
# Extract parameter definitions from the sample-mumble.cf files in
# order to build the postconf raw data file from which everything
# will be regenerated.


# Suck in the parameter definition text. Skip non-parameter blocks.
# Strip all but the body text (i.e. strip off the non-comment line
# that shows the default, since we will use postconf output to supply
# the actual values).

while(<>) {
    if (/^[^#]/) {
	if ($param_name && $saved_text) {
	    $saved_text =~ s/^(\n|#|\s)+//;
	    $saved_text =~ s/(\n|#|\s)+$//;
	    $saved_text =~ s/^# ?/\n/;
	    $saved_text =~ s/\n# ?/\n/g;
	    $definition{$param_name} = $saved_text;
	    $param_name = $saved_text = "";
    if (/^#/ && $param_name) {
	$saved_text .= $_;
    if (/^# The (\S+) (configuration )?parameter/) {
	$param_name = $1;
	$saved_text = $_;

# Read all the default parameter values. This also provides us with
# a list of all the parameters that postconf knows about.

open(POSTCONF, "$POSTCONF -d|") || die "cannot run $POSTCONF: !$\n";
while(<POSTCONF>) {
    if (($name, $value) = split(/\s+=\s+/, $_, 2)) {
	$defaults{$name} = $value;
    } else {
	warn "unexpected $POSTCONF output: $_\n";
close(POSTCONF) || die "$POSTCONF failed: $!\n"; 

# Print all parameter definition text that we found, and warn about
# missing definition text.

for $param_name (sort keys %defaults) {
   if (defined($definition{$param_name})) {
	print "#DEFINE $param_name\n\n";
	print $definition{$param_name};
	print "\n\n";
   } else {
	warn "No definition found for $param_name\n";