=pod =head1 NAME DEFINE_STACK_OF, DEFINE_STACK_OF_CONST, DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF, DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF_CONST, sk_TYPE_num, sk_TYPE_value, sk_TYPE_new, sk_TYPE_new_null, sk_TYPE_reserve, sk_TYPE_free, sk_TYPE_zero, sk_TYPE_delete, sk_TYPE_delete_ptr, sk_TYPE_push, sk_TYPE_unshift, sk_TYPE_pop, sk_TYPE_shift, sk_TYPE_pop_free, sk_TYPE_insert, sk_TYPE_set, sk_TYPE_find, sk_TYPE_find_ex, sk_TYPE_sort, sk_TYPE_is_sorted, sk_TYPE_dup, sk_TYPE_deep_copy, sk_TYPE_set_cmp_func, sk_TYPE_new_reserve - stack container =head1 SYNOPSIS =for comment generic #include STACK_OF(TYPE) DEFINE_STACK_OF(TYPE) DEFINE_STACK_OF_CONST(TYPE) DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF(FUNCTYPE, TYPE) DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF_CONST(FUNCTYPE, TYPE) typedef int (*sk_TYPE_compfunc)(const TYPE *const *a, const TYPE *const *b); typedef TYPE * (*sk_TYPE_copyfunc)(const TYPE *a); typedef void (*sk_TYPE_freefunc)(TYPE *a); int sk_TYPE_num(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk); TYPE *sk_TYPE_value(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx); STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_new(sk_TYPE_compfunc compare); STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_new_null(void); int sk_TYPE_reserve(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int n); void sk_TYPE_free(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk); void sk_TYPE_zero(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk); TYPE *sk_TYPE_delete(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int i); TYPE *sk_TYPE_delete_ptr(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr); int sk_TYPE_push(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, const TYPE *ptr); int sk_TYPE_unshift(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, const TYPE *ptr); TYPE *sk_TYPE_pop(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk); TYPE *sk_TYPE_shift(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk); void sk_TYPE_pop_free(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, sk_TYPE_freefunc freefunc); int sk_TYPE_insert(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr, int idx); TYPE *sk_TYPE_set(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx, const TYPE *ptr); int sk_TYPE_find(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr); int sk_TYPE_find_ex(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, TYPE *ptr); void sk_TYPE_sort(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk); int sk_TYPE_is_sorted(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk); STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_dup(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk); STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_deep_copy(const STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, sk_TYPE_copyfunc copyfunc, sk_TYPE_freefunc freefunc); sk_TYPE_compfunc (*sk_TYPE_set_cmp_func(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, sk_TYPE_compfunc compare)); STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk_TYPE_new_reserve(sk_TYPE_compfunc compare, int n); =head1 DESCRIPTION Applications can create and use their own stacks by placing any of the macros described below in a header file. These macros define typesafe inline functions that wrap around the utility B API. In the description here, I is used as a placeholder for any of the OpenSSL datatypes, such as I. STACK_OF() returns the name for a stack of the specified B. DEFINE_STACK_OF() creates set of functions for a stack of B. This will mean that type B is stored in each stack, the type is referenced by STACK_OF(TYPE) and each function name begins with I. For example: TYPE *sk_TYPE_value(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx); DEFINE_STACK_OF_CONST() is identical to DEFINE_STACK_OF() except each element is constant. For example: const TYPE *sk_TYPE_value(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx); DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF() defines a stack of B but each function uses B in the function name. For example: TYPE *sk_FUNCNAME_value(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx); DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF_CONST() is similar except that each element is constant: const TYPE *sk_FUNCNAME_value(STACK_OF(TYPE) *sk, int idx); sk_TYPE_num() returns the number of elements in B or -1 if B is B. sk_TYPE_value() returns element B in B, where B starts at zero. If B is out of range then B is returned. sk_TYPE_new() allocates a new empty stack using comparison function B. If B is B then no comparison function is used. This function is equivalent to sk_TYPE_new_reserve(compare, 0). sk_TYPE_new_null() allocates a new empty stack with no comparison function. This function is equivalent to sk_TYPE_new_reserve(NULL, 0). sk_TYPE_reserve() allocates additional memory in the B structure such that the next B calls to sk_TYPE_insert(), sk_TYPE_push() or sk_TYPE_unshift() will not fail or cause memory to be allocated or reallocated. If B is zero, any excess space allocated in the B structure is freed. On error B is unchanged. sk_TYPE_new_reserve() allocates a new stack. The new stack will have additional memory allocated to hold B elements if B is positive. The next B calls to sk_TYPE_insert(), sk_TYPE_push() or sk_TYPE_unshift() will not fail or cause memory to be allocated or reallocated. If B is zero or less than zero, no memory is allocated. sk_TYPE_new_reserve() also sets the comparison function B to the newly created stack. If B is B then no comparison function is used. sk_TYPE_set_cmp_func() sets the comparison function of B to B. The previous comparison function is returned or B if there was no previous comparison function. sk_TYPE_free() frees up the B structure. It does B free up any elements of B. After this call B is no longer valid. sk_TYPE_zero() sets the number of elements in B to zero. It does not free B so after this call B is still valid. sk_TYPE_pop_free() frees up all elements of B and B itself. The free function freefunc() is called on each element to free it. sk_TYPE_delete() deletes element B from B. It returns the deleted element or B if B is out of range. sk_TYPE_delete_ptr() deletes element matching B from B. It returns the deleted element or B if no element matching B was found. sk_TYPE_insert() inserts B into B at position B. Any existing elements at or after B are moved downwards. If B is out of range the new element is appended to B. sk_TYPE_insert() either returns the number of elements in B after the new element is inserted or zero if an error (such as memory allocation failure) occurred. sk_TYPE_push() appends B to B it is equivalent to: sk_TYPE_insert(sk, ptr, -1); sk_TYPE_unshift() inserts B at the start of B it is equivalent to: sk_TYPE_insert(sk, ptr, 0); sk_TYPE_pop() returns and removes the last element from B. sk_TYPE_shift() returns and removes the first element from B. sk_TYPE_set() sets element B of B to B replacing the current element. The new element value is returned or B if an error occurred: this will only happen if B is B or B is out of range. sk_TYPE_find() searches B for the element B. In the case where no comparison function has been specified, the function performs a linear search for a pointer equal to B. The index of the first matching element is returned or B<-1> if there is no match. In the case where a comparison function has been specified, B is sorted then sk_TYPE_find() returns the index of a matching element or B<-1> if there is no match. Note that, in this case, the matching element returned is not guaranteed to be the first; the comparison function will usually compare the values pointed to rather than the pointers themselves and the order of elements in B could change. sk_TYPE_find_ex() operates like sk_TYPE_find() except when a comparison function has been specified and no matching element is found. Instead of returning B<-1>, sk_TYPE_find_ex() returns the index of the element either before or after the location where B would be if it were present in B. sk_TYPE_sort() sorts B using the supplied comparison function. sk_TYPE_is_sorted() returns B<1> if B is sorted and B<0> otherwise. sk_TYPE_dup() returns a copy of B. Note the pointers in the copy are identical to the original. sk_TYPE_deep_copy() returns a new stack where each element has been copied. Copying is performed by the supplied copyfunc() and freeing by freefunc(). The function freefunc() is only called if an error occurs. =head1 NOTES Care should be taken when accessing stacks in multi-threaded environments. Any operation which increases the size of a stack such as sk_TYPE_insert() or sk_push() can "grow" the size of an internal array and cause race conditions if the same stack is accessed in a different thread. Operations such as sk_find() and sk_sort() can also reorder the stack. Any comparison function supplied should use a metric suitable for use in a binary search operation. That is it should return zero, a positive or negative value if B is equal to, greater than or less than B respectively. Care should be taken when checking the return values of the functions sk_TYPE_find() and sk_TYPE_find_ex(). They return an index to the matching element. In particular B<0> indicates a matching first element. A failed search is indicated by a B<-1> return value. STACK_OF(), DEFINE_STACK_OF(), DEFINE_STACK_OF_CONST(), and DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF() are implemented as macros. The underlying utility B API should not be used directly. It defines these functions: OPENSSL_sk_deep_copy(), OPENSSL_sk_delete(), OPENSSL_sk_delete_ptr(), OPENSSL_sk_dup(), OPENSSL_sk_find(), OPENSSL_sk_find_ex(), OPENSSL_sk_free(), OPENSSL_sk_insert(), OPENSSL_sk_is_sorted(), OPENSSL_sk_new(), OPENSSL_sk_new_null(), OPENSSL_sk_num(), OPENSSL_sk_pop(), OPENSSL_sk_pop_free(), OPENSSL_sk_push(), OPENSSL_sk_reserve(), OPENSSL_sk_set(), OPENSSL_sk_set_cmp_func(), OPENSSL_sk_shift(), OPENSSL_sk_sort(), OPENSSL_sk_unshift(), OPENSSL_sk_value(), OPENSSL_sk_zero(). =head1 RETURN VALUES sk_TYPE_num() returns the number of elements in the stack or B<-1> if the passed stack is B. sk_TYPE_value() returns a pointer to a stack element or B if the index is out of range. sk_TYPE_new(), sk_TYPE_new_null() and sk_TYPE_new_reserve() return an empty stack or B if an error occurs. sk_TYPE_reserve() returns B<1> on successful allocation of the required memory or B<0> on error. sk_TYPE_set_cmp_func() returns the old comparison function or B if there was no old comparison function. sk_TYPE_free(), sk_TYPE_zero(), sk_TYPE_pop_free() and sk_TYPE_sort() do not return values. sk_TYPE_pop(), sk_TYPE_shift(), sk_TYPE_delete() and sk_TYPE_delete_ptr() return a pointer to the deleted element or B on error. sk_TYPE_insert(), sk_TYPE_push() and sk_TYPE_unshift() return the total number of elements in the stack and 0 if an error occurred. sk_TYPE_push() further returns -1 if B is B. sk_TYPE_set() returns a pointer to the replacement element or B on error. sk_TYPE_find() and sk_TYPE_find_ex() return an index to the found element or B<-1> on error. sk_TYPE_is_sorted() returns B<1> if the stack is sorted and B<0> if it is not. sk_TYPE_dup() and sk_TYPE_deep_copy() return a pointer to the copy of the stack. =head1 HISTORY Before OpenSSL 1.1.0, this was implemented via macros and not inline functions and was not a public API. sk_TYPE_reserve() and sk_TYPE_new_reserve() were added in OpenSSL 1.1.1. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000-2017 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at L. =cut