.homepage = f'https://{project}.sourceforge.net/' self.distfile = filename def adjust_site_PyPI(self): pattern = r'''(?x) ^ https://files\.pythonhosted\.org/packages/ ../../.{60}/ # hash ( # distfile (.*) # project -[0-9].* # version \.tar\.gz ) $ ''' m = re.search(pattern, self.url) if not m: return filename, project = m.groups() self.master_sites = f'${{MASTER_SITE_PYPI:={project[0]}/{project}/}}' self.homepage = f'https://pypi.org/project/{project}/' self.distfile = filename def adjust_site_GitHub_archive(self): pattern = r'''(?x) ^ https://github\.com/ (.+)/ # org (.+)/archive/ # proj ((?:.+/)? # tag (.+)) # distname (\.tar\.gz|\.zip) # ext $ ''' m = re.search(pattern, self.url) if not m: return org, proj, tag, distname, ext = m.groups() self.master_sites = f'${{MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:={org}/}}' self.homepage = f'https://github.com/{org}/{proj}/' m = re.search(r'^refs/tags/v(\d[\d.]*)$', tag) if m: version = m.group(1) self.distfile = f'{proj}-{version}{ext}' self.github_tag = f'refs/tags/v${{PKGVERSION_NOREV}}' return self.github_project = proj self.github_tag = tag if proj not in tag: self.pkgname_prefix = '${GITHUB_PROJECT}-' self.dist_subdir = '${GITHUB_PROJECT}' self.distfile = distname + ext def adjust_site_GitHub_release(self): pattern = r'''(?x) ^https://github\.com/ (.+)/ # org (.+)/ # proj releases/download/ (.+)/ # tag (.+) # base (\.tar\.gz|\.zip)$ # ext ''' m = re.search(pattern, self.url) if not m: return org, proj, tag, base, ext = m.groups() self.github_project = proj self.master_sites = f'${{MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:={org}/}}' self.homepage = f'https://github.com/{org}/{proj}/' if proj not in base: self.github_project = proj self.dist_subdir = '${GITHUB_PROJECT}' self.github_release = '${DISTNAME}' if tag == base else tag self.distfile = base + ext def adjust_site_other(self): if self.master_sites != '': return base_url, self.distfile = re.search(r'^(.*/)(.*)$', self.url).groups() self.master_sites = base_url self.homepage = base_url def adjust_everything_else(self): m = re.search(r'^(.*?)((?:\.tar)?\.\w+)$', self.distfile) if m: distname, extract_sufx = m.groups() else: distname, extract_sufx = self.distfile, '# none' self.distname = distname if re.search(r'^v\d+\.', distname): self.pkgname_transform = ':S,^v,,' elif re.search(r'-v\d+\.', distname) \ and not re.search(r'-v.*-v\d+\.', distname): self.pkgname_transform = ':S,-v,-,' main_category = Path.cwd().parts[-2] self.categories = main_category \ if main_category not in ('local', 'wip') \ else '# TODO: add primary category' if extract_sufx in ('.tar.gz', '.gem'): extract_sufx = '' self.extract_sufx = extract_sufx self.pkgname = '' \ if self.pkgname_prefix == '' and self.pkgname_transform == '' \ else f'{self.pkgname_prefix}${{DISTNAME{self.pkgname_transform}}}' self.maintainer = \ os.getenv('PKGMAINTAINER') or os.getenv('REPLYTO') \ or 'INSERT_YOUR_MAIL_ADDRESS_HERE # or use pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org' def package_dir(self) -> str: """Generate the suggested directory name for the package.""" if self.github_project != '': return self.github_project m = re.fullmatch(r'(.*?)-v?[0-9].*', self.distname) if not m: return '' if 'MASTER_SITE_PYPI' in self.master_sites: return f'py-{m[1]}' if 'MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN' in self.master_sites: return f'p5-{m[1]}' return m[1] class Generator: """ Generates the initial package Makefile. """ vars: PackageVars def __init__(self, url: str): self.vars = PackageVars(url, Path('../..')) def generate_Makefile(self) -> Lines: vars = self.vars lines = Lines() lines.add('# $''NetBSD$') lines.add('') lines.add_vars( Var('GITHUB_PROJECT', '=', vars.github_project), Var('GITHUB_TAG', '=', vars.github_tag), Var('DISTNAME', '=', vars.distname), Var('PKGNAME', '=', vars.pkgname), Var('CATEGORIES', '=', vars.categories), Var('MASTER_SITES', '=', vars.master_sites), Var('GITHUB_RELEASE', '=', vars.github_release), Var('EXTRACT_SUFX', '=', vars.extract_sufx), Var('DIST_SUBDIR', '=', vars.dist_subdir), ) lines.add_vars( Var('MAINTAINER', '=', vars.maintainer), Var('HOMEPAGE', '=', vars.homepage), Var('COMMENT', '=', 'TODO: Short description of the package'), Var('#LICENSE', '=', '# TODO: (see mk/license.mk)'), ) lines.add('# url2pkg-marker (please do not remove this line.)') lines.add('.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"') return lines def generate_package(self, g: Globals) -> Lines: pkgdir = g.pkgdir makefile = pkgdir / 'Makefile' plist = pkgdir / 'PLIST' initial_lines = self.generate_Makefile() try: makefile.replace(f'{makefile}.url2pkg~') except OSError: pass initial_lines.write_to(makefile) plist_lines = [ f'@comment $''NetBSD$', f'@comment TODO: to fill this file with the file listing:', f'@comment TODO: 1. run "{g.make} package"', f'@comment TODO: 2. run "{g.make} print-PLIST"' ] plist.is_file() or Lines(*plist_lines).write_to(plist) g.bmake('clean', 'distinfo', 'extract') return initial_lines class Adjuster: """ After the distfile has been downloaded and extracted, the adjust_* methods of this class inspect the extracted files and adjust the variable definitions in the package Makefile. """ g: Globals url: str initial_lines: Lines # the absolute pathname to the working directory, containing # the extracted distfiles. abs_wrkdir: Union[Path, Any] # the absolute pathname to a subdirectory of abs_wrkdir, typically # containing package-provided Makefiles or configure scripts. abs_wrksrc: Union[Path, Any] # the regular files and directories relative to abs_wrksrc. wrksrc_files: List[str] wrksrc_dirs: List[str] """ The following variables may be set by the adjust_* subroutines and will later appear in the package Makefile: """ # categories for the package, in addition to the usual # parent directory. categories: List[str] # the dependencies of the package, in the form # "package>=version:../../category/package". depends: List[str] build_depends: List[str] tool_depends: List[str] test_depends: List[str] # .include, interleaved with BUILDLINK3_API_DEPENDS. # These lines are added at the bottom of the Makefile. bl3_lines: List[str] # a list of pathnames relative to the package directory. # All these files will be included at the bottom of the Makefile. includes: List[str] # the tools for USE_TOOLS. Examples are sed, echo, printf, perl5. tools: Set[str] # a list of variable assignments that will make up the fourth # paragraph of the package Makefile, where the build configuration # takes place. build_vars: List[Var] # similar to the @build_vars, but separated by an empty line in # the Makefile, thereby forming the fifth paragraph. extra_vars: List[Var] # these are inserted below the second paragraph in the Makefile. todos: List[str] # the package name is based on DISTNAME and modified by # pkgname_prefix and pkgname_transform. pkgname_prefix: str # example: ${PYPKGPREFIX}- pkgname_transform: str # example: :S,-v,-, # all lines of the package Makefile, for direct modification. makefile_lines: Lines regenerate_distinfo: bool descr_lines: List[str] def __init__(self, g: Globals, url: str, initial_lines: Lines): self.g = g self.url = url self.initial_lines = initial_lines self.abs_wrkdir = Path('') self.abs_wrksrc = Path('') self.wrksrc_files = [] self.wrksrc_dirs = [] self.categories = [] self.depends = [] self.build_depends = [] self.tool_depends = [] self.test_depends = [] self.bl3_lines = [] self.includes = [] self.build_vars = [] self.tools = set() self.extra_vars = [] self.todos = [] self.pkgname_prefix = '' self.pkgname_transform = '' self.makefile_lines = Lines() self.regenerate_distinfo = False self.descr_lines = [] def add_dependency(self, kind: str, pkgbase: str, constraint: str, dep_dir: str) -> None: """ add_dependency('DEPENDS', 'package', '>=1', '../../category/package') """ self.g.debug('add_dependency: {0} {1} {2} {3}', kind, pkgbase, constraint, dep_dir) def bl3_identifier(): try: with open(dep_dir + '/buildlink3.mk') as f: for line in f: m = re.search(r'^BUILDLINK_TREE\+=\s*(\S+)$', line) if m: return m[1] except OSError: pass return '' if dep_dir != '': pkgid = bl3_identifier() if pkgid != '': if kind == 'BUILD_DEPENDS': self.bl3_lines.append( f'BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.{pkgid}+=\tbuild') self.bl3_lines.append( f'BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.{pkgid}+=\t{pkgbase}{constraint}') self.bl3_lines.append(f'.include "{dep_dir}/buildlink3.mk"') return value = f'{pkgbase}{constraint}:{dep_dir}' \ if dep_dir != '' and os.path.isfile(f'{dep_dir}/Makefile') \ else f'# TODO: {pkgbase}{constraint}' if kind == 'DEPENDS': self.depends.append(value) elif kind == 'BUILD_DEPENDS': self.build_depends.append(value) elif kind == 'TOOL_DEPENDS': self.tool_depends.append(value) elif kind == 'TEST_DEPENDS': self.test_depends.append(value) else: self.todos.append(f'dependency {kind} {value}') def read_dependencies(self, cmd: str, env: Dict[str, str], cwd: Union[Path, Any], python: bool = False) -> None: effective_env = dict(os.environ) effective_env.update(env) self.g.debug('reading dependencies: cd {0} && env {1} {2}', str(cwd), env, cmd) output: bytes = subprocess.check_output(args=cmd, shell=True, env=effective_env, cwd=cwd) license_name = '' license_default = '' dep_lines: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]] = [] for line in output.decode('utf-8').splitlines(): # example: DEPENDS pkgbase>=1.2.3:../../category/pkgbase depends_re = r'^(\w+)\t([^\s:>]+)(>[^\s:]+|)(?::(\.\./\.\./\S+))?$' m = re.search(depends_re, line) if m: dep_lines.append((m[1], m[2], m[3] or '>=0', m[4] or '')) continue # example: var VARNAME value # possibly with comment m = re.search(r'^var\t(\S+)\t(.+)$', line) if m: self.set_or_add(m[1], m[2]) continue m = re.search(r'^cmd\t(\S+)\t(.+)$', line) if m: cmd, arg = m.groups() if cmd == 'license': license_name = arg elif cmd == 'license_default': license_default = arg else: self.g.debug('unknown command: {0}', line) continue if line != '': self.g.debug('unknown dependency line: {0}', line) self.set_license(license_name, license_default) self.add_dependencies(dep_lines, python) self.sort_dependencies() def add_dependencies(self, dep_lines: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]], python: bool): for dep_line in dep_lines: kind, pkgbase, constraint, dep_dir = dep_line if dep_dir == '': dep_dir = self.g.find_package(pkgbase) if dep_dir == '' and python: for candidate in list(dict.fromkeys(( pkgbase, pkgbase.replace('_', '-'), re.sub('^py', '', pkgbase), re.sub('^py', '', pkgbase).replace('_', '-') ))): dep_dir = self.g.find_package('py-' + candidate) if dep_dir != '': pkgbase = '${PYPKGPREFIX}-' + candidate break self.add_dependency(kind, pkgbase, constraint, dep_dir) def sort_dependencies(self): def key(d): a = d.removeprefix('# TODO: ') return re.sub('[<>=].*', '', a) self.depends.sort(key=key) self.build_depends.sort(key=key) self.tool_depends.sort(key=key) self.test_depends.sort(key=key) def set_or_add(self, varname: str, value: str): if not self.makefile_lines.set(varname, value): self.extra_vars.append(Var(varname, '=', value)) def set_license(self, license_name: str, license_default: str): pkgsrc_license_name = self.g.pkgsrc_license(license_name) if pkgsrc_license_name != '': self.set_or_add('LICENSE', pkgsrc_license_name) elif license_default != '': self.set_or_add('#LICENSE', license_default) def wrksrc_open(self, relative_pathname: str): return (self.abs_wrksrc / relative_pathname).open() def wrksrc_head(self, relative_pathname: str, n: int): full_name = self.abs_wrksrc / relative_pathname try: with full_name.open(encoding="UTF-8") as f: return f.read().splitlines()[:n] except IOError: return [] def wrksrc_find(self, what: Union[str, Callable[[str], bool]]) -> List[str]: def search(f): return re.search(what, f) if type(what) == str else what(f) return sorted(filter(search, self.wrksrc_files)) def wrksrc_grep(self, filename: str, pattern: str) -> List[Union[str, List[str]]]: with self.wrksrc_open(filename) as f: matches = [] for line in f: line = line.rstrip('\n') m = re.search(pattern, line) if m: groups = list(m.groups()) matches.append(groups if groups else line) return matches def wrksrc_isdir(self, relative_pathname: str) -> bool: return (self.abs_wrksrc / relative_pathname).is_dir() def wrksrc_isfile(self, relative_pathname: str) -> bool: return (self.abs_wrksrc / relative_pathname).is_file() def adjust_descr(self): for filename in ('README', 'README.txt', 'README.md'): lines = self.wrksrc_head(filename, 21) if len(lines) == 21: lines[-1] = '...' if lines: self.descr_lines = [ f'TODO: Adjust the following lines from {filename}', '', *lines] return self.descr_lines = [ 'TODO: Fill in a short description of the package.', 'TODO: It should be between 3 and 20 lines.'] def adjust_configure(self): if not self.wrksrc_isfile('configure'): return configures = self.wrksrc_find(r'(^|/)configure$') if not configures: return gnu = any(self.wrksrc_grep(configure, r'\b(Free Software Foundation|autoconf)\b') for configure in configures) varname = 'GNU_CONFIGURE' if gnu else 'HAS_CONFIGURE' self.build_vars.append(Var(varname, '=', 'yes')) def adjust_cmake(self): if self.wrksrc_isfile('CMakeLists.txt'): self.includes.append('../../devel/cmake/build.mk') def adjust_gnu_make(self): if self.wrksrc_isfile('Makefile') \ and self.wrksrc_grep('Makefile', r'^(?:ifeq|ifdef)\b'): self.tools.add('gmake') def adjust_meson(self): if self.wrksrc_isfile('meson.build'): self.includes.append('../../devel/meson/build.mk') def adjust_gconf2_schemas(self): gconf2_files = self.wrksrc_find(r'\.schemas(\.in)*$') if gconf2_files: self.includes.append('../../devel/GConf/schemas.mk') for f in gconf2_files: self.extra_vars.append( Var('GCONF_SCHEMAS', '+=', re.sub(r'(\.in)+$', '', f))) def adjust_libtool(self): if self.wrksrc_isfile('ltconfig') or self.wrksrc_isfile('ltmain.sh'): self.build_vars.append(Var('USE_LIBTOOL', '=', 'yes')) if self.wrksrc_isdir('libltdl'): self.includes.append('../../devel/libltdl/convenience.mk') def adjust_perl_module_Build_PL(self): # Example packages: # devel/p5-Algorithm-CheckDigits cmd = f'{self.g.perl5} -I{self.g.libdir} -I. Build.PL' self.read_dependencies(cmd, {}, self.abs_wrksrc) self.tool_depends = [d for d in self.tool_depends if not d.startswith('p5-Module-Build')] self.build_vars.append(Var('PERL5_MODULE_TYPE', '=', 'Module::Build')) def adjust_perl_module_Makefile_PL(self): # Example packages: # devel/p5-Algorithm-Diff (no dependencies, no license) # devel/p5-Carp-Assert-More (dependencies without version numbers) # www/p5-HTML-Quoted (dependency with version number) # To avoid fix_up_makefile error for p5-HTML-Quoted, generate Makefile # first. cmd1 = f'{self.g.perl5} -I. Makefile.PL &0 2>&0' subprocess.call(cmd1, shell=True, cwd=self.abs_wrksrc) cmd2 = f'{self.g.perl5} -I{self.g.libdir} -I. Makefile.PL' self.read_dependencies(cmd2, {}, self.abs_wrksrc) def adjust_perl_module_homepage(self): if '${MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN:' \ not in self.makefile_lines.get('MASTER_SITES'): return homepage = self.makefile_lines.get('HOMEPAGE') if homepage == '' or not self.url.startswith(homepage): return distname = self.makefile_lines.get('DISTNAME') module_name = re.sub(r'-v?[0-9].*', '', distname).replace('-', '::') self.makefile_lines.set('HOMEPAGE', f'https://metacpan.org/pod/{module_name}') def adjust_perl_module(self): if self.wrksrc_isfile('Build.PL'): self.adjust_perl_module_Build_PL() elif self.wrksrc_isfile('Makefile.PL'): self.adjust_perl_module_Makefile_PL() else: return distname = self.makefile_lines.get('DISTNAME') packlist = re.sub(r'-v?[0-9].*', '', distname).replace('-', '/') self.build_vars.append( Var('PERL5_PACKLIST', '=', f'auto/{packlist}/.packlist')) self.includes.append('../../lang/perl5/module.mk') self.pkgname_prefix = 'p5-' self.categories.append('perl5') self.adjust_perl_module_homepage() try: (self.g.pkgdir / 'PLIST').unlink() except OSError: pass def adjust_python_module(self): # Example packages: # devel/py-ZopeComponent (dependencies, test dependencies) # devel/py-gflags (uses distutils.core instead of setuptools; # BSD license) # devel/py-gcovr (uses setuptools; BSD license) if not self.wrksrc_isfile('setup.py'): return cmd = f'{self.g.pythonbin} setup.py build' env = { 'PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE': 'x', 'PYTHONPATH': f'{self.g.libdir}/python' } self.read_dependencies(cmd, env, self.abs_wrksrc, python=True) self.pkgname_prefix = '${PYPKGPREFIX}-' self.categories.append('python') self.extra_vars.append(Var('PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE', '=', '27')) self.includes.append('../../lang/python/wheel.mk') def adjust_cargo(self): if not self.wrksrc_isfile('Cargo.lock'): return # pull name and version from package entries with self.wrksrc_open('Cargo.lock') as f: name = '' version = '' for line in f: if line.startswith('[[package]]'): # new package, reset name and version to be safe name = '' version = '' continue m = re.match(r'^name\s=\s"(\S+)"', line) if m: name = m[1] m = re.match(r'^version\s=\s"(\S+)"', line) if m: version = m[1] if re.match(r'^source\s=\s"(\S+)"', line): if name != '' and version != '': self.build_vars.append(Var( 'CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS', '+=', f'{name}-{version}' )) name = '' version = '' self.includes.append('../../lang/rust/cargo.mk') def adjust_pkg_config(self): def relevant(filename: str) -> bool: return filename.endswith('.pc.in') \ and not filename.endswith('-uninstalled.pc.in') pkg_config_files = self.wrksrc_find(relevant) if pkg_config_files: self.build_vars.append(Var('USE_TOOLS', '+=', 'pkg-config')) for f in pkg_config_files: self.extra_vars.append(Var('PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE', '+=', f)) def adjust_po(self): if self.wrksrc_find(r'\.(g?mo|po)$'): self.build_vars.append(Var('USE_PKGLOCALEDIR', '=', 'yes')) def adjust_use_languages(self): languages = [] if self.wrksrc_find(r'\.(c|xs)$'): languages.append('c') if self.wrksrc_find(r'\.(cpp|c\+\+|cxx|cc|C)$'): languages.append('c++') if self.wrksrc_find(r'\.f$'): languages.append('fortran') use_languages = ' '.join(languages) if use_languages == '': use_languages = '# none' if use_languages != 'c': self.build_vars.append(Var('USE_LANGUAGES', '=', use_languages)) def determine_wrksrc(self): """ Sets abs_wrksrc depending on abs_wrkdir and the files found there. """ subdirs = sorted([f.name for f in self.abs_wrkdir.glob('*') if f.is_dir() and not f.name.startswith('.')]) if len(subdirs) == 1: if subdirs[0] != self.makefile_lines.get('DISTNAME'): self.build_vars.append( Var('WRKSRC', '=', '${WRKDIR}/' + subdirs[0])) self.abs_wrksrc = self.abs_wrkdir / subdirs[0] elif len(subdirs) == 0: self.build_vars.append(Var('WRKSRC', '=', '${WRKDIR}')) self.abs_wrksrc = self.abs_wrkdir else: choices = ' '.join(subdirs) wrksrc = f'${{WRKDIR}} # TODO: one of {choices}, or leave it as-is' self.build_vars.append(Var('WRKSRC', '=', wrksrc)) self.abs_wrksrc = self.abs_wrkdir def adjust_lines_python_module(self, lines: Lines): initial_lines = self.initial_lines # generated by url2pkg edited_lines = self.makefile_lines # edited by the package developer if 'python' not in lines.get('CATEGORIES'): return if lines.get('GITHUB_PROJECT') == '': return # don't risk overwriting any changes made by the package developer. if edited_lines.lines != initial_lines.lines: lines.lines.insert(-2, '# TODO: Migrate MASTER_SITES ' 'to MASTER_SITE_PYPI') return pkgbase = initial_lines.get('GITHUB_PROJECT') pkgbase1 = pkgbase[:1] if pkgbase != '' else '' pkgversion_norev = re.sub(r'^v', '', initial_lines.get('DISTNAME')) tx_lines = Lines(*self.makefile_lines.lines) if not (tx_lines.remove('GITHUB_PROJECT') and tx_lines.set('DISTNAME', f'{pkgbase}-{pkgversion_norev}') and tx_lines.set('PKGNAME', '${PYPKGPREFIX}-${DISTNAME}') and tx_lines.set('MASTER_SITES', f'${{MASTER_SITE_PYPI:=' f'{pkgbase1}/{pkgbase}/}}') and tx_lines.remove('DIST_SUBDIR')): return tx_lines.remove_if('GITHUB_TAG', initial_lines.get('DISTNAME')) tx_lines.remove_if('EXTRACT_SUFX', '.zip') g = self.g try_mk = g.pkgdir / 'try-pypi.mk' tx_lines.write_to(try_mk) args = [g.make, '-f', str(try_mk), 'distinfo'] g.debug('running {0} to try PyPI', args) fetch_ok = subprocess.call(args, cwd=g.pkgdir) == 0 try_mk.unlink() if not fetch_ok: return lines.lines = tx_lines.lines self.regenerate_distinfo = True def generate_lines(self) -> Lines: marker_index = self.makefile_lines.index(r'^# url2pkg-marker') if marker_index == -1: sys.exit('error: didn\'t find the url2pkg marker in the Makefile.') lines = Lines(*self.makefile_lines.lines[: marker_index]) if lines.get('PKGNAME') == '' and \ (self.pkgname_prefix != '' or self.pkgname_transform != ''): distname_index = lines.index(r'^DISTNAME=(\t+)') if distname_index != -1: pkgname_line = f'PKGNAME=\t{self.pkgname_prefix}' \ f'${{DISTNAME{self.pkgname_transform}}}' lines.lines.insert(distname_index + 1, pkgname_line) if self.todos: for todo in self.todos: lines.add('# TODO: ' + todo) lines.add('') depend_vars = [] depend_vars.extend( Var('BUILD_DEPENDS', '+=', d) for d in self.build_depends) depend_vars.extend( Var('TOOL_DEPENDS', '+=', d) for d in self.tool_depends) depend_vars.extend( Var('DEPENDS', '+=', d) for d in self.depends) depend_vars.extend( Var('TEST_DEPENDS', '+=', d) for d in self.test_depends) lines.add_vars(*depend_vars) build_vars = self.build_vars if self.tools: build_vars.append( Var('USE_TOOLS', '+=', ' '.join(sorted(self.tools)))) lines.add_vars(*build_vars) lines.add_vars(*self.extra_vars) lines.add(*self.bl3_lines) lines.add(*(f'.include "{include}"' for include in self.includes)) lines.add(*self.makefile_lines.lines[marker_index + 1:]) lines.append('CATEGORIES', ' '.join(self.categories)) self.adjust_lines_python_module(lines) return lines def adjust(self): def scan(basedir: Union[Path, Any], only: Callable[[Path], bool]) -> List[str]: relevant = (f for f in basedir.rglob('*') if only(f)) relative = (str(f.relative_to(basedir)) for f in relevant) return sorted((f for f in relative if not f.startswith('.'))) self.g.debug('Adjusting the Makefile') self.makefile_lines = Lines.read_from(self.g.pkgdir / 'Makefile') self.abs_wrkdir = Path(self.g.show_var('WRKDIR')) self.determine_wrksrc() self.wrksrc_dirs = scan(self.abs_wrksrc, Path.is_dir) self.wrksrc_files = scan(self.abs_wrksrc, Path.is_file) self.adjust_descr() self.adjust_configure() self.adjust_cmake() self.adjust_gnu_make() self.adjust_meson() self.adjust_gconf2_schemas() self.adjust_libtool() self.adjust_perl_module() self.adjust_python_module() self.adjust_cargo() self.adjust_pkg_config() self.adjust_po() self.adjust_use_languages() self.generate_lines().write_to(self.g.pkgdir / 'Makefile') descr = (self.g.pkgdir / 'DESCR') descr.is_file() or Lines(*self.descr_lines).write_to(descr) if self.regenerate_distinfo: self.g.bmake('distinfo') def usage() -> NoReturn: sys.exit(f'usage: {sys.argv[0]} [-v|--verbose] URL') def main(argv: List[str], g: Globals): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'v', ['verbose']) for (opt, _) in opts: if opt in ('-v', '--verbose'): g.verbose = True except getopt.GetoptError: usage() url = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else usage() if not re.fullmatch(r'\w+://[!-~]+?/[!-~]+', url): sys.exit(f'url2pkg: invalid URL: {url}') if os.path.isfile('../mk/bsd.pkg.mk'): vars = PackageVars(url, Path('..')) dir = vars.package_dir() if dir == '': sys.exit(f'url2pkg: cannot determine package directory ' f'from distname \'{vars.distname}\'; it must contain a version number') if Path(dir).exists(): sys.exit(f'url2pkg: package directory \'{dir}\' already exists') os.mkdir(dir) os.chdir(dir) if not os.path.isfile('../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk'): sys.exit(f'{argv[0]}: must be run from a package or category directory ' f'(.../pkgsrc/category[/package])') initial_lines = Generator(url).generate_package(g) Adjuster(g, url, initial_lines).adjust() g.bmake('clean') g.bmake('extract') g.out.write('\n') g.out.write('Remember to run pkglint when you\'re done.\n') g.out.write('See ../../doc/pkgsrc.txt to get some help.\n') g.out.write('\n') if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(sys.argv, Globals()) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1)