/* test-str-source.c - Sample program for using tre_reguexec() This software is released under a BSD-style license. See the file LICENSE for details and copyright. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "regex.h" #include "tre-internal.h" /* Context structure for the tre_str_source wrappers. */ typedef struct { /* Our string. */ const char *str; /* Current position in the string. */ size_t pos; } str_handler_ctx; /* The get_next_char() handler. Sets `c' to the value of the next character, and increases `pos_add' by the number of bytes read. Returns 1 if the string has ended, 0 if there are more characters. */ static int str_handler_get_next(tre_char_t *c, unsigned int *pos_add, void *context) { str_handler_ctx *ctx = context; unsigned char ch = ctx->str[ctx->pos]; printf("str[%lu] = %d\n", (unsigned long)ctx->pos, ch); *c = ch; if (ch) ctx->pos++; *pos_add = 1; return ch == '\0'; } /* The rewind() handler. Resets the current position in the input string. */ static void str_handler_rewind(size_t pos, void *context) { str_handler_ctx *ctx = context; printf("rewind to %lu\n", (unsigned long)pos); ctx->pos = pos; } /* The compare() handler. Compares two substrings in the input and returns 0 if the substrings are equal, and a nonzero value if not. */ static int str_handler_compare(size_t pos1, size_t pos2, size_t len, void *context) { str_handler_ctx *ctx = context; printf("comparing %lu-%lu and %lu-%lu\n", (unsigned long)pos1, (unsigned long)pos1 + len, (unsigned long)pos2, (unsigned long)pos2 + len); return strncmp(ctx->str + pos1, ctx->str + pos2, len); } /* Creates a tre_str_source wrapper around the string `str'. Returns the tre_str_source object or NULL if out of memory. */ static tre_str_source * make_str_source(const char *str) { tre_str_source *s; str_handler_ctx *ctx; s = calloc(1, sizeof(*s)); if (!s) return NULL; ctx = malloc(sizeof(str_handler_ctx)); if (!ctx) { free(s); return NULL; } ctx->str = str; ctx->pos = 0; s->context = ctx; s->get_next_char = str_handler_get_next; s->rewind = str_handler_rewind; s->compare = str_handler_compare; return s; } /* Frees the memory allocated for `s'. */ static void free_str_source(tre_str_source *s) { free(s->context); free(s); } /* Run one test with tre_reguexec */ static void test_reguexec(const char *str, const char *regex) { regex_t preg; tre_str_source *source; regmatch_t pmatch[5]; source = make_str_source(str); if (!source) return; tre_regcomp(&preg, regex, REG_EXTENDED); if (tre_reguexec(&preg, source, elementsof(pmatch), pmatch, 0) == 0) printf("Match: %d - %d\n", (int)pmatch[0].rm_so, (int)pmatch[0].rm_eo); free_str_source(source); tre_regfree(&preg); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { test_reguexec("xfoofofoofoo","(foo)\\1"); test_reguexec("catcat","(cat|dog)\\1"); test_reguexec("catdog","(cat|dog)\\1"); test_reguexec("dogdog","(cat|dog)\\1"); test_reguexec("dogcat","(cat|dog)\\1"); return 0; }