# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.27 2023/12/05 19:46:02 bsiegert Exp $ DISTNAME= gospt-0.0.52 PKGREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= audio MASTER_SITES= -https://git.asdf.cafe/abs3nt/gospt/archive/v${PKGVERSION_NOREV}.tar.gz MAINTAINER= pin@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= https://git.asdf.cafe/abs3nt/gospt/ COMMENT= Spotify TUI and CLI LICENSE= mit # gospt is not really a Spotify client but, more of a client controller. # You will need a client like 'librespot' or, 'spotifyd' running in the # backgroud and to set that as device in gospt. WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PKGBASE} .include "go-modules.mk" .include "../../lang/go/go-module.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"