# Set `UseCVSACL' to yes to use CVS ACL feature.

# Default CVS ACL Permission are to use.

# Default file location for CVS ACL file (access) is CVSROOT/access.
# If you want to use a different location, define it below.

# Set `UseSystemGroups' to yes to use system group definitions (/etc/group).

# Set `UseCVSGroups' to yes to use another group file.

# Default file location for CVS groups file is CVSROOT/group.
# If you want to use a different location, define it below.

# Set UseSeparateACLFileForEachDir to yes in order to use a
# separate 'access' file for each directory.
# This increased the performance if you have really big repository.

# If StopAtFirstPermissionDenied is set to yes
# operation will stop at first permission denied message.
# Default is no.

# Set CVSServerRunAsUser to a system user, in order CVS server
# to run as.