.Dd December 19, 2018
.Nm sqlite3changeset_apply_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3changeset_concat_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3changeset_invert_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3changeset_start_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3session_changeset_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3session_patchset_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3changegroup_add_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3changegroup_output_strm ,
.Nm sqlite3rebaser_rebase_strm
.Nd Streaming Versions of API functions.
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3changeset_apply_strm
.Fa "sqlite3 *db"
.Fa "int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pIn"
.Fa "int(*xFilter)( void *pCtx,                   const char *zTab              )"
.Fa "int(*xConflict)( void *pCtx,                   int eConflict,                sqlite3_changeset_iter *p     )"
.Fa "void *pCtx                      "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm
.Fa "sqlite3 *db"
.Fa "int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pIn"
.Fa "int(*xFilter)( void *pCtx,                   const char *zTab              )"
.Fa "int(*xConflict)( void *pCtx,                   int eConflict,                sqlite3_changeset_iter *p     )"
.Fa "void *pCtx"
.Fa "void **ppRebase"
.Fa "int *pnRebase"
.Fa "int flags "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3changeset_concat_strm
.Fa "int (*xInputA)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pInA"
.Fa "int (*xInputB)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pInB"
.Fa "int (*xOutput)(void *pOut, const void *pData, int nData)"
.Fa "void *pOut "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3changeset_invert_strm
.Fa "int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pIn"
.Fa "int (*xOutput)(void *pOut, const void *pData, int nData)"
.Fa "void *pOut "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3changeset_start_strm
.Fa "sqlite3_changeset_iter **pp"
.Fa "int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pIn "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm
.Fa "sqlite3_changeset_iter **pp"
.Fa "int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pIn"
.Fa "int flags "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3session_changeset_strm
.Fa "sqlite3_session *pSession"
.Fa "int (*xOutput)(void *pOut, const void *pData, int nData)"
.Fa "void *pOut "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3session_patchset_strm
.Fa "sqlite3_session *pSession"
.Fa "int (*xOutput)(void *pOut, const void *pData, int nData)"
.Fa "void *pOut "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3changegroup_add_strm
.Fa "sqlite3_changegroup*"
.Fa "int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pIn "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3changegroup_output_strm
.Fa "sqlite3_changegroup*"
.Fa "int (*xOutput)(void *pOut, const void *pData, int nData)"
.Fa "void *pOut "
.Ft int 
.Fo sqlite3rebaser_rebase_strm
.Fa "sqlite3_rebaser *pRebaser"
.Fa "int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData)"
.Fa "void *pIn"
.Fa "int (*xOutput)(void *pOut, const void *pData, int nData)"
.Fa "void *pOut "
The six streaming API xxx_strm() functions serve similar purposes to
the corresponding non-streaming API functions: 
<table border=1 style="margin-left:8ex;margin-right:8ex"> <tr><th>Streaming
function<th>Non-streaming equivalent</th> <tr><td>sqlite3changeset_apply_strm<td>sqlite3changeset_apply
Non-streaming functions that accept changesets (or patchsets) as input
require that the entire changeset be stored in a single buffer in memory.
Similarly, those that return a changeset or patchset do so by returning
a pointer to a single large buffer allocated using sqlite3_malloc().
Normally this is convenient.
However, if an application running in a low-memory environment is required
to handle very large changesets, the large contiguous memory allocations
required can become onerous.
In order to avoid this problem, instead of a single large buffer, input
is passed to a streaming API functions by way of a callback function
that the sessions module invokes to incrementally request input data
as it is required.
In all cases, a pair of API function parameters such as 
.Bd -literal
      int nChangeset,       void *pChangeset, 
Is replaced by: 
.Bd -literal
      int (*xInput)(void *pIn, void *pData, int *pnData),       void
Each time the xInput callback is invoked by the sessions module, the
first argument passed is a copy of the supplied pIn context pointer.
The second argument, pData, points to a buffer (*pnData) bytes in size.
Assuming no error occurs the xInput method should copy up to (*pnData)
bytes of data into the buffer and set (*pnData) to the actual number
of bytes copied before returning SQLITE_OK.
If the input is completely exhausted, (*pnData) should be set to zero
to indicate this.
Or, if an error occurs, an SQLite error code should be returned.
In all cases, if an xInput callback returns an error, all processing
is abandoned and the streaming API function returns a copy of the error
code to the caller.
In the case of sqlite3changeset_start_strm(), the xInput callback may
be invoked by the sessions module at any point during the lifetime
of the iterator.
If such an xInput callback returns an error, the iterator enters an
error state, whereby all subsequent calls to iterator functions immediately
fail with the same error code as returned by xInput.
Similarly, streaming API functions that return changesets (or patchsets)
return them in chunks by way of a callback function instead of via
a pointer to a single large buffer.
In this case, a pair of parameters such as: 
.Bd -literal
      int *pnChangeset,       void **ppChangeset, 
Is replaced by: 
.Bd -literal
      int (*xOutput)(void *pOut, const void *pData, int nData),   
void *pOut 
The xOutput callback is invoked zero or more times to return data to
the application.
The first parameter passed to each call is a copy of the pOut pointer
supplied by the application.
The second parameter, pData, points to a buffer nData bytes in size
containing the chunk of output data being returned.
If the xOutput callback successfully processes the supplied data, it
should return SQLITE_OK to indicate success.
Otherwise, it should return some other SQLite error code.
In this case processing is immediately abandoned and the streaming
API function returns a copy of the xOutput error code to the application.
The sessions module never invokes an xOutput callback with the third
parameter set to a value less than or equal to zero.
Other than this, no guarantees are made as to the size of the chunks
of data returned.
.Xr sqlite3changeset_apply 3 ,
.Xr sqlite3changeset_concat 3 ,
.Xr sqlite3changeset_invert 3 ,
.Xr sqlite3changeset_start 3 ,
.Xr sqlite3session_changeset 3 ,
.Xr sqlite3session_patchset 3