# Files for which we are not the source.

# In the "Local Modifications" fields below, "I" means the source files were
# imported using the CVS import command and "NI" means CVS import was not used.

Stream compression and decompression libraries.
License: zlib/README (Public Domain, but do not misrepresent source.)
Bug Report Email: bug-zlib@gnu.org
GNU Web Page: http://www.gnu.org/directory/GNU/zlib.html
Last Web Location: http://www.zlib.net
Previous Web Location: http://www.gzip.org/zlib

Imported files					CVS		Local
						Directory	Modifications
----------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
$GNUZLIB/*					zlib		build scripts
								only I

GNU Diffutils
License: GPL
Bug Report Email: bug-gnu-utils@gnu.org
GNU Web Page: http://www.gnu.org/directory/GNU/diffutils.html
Project Web Page: http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/diffutils/

Imported files					CVS		Local
						Directory	Modifications
----------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
$GNUDIFF/*					diff		yes NI

Portable implementations of useful functions found on some platforms but not
others.  We update these files directly from the GNULIB CVS repository.
Only files which cannot be autoupdated by running the gnulib-update script in
this directory are tracked here.
License: GPL
Bug Report Email: bug-gnulib@gnu.org
Project Web Page: http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnulib
CVS Repository (via SSH): :ext:anoncvs@savannah.gnu.org/cvsroot/gnulib

Imported files					CVS		Local
						Directory	Modifications
----------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
# The following error module is only half-imported to support getdate.y's test
# hooks when xmalloc, which calls error(), is needed.  We cannot completely
# import the error module since it would conflict with CVS's error() function,
# which is needed to send errors across the connection to the client.
# $GNULIB/modules/error
$GNULIB/lib/error.c				lib		no NI
$GNULIB/lib/error.h				lib		no NI
$GNULIB/m4/strerror_r.m4			lib		no NI

Windows stat() substitute which works around bass ackwards file time problems
on Windows.
License: GPL
Bug Report Email: ???
Project Web Page: http://www.codeproject.com/datetime/dstbugs.asp

Imported files					CVS		Local
						Directory	Modifications
----------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
JmgStat.c                                       windows-NT      yes NI
JmgStat.h                                       windows-NT      yes NI