/* $NetBSD: html.c,v 1.2 2020/06/05 12:47:28 rin Exp $ */ /* html.c -- html-related utilities. Id: html.c,v 1.28 2004/12/06 01:13:06 karl Exp Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "system.h" #include "cmds.h" #include "files.h" #include "html.h" #include "lang.h" #include "makeinfo.h" #include "node.h" #include "sectioning.h" /* Append CHAR to BUFFER, (re)allocating as necessary. We don't handle null characters. */ typedef struct { unsigned size; /* allocated */ unsigned length; /* used */ char *buffer; } buffer_type; static buffer_type * init_buffer (void) { buffer_type *buf = xmalloc (sizeof (buffer_type)); buf->length = 0; buf->size = 0; buf->buffer = NULL; return buf; } static void append_char (buffer_type *buf, int c) { buf->length++; if (buf->length >= buf->size) { buf->size += 100; buf->buffer = xrealloc (buf->buffer, buf->size); } buf->buffer[buf->length - 1] = c; buf->buffer[buf->length] = 0; } /* Read the cascading style-sheet file FILENAME. Write out any @import commands, which must come first, by the definition of css. If the file contains any actual css code following the @imports, return it; else return NULL. */ static char * process_css_file (char *filename) { int c; int lastchar = 0; FILE *f; buffer_type *import_text = init_buffer (); buffer_type *inline_text = init_buffer (); unsigned lineno = 1; enum { null_state, comment_state, import_state, inline_state } state = null_state, prev_state; prev_state = null_state; /* read from stdin if `-' is the filename. */ f = STREQ (filename, "-") ? stdin : fopen (filename, "r"); if (!f) { error (_("%s: could not open --css-file: %s"), progname, filename); return NULL; } /* Read the file. The @import statements must come at the beginning, with only whitespace and comments allowed before any inline css code. */ while ((c = getc (f)) >= 0) { if (c == '\n') lineno++; switch (state) { case null_state: /* between things */ if (c == '@') { /* Only @import and @charset should switch into import_state, other @-commands, such as @media, should put us into inline_state. I don't think any other css @-commands start with `i' or `c', although of course this will break when such a command is defined. */ int nextchar = getc (f); if (nextchar == 'i' || nextchar == 'c') { append_char (import_text, c); state = import_state; } else { ungetc (nextchar, f); /* wasn't an @import */ state = inline_state; } } else if (c == '/') { /* possible start of a comment */ int nextchar = getc (f); if (nextchar == '*') state = comment_state; else { ungetc (nextchar, f); /* wasn't a comment */ state = inline_state; } } else if (isspace (c)) ; /* skip whitespace; maybe should use c_isspace? */ else /* not an @import, not a comment, not whitespace: we must have started the inline text. */ state = inline_state; if (state == inline_state) append_char (inline_text, c); if (state != null_state) prev_state = null_state; break; case comment_state: if (c == '/' && lastchar == '*') state = prev_state; /* end of comment */ break; /* else ignore this comment char */ case import_state: append_char (import_text, c); /* include this import char */ if (c == ';') { /* done with @import */ append_char (import_text, '\n'); /* make the output nice */ state = null_state; prev_state = import_state; } break; case inline_state: /* No harm in writing out comments, so don't bother parsing them out, just append everything. */ append_char (inline_text, c); break; } lastchar = c; } /* Reached the end of the file. We should not be still in a comment. */ if (state == comment_state) warning (_("%s:%d: --css-file ended in comment"), filename, lineno); /* Write the @import text, if any. */ if (import_text->buffer) { add_word (import_text->buffer); free (import_text->buffer); free (import_text); } /* We're wasting the buffer struct memory, but so what. */ return inline_text->buffer; } HSTACK *htmlstack = NULL; /* See html.h. */ int html_output_head_p = 0; int html_title_written = 0; void html_output_head (void) { static const char *html_title = NULL; char *encoding; if (html_output_head_p) return; html_output_head_p = 1; encoding = current_document_encoding (); /* The <title> should not have markup, so use text_expansion. */ if (!html_title) html_title = escape_string (title ? text_expansion (title) : (char *) _("Untitled")); /* Make sure this is the very first string of the output document. */ output_paragraph_offset = 0; add_html_block_elt_args ("<html lang=\"%s\">\n<head>\n", language_table[language_code].abbrev); /* When splitting, add current node's name to title if it's available and not Top. */ if (splitting && current_node && !STREQ (current_node, "Top")) add_word_args ("<title>%s - %s</title>\n", escape_string (xstrdup (current_node)), html_title); else add_word_args ("<title>%s</title>\n", html_title); add_word ("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html"); if (encoding && *encoding) add_word_args ("; charset=%s", encoding); add_word ("\">\n"); if (!document_description) document_description = html_title; add_word_args ("<meta name=\"description\" content=\"%s\">\n", document_description); add_word_args ("<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"makeinfo %s\">\n", VERSION); /* Navigation bar links. */ if (!splitting) add_word ("<link title=\"Top\" rel=\"top\" href=\"#Top\">\n"); else if (tag_table) { /* Always put a top link. */ add_word ("<link title=\"Top\" rel=\"start\" href=\"index.html#Top\">\n"); /* We already have a top link, avoid duplication. */ if (tag_table->up && !STREQ (tag_table->up, "Top")) add_link (tag_table->up, "rel=\"up\""); if (tag_table->prev) add_link (tag_table->prev, "rel=\"prev\""); if (tag_table->next) add_link (tag_table->next, "rel=\"next\""); /* fixxme: Look for a way to put links to various indices in the document. Also possible candidates to be added here are First and Last links. */ } else { /* We are splitting, but we neither have a tag_table. So this must be index.html. So put a link to Top. */ add_word ("<link title=\"Top\" rel=\"start\" href=\"#Top\">\n"); } add_word ("<link href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/\" \ rel=\"generator-home\" title=\"Texinfo Homepage\">\n"); if (copying_text) { /* It is not ideal that we include the html markup here within <head>, so we use text_expansion. */ insert_string ("<!--\n"); insert_string (text_expansion (copying_text)); insert_string ("-->\n"); } /* Put the style definitions in a comment for the sake of browsers that don't support <style>. */ add_word ("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Style-Type\" content=\"text/css\">\n"); add_word ("<style type=\"text/css\"><!--\n"); { char *css_inline = NULL; if (css_include) /* This writes out any @import commands from the --css-file, and returns any actual css code following the imports. */ css_inline = process_css_file (css_include); /* This seems cleaner than adding <br>'s at the end of each line for these "roman" displays. It's hardly the end of the world if the browser doesn't do <style>s, in any case; they'll just come out in typewriter. */ #define CSS_FONT_INHERIT "font-family:inherit" add_word_args (" pre.display { %s }\n", CSS_FONT_INHERIT); add_word_args (" pre.format { %s }\n", CSS_FONT_INHERIT); /* Alternatively, we could do <font size=-1> in insertion.c, but this way makes it easier to override. */ #define CSS_FONT_SMALLER "font-size:smaller" add_word_args (" pre.smalldisplay { %s; %s }\n", CSS_FONT_INHERIT, CSS_FONT_SMALLER); add_word_args (" pre.smallformat { %s; %s }\n", CSS_FONT_INHERIT, CSS_FONT_SMALLER); add_word_args (" pre.smallexample { %s }\n", CSS_FONT_SMALLER); add_word_args (" pre.smalllisp { %s }\n", CSS_FONT_SMALLER); /* Since HTML doesn't have a sc element, we use span with a bit of CSS spice instead. */ #define CSS_FONT_SMALL_CAPS "font-variant:small-caps" add_word_args (" span.sc { %s }\n", CSS_FONT_SMALL_CAPS); /* Roman (default) font class, closest we can come. */ #define CSS_FONT_ROMAN "font-family:serif; font-weight:normal;" add_word_args (" span.roman { %s } \n", CSS_FONT_ROMAN); /* Sans serif font class. */ #define CSS_FONT_SANSSERIF "font-family:sans-serif; font-weight:normal;" add_word_args (" span.sansserif { %s } \n", CSS_FONT_SANSSERIF); /* Write out any css code from the user's --css-file. */ if (css_inline) insert_string (css_inline); add_word ("--></style>\n"); } add_word ("</head>\n<body>\n"); if (title && !html_title_written && titlepage_cmd_present) { add_word_args ("<h1 class=\"settitle\">%s</h1>\n", html_title); html_title_written = 1; } free (encoding); } /* Escape HTML special characters in the string if necessary, returning a pointer to a possibly newly-allocated one. */ char * escape_string (char *string) { char *newstring; int i = 0, newlen = 0; do { /* Find how much to allocate. */ switch (string[i]) { case '"': newlen += 6; /* `"' */ break; case '&': newlen += 5; /* `&' */ break; case '<': case '>': newlen += 4; /* `<', `>' */ break; default: newlen++; } } while (string[i++]); if (newlen == i) return string; /* Already OK. */ newstring = xmalloc (newlen); i = 0; do { switch (string[i]) { case '"': strcpy (newstring, """); newstring += 6; break; case '&': strcpy (newstring, "&"); newstring += 5; break; case '<': strcpy (newstring, "<"); newstring += 4; break; case '>': strcpy (newstring, ">"); newstring += 4; break; default: newstring[0] = string[i]; newstring++; } } while (string[i++]); free (string); return newstring - newlen; } /* Save current tag. */ static void push_tag (char *tag, char *attribs) { HSTACK *newstack = xmalloc (sizeof (HSTACK)); newstack->tag = tag; newstack->attribs = xstrdup (attribs); newstack->next = htmlstack; htmlstack = newstack; } /* Get last tag. */ static void pop_tag (void) { HSTACK *tos = htmlstack; if (!tos) { line_error (_("[unexpected] no html tag to pop")); return; } free (htmlstack->attribs); htmlstack = htmlstack->next; free (tos); } /* Check if tag is an empty or a whitespace only element. If so, remove it, keeping whitespace intact. */ int rollback_empty_tag (char *tag) { int check_position = output_paragraph_offset; int taglen = strlen (tag); int rollback_happened = 0; char *contents = ""; char *contents_canon_white = ""; /* If output_paragraph is empty, we cannot rollback :-\ */ if (output_paragraph_offset <= 0) return 0; /* Find the end of the previous tag. */ while (check_position > 0 && output_paragraph[check_position-1] != '>') check_position--; /* Save stuff between tag's end to output_paragraph's end. */ if (check_position != output_paragraph_offset) { contents = xmalloc (output_paragraph_offset - check_position + 1); memcpy (contents, output_paragraph + check_position, output_paragraph_offset - check_position); contents[output_paragraph_offset - check_position] = '\0'; contents_canon_white = xstrdup (contents); canon_white (contents_canon_white); } /* Find the start of the previous tag. */ while (check_position > 0 && output_paragraph[check_position-1] != '<') check_position--; /* Check to see if this is the tag. */ if (strncmp ((char *) output_paragraph + check_position, tag, taglen) == 0 && (whitespace (output_paragraph[check_position + taglen]) || output_paragraph[check_position + taglen] == '>')) { if (!contents_canon_white || !*contents_canon_white) { /* Empty content after whitespace removal, so roll it back. */ output_paragraph_offset = check_position - 1; rollback_happened = 1; /* Original contents may not be empty (whitespace.) */ if (contents && *contents) { insert_string (contents); free (contents); } } } return rollback_happened; } /* Open or close TAG according to START_OR_END. */ void #if defined (VA_FPRINTF) && __STDC__ insert_html_tag_with_attribute (int start_or_end, char *tag, char *format, ...) #else insert_html_tag_with_attribute (start_or_end, tag, format, va_alist) int start_or_end; char *tag; char *format; va_dcl #endif { char *old_tag = NULL; char *old_attribs = NULL; char formatted_attribs[2000]; /* xx no fixed limits */ int do_return = 0; extern int in_html_elt; if (start_or_end != START) pop_tag (); if (htmlstack) { old_tag = htmlstack->tag; old_attribs = htmlstack->attribs; } if (format) { #ifdef VA_SPRINTF va_list ap; #endif VA_START (ap, format); #ifdef VA_SPRINTF VA_SPRINTF (formatted_attribs, format, ap); #else sprintf (formatted_attribs, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); #endif va_end (ap); } else formatted_attribs[0] = '\0'; /* Exception: can nest multiple spans. */ if (htmlstack && STREQ (htmlstack->tag, tag) && !(STREQ (tag, "span") && STREQ (old_attribs, formatted_attribs))) do_return = 1; if (start_or_end == START) push_tag (tag, formatted_attribs); if (do_return) return; in_html_elt++; /* texinfo.tex doesn't support more than one font attribute at the same time. */ if ((start_or_end == START) && old_tag && *old_tag && !rollback_empty_tag (old_tag)) add_word_args ("</%s>", old_tag); if (*tag) { if (start_or_end == START) add_word_args (format ? "<%s %s>" : "<%s>", tag, formatted_attribs); else if (!rollback_empty_tag (tag)) /* Insert close tag only if we didn't rollback, in which case the opening tag is removed. */ add_word_args ("</%s>", tag); } if ((start_or_end != START) && old_tag && *old_tag) add_word_args (strlen (old_attribs) > 0 ? "<%s %s>" : "<%s>", old_tag, old_attribs); in_html_elt--; } void insert_html_tag (int start_or_end, char *tag) { insert_html_tag_with_attribute (start_or_end, tag, NULL); } /* Output an HTML <link> to the filename for NODE, including the other string as extra attributes. */ void add_link (char *nodename, char *attributes) { if (nodename) { add_html_elt ("<link "); add_word_args ("%s", attributes); add_word_args (" href=\""); add_anchor_name (nodename, 1); add_word_args ("\" title=\"%s\">\n", nodename); } } /* Output NAME with characters escaped as appropriate for an anchor name, i.e., escape URL special characters with our _00hh convention if OLD is zero. (See the manual for details on the new scheme.) If OLD is nonzero, generate the node name with the 4.6-and-earlier convention of %hh (and more special characters output as-is, notably - and *). This is only so that external references to old names can still work with HTML generated by the new makeinfo; the gcc folks needed this. Our own HTML does not refer to these names. */ void add_escaped_anchor_name (char *name, int old) { canon_white (name); if (!old && !strchr ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", *name)) { /* XHTML does not allow anything but an ASCII letter to start an identifier. Therefore kludge in this constant string if we have a nonletter. */ add_word ("g_t"); } for (; *name; name++) { if (cr_or_whitespace (*name)) add_char ('-'); else if (!old && !URL_SAFE_CHAR (*name)) /* Cast so characters with the high bit set are treated as >128, for example o-umlaut should be 246, not -10. */ add_word_args ("_00%x", (unsigned char) *name); else if (old && !URL_SAFE_CHAR (*name) && !OLD_URL_SAFE_CHAR (*name)) /* Different output convention, but still cast as above. */ add_word_args ("%%%x", (unsigned char) *name); else add_char (*name); } } /* Insert the text for the name of a reference in an HTML anchor appropriate for NODENAME. If HREF is zero, generate text for name= in the new node name conversion convention. If HREF is negative, generate text for name= in the old convention. If HREF is positive, generate the name for an href= attribute, i.e., including the `#' if it's an internal reference. */ void add_anchor_name (char *nodename, int href) { if (href > 0) { if (splitting) add_url_name (nodename, href); add_char ('#'); } /* Always add NODENAME, so that the reference would pinpoint the exact node on its file. This is so several nodes could share the same file, in case of file-name clashes, but also for more accurate browser positioning. */ if (strcasecmp (nodename, "(dir)") == 0) /* Strip the parens, but keep the original letter-case. */ add_word_args ("%.3s", nodename + 1); else if (strcasecmp (nodename, "top") == 0) add_word ("Top"); else add_escaped_anchor_name (nodename, href < 0); } /* Insert the text for the name of a reference in an HTML url, aprropriate for NODENAME */ void add_url_name (char *nodename, int href) { add_nodename_to_filename (nodename, href); } /* Convert non [A-Za-z0-9] to _00xx, where xx means the hexadecimal representation of the ASCII character. Also convert spaces and newlines to dashes. */ static void fix_filename (char *filename) { int i; int len = strlen (filename); char *oldname = xstrdup (filename); *filename = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (cr_or_whitespace (oldname[i])) strcat (filename, "-"); else if (URL_SAFE_CHAR (oldname[i])) strncat (filename, (char *) oldname + i, 1); else { char *hexchar = xmalloc (6 * sizeof (char)); sprintf (hexchar, "_00%x", (unsigned char) oldname[i]); strcat (filename, hexchar); free (hexchar); } /* Check if we are nearing boundaries. */ if (strlen (filename) >= PATH_MAX - 20) break; } free (oldname); } /* As we can't look-up a (forward-referenced) nodes' html filename from the tentry, we take the easy way out. We assume that nodenames are unique, and generate the html filename from the nodename, that's always known. */ static char * nodename_to_filename_1 (char *nodename, int href) { char *p; char *filename; char dirname[PATH_MAX]; if (strcasecmp (nodename, "Top") == 0) { /* We want to convert references to the Top node into "index.html#Top". */ if (href) filename = xstrdup ("index.html"); /* "#Top" is added by our callers */ else filename = xstrdup ("Top"); } else if (strcasecmp (nodename, "(dir)") == 0) /* We want to convert references to the (dir) node into "../index.html". */ filename = xstrdup ("../index.html"); else { filename = xmalloc (PATH_MAX); dirname[0] = '\0'; *filename = '\0'; /* Check for external reference: ``(info-document)node-name'' Assume this node lives at: ``../info-document/node-name.html'' We need to handle the special case (sigh): ``(info-document)'', ie, an external top-node, which should translate to: ``../info-document/info-document.html'' */ p = nodename; if (*nodename == '(') { int length; p = strchr (nodename, ')'); if (p == NULL) { line_error (_("[unexpected] invalid node name: `%s'"), nodename); xexit (1); } length = p - nodename - 1; if (length > 5 && FILENAME_CMPN (p - 5, ".info", 5) == 0) length -= 5; /* This is for DOS, and also for Windows and GNU/Linux systems that might have Info files copied from a DOS 8+3 filesystem. */ if (length > 4 && FILENAME_CMPN (p - 4, ".inf", 4) == 0) length -= 4; strcpy (filename, "../"); strncpy (dirname, nodename + 1, length); *(dirname + length) = '\0'; fix_filename (dirname); strcat (filename, dirname); strcat (filename, "/"); p++; } /* In the case of just (info-document), there will be nothing remaining, and we will refer to ../info-document/, which will work fine. */ strcat (filename, p); if (*p) { /* Hmm */ fix_filename (filename + strlen (filename) - strlen (p)); strcat (filename, ".html"); } } /* Produce a file name suitable for the underlying filesystem. */ normalize_filename (filename); #if 0 /* We add ``#Nodified-filename'' anchor to external references to be prepared for non-split HTML support. Maybe drop this. */ if (href && *dirname) { strcat (filename, "#"); strcat (filename, p); /* Hmm, again */ fix_filename (filename + strlen (filename) - strlen (p)); } #endif return filename; } /* If necessary, ie, if current filename != filename of node, output the node name. */ void add_nodename_to_filename (char *nodename, int href) { /* for now, don't check: always output filename */ char *filename = nodename_to_filename_1 (nodename, href); add_word (filename); free (filename); } char * nodename_to_filename (char *nodename) { /* The callers of nodename_to_filename use the result to produce <a href=, so call nodename_to_filename_1 with last arg non-zero. */ return nodename_to_filename_1 (nodename, 1); }