''' This module contains helper classes for alignment arithmetic and checks ''' from fractions import gcd class Alignment(object): def __init__(self, align=4, offset=0): self.align = align # normalize the offset (just in case) self.offset = offset % align def __eq__(self, other): return self.align == other.align and self.offset == other.offset def __str__(self): return "(align=%d, offset=%d)" % (self.align, self.offset) @staticmethod def for_primitive_type(size): # compute the required start_alignment based on the size of the type if size % 8 == 0: # do 8-byte primitives require 8-byte alignment in X11? return Alignment(8,0) elif size % 4 == 0: return Alignment(4,0) elif size % 2 == 0: return Alignment(2,0) else: return Alignment(1,0) def align_after_fixed_size(self, size): new_offset = (self.offset + size) % self.align return Alignment(self.align, new_offset) def is_guaranteed_at(self, external_align): ''' Assuming the given external_align, checks whether self is fulfilled for all cases. Returns True if yes, False otherwise. ''' if self.align == 1 and self.offset == 0: # alignment 1 with offset 0 is always fulfilled return True if external_align is None: # there is no external align -> fail return False if external_align.align < self.align: # the external align guarantees less alignment -> not guaranteed return False if external_align.align % self.align != 0: # the external align cannot be divided by our align # -> not guaranteed # (this can only happen if there are alignments that are not # a power of 2, which is highly discouraged. But better be # safe and check for it) return False if external_align.offset % self.align != self.offset: # offsets do not match return False return True def combine_with(self, other): # returns the alignment that is guaranteed when # both, self or other, can happen new_align = gcd(self.align, other.align) new_offset_candidate1 = self.offset % new_align new_offset_candidate2 = other.offset % new_align if new_offset_candidate1 == new_offset_candidate2: new_offset = new_offset_candidate1 else: offset_diff = abs(new_offset_candidate2 - new_offset_candidate1) new_align = gcd(new_align, offset_diff) new_offset_candidate1 = self.offset % new_align new_offset_candidate2 = other.offset % new_align assert new_offset_candidate1 == new_offset_candidate2 new_offset = new_offset_candidate1 # return the result return Alignment(new_align, new_offset) class AlignmentLog(object): def __init__(self): self.ok_list = [] self.fail_list = [] self.verbosity = 1 def __str__(self): result = "" # output the OK-list for (align_before, field_name, type_obj, callstack, align_after) in self.ok_list: stacksize = len(callstack) indent = ' ' * stacksize if self.ok_callstack_is_relevant(callstack): if field_name is None or field_name == "": result += (" %sok: %s:\n\t%sbefore: %s, after: %s\n" % (indent, str(type_obj), indent, str(align_before), str(align_after))) else: result += (" %sok: field \"%s\" in %s:\n\t%sbefore: %s, after: %s\n" % (indent, str(field_name), str(type_obj), indent, str(align_before), str(align_after))) if self.verbosity >= 1: result += self.callstack_to_str(indent, callstack) # output the fail-list for (align_before, field_name, type_obj, callstack, reason) in self.fail_list: stacksize = len(callstack) indent = ' ' * stacksize if field_name is None or field_name == "": result += (" %sfail: align %s is incompatible with\n\t%s%s\n\t%sReason: %s\n" % (indent, str(align_before), indent, str(type_obj), indent, reason)) else: result += (" %sfail: align %s is incompatible with\n\t%sfield \"%s\" in %s\n\t%sReason: %s\n" % (indent, str(align_before), indent, str(field_name), str(type_obj), indent, reason)) if self.verbosity >= 1: result += self.callstack_to_str(indent, callstack) return result def callstack_to_str(self, indent, callstack): result = "\t%scallstack: [\n" % indent for stack_elem in callstack: result += "\t %s%s\n" % (indent, str(stack_elem)) result += "\t%s]\n" % indent return result def ok_callstack_is_relevant(self, ok_callstack): # determine whether an ok callstack is relevant for logging if self.verbosity >= 2: return True # empty callstacks are always relevant if len(ok_callstack) == 0: return True # check whether the ok_callstack is a subset or equal to a fail_callstack for (align_before, field_name, type_obj, fail_callstack, reason) in self.fail_list: if len(ok_callstack) <= len(fail_callstack): zipped = zip(ok_callstack, fail_callstack[:len(ok_callstack)]) is_subset = all([i == j for i, j in zipped]) if is_subset: return True return False def ok(self, align_before, field_name, type_obj, callstack, align_after): self.ok_list.append((align_before, field_name, type_obj, callstack, align_after)) def fail(self, align_before, field_name, type_obj, callstack, reason): self.fail_list.append((align_before, field_name, type_obj, callstack, reason)) def append(self, other): self.ok_list.extend(other.ok_list) self.fail_list.extend(other.fail_list) def ok_count(self): return len(self.ok_list)