.TH "constants.h" 3 "Wed May 13 2020" "Brotli" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME constants.h \- Common constants used in decoder and encoder API\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .SS "Macros" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBBROTLI_LARGE_MAX_DISTANCE_BITS\fP 62U" .br .RI "\fIThe theoretical maximum number of distance bits specified for large window brotli, for 64-bit encoders and decoders\&. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBBROTLI_LARGE_MAX_WBITS\fP 30" .br .RI "\fIThe maximum supported large brotli window bits by the encoder and decoder\&. \fP" .ti -1c .RI "#define \fBBROTLI_MAX_NPOSTFIX\fP 3" .br .RI "\fIMaximal number of 'postfix' bits\&. \fP" .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP Common constants used in decoder and encoder API\&. .SH "Macro Definition Documentation" .PP .SS "#define BROTLI_LARGE_MAX_DISTANCE_BITS 62U" .PP The theoretical maximum number of distance bits specified for large window brotli, for 64-bit encoders and decoders\&. Even when in practice 32-bit encoders and decoders only support up to 30 max distance bits, the value is set to 62 because it affects the large window brotli file format\&. Specifically, it affects the encoding of simple huffman tree for distances, see Specification RFC 7932 chapter 3\&.4\&. .SS "#define BROTLI_LARGE_MAX_WBITS 30" .PP The maximum supported large brotli window bits by the encoder and decoder\&. Large window brotli allows up to 62 bits, however the current encoder and decoder, designed for 32-bit integers, only support up to 30 bits maximum\&. .SS "#define BROTLI_MAX_NPOSTFIX 3" .PP Maximal number of 'postfix' bits\&. Number of 'postfix' bits is stored as 2 bits in meta-block header\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for Brotli from the source code\&.