#!@PERL@ # convert amd maps to Sun automount maps # usage: amd2sun file # # Package: am-utils-6.x # Author: "Mark D. Baushke" <mdb@cisco.com> print "# file created by amd2sun # # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE AT ALL # It is automatically generated from the amd mount map - edit that instead # "; while (<>) { print, next if /^#/; chop; $line = $_; while ($line =~ /\\$/) { chop $line; $line2 = <>; $line2 =~ s/^\s*//; $line .= $line2; chop $line; } next unless $line =~ /^([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$/; $fs = $1; $rest=$2; if ($fs =~ /^\/defaults/) { ($defopts = $rest) =~ s/^.*[\s;]opts:=([^;\s]+)[;\s]*.*$/\1/; next; } $opts=$defopts; if ($rest =~ /opts:=([^;\s]+)[;\s]/) { $opts = $1; } $opts =~ s/,ping=[-\d]+//g; ($rhost = $rest) =~ s/^.*[\s;]rhost:=([^;\s]+)[;\s]*.*$/\1/; ($rfs = $rest) =~ s/^.*[\s;]rfs:=([^;\s]+)[;\s]*.*$/\1/; if ($rest =~ /sublink:=([^;\s]+)[;\s]/ ) { $rfs .= "/$1"; } print "$fs -$opts $rhost:$rfs\n"; }