- update vers.m4 to the new version you want to release: then rerun ./bootstrap
- update NEWS w/ appropriate items
- ./bootstrap && ./buildall && cd A.$ARCH.$VENDOR.$OSVERSION. && make check
- cd A.$ARCH.$VENDOR.$OSVERSION make distcheck
  That generates a tar.gz w/ version number to drop into the ftp/http server
- Make sure that all your files are committed at this point
- Now tag the current trunk:
	git tag -a am-utils-X_Y[abc]Z
	git tag -a am-utils-X_Y_rcZ
  If you want to move the tag, use --force
- Push all commits and tags to the master repository
	git push --all
- email announcement to am-utils-announce@am-utils.org.  See
  README.release-announce as sample.