/* $NetBSD: db_machdep.c,v 1.3 2021/02/23 07:13:53 mrg Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Eduardo Horvath. All rights reserved. * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. * * From: db_interface.c,v 2.4 1991/02/05 17:11:13 mrt (CMU) */ /* * Interface to new debugger. */ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: db_machdep.c,v 1.3 2021/02/23 07:13:53 mrg Exp $"); #ifdef _KERNEL_OPT #include "opt_ddb.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifdef _KERNEL static int db_sparc_charop(const struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *val, int opcode) { char *regaddr = (char *)(((uint8_t *)DDB_REGS) + (size_t)vp->valuep); switch (opcode) { case DB_VAR_GET: *val = *regaddr; break; case DB_VAR_SET: *regaddr = *val; break; #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC default: printf("db_sparc_charop: opcode %d\n", opcode); break; #endif } return 0; } #ifdef not_used static int db_sparc_shortop(const struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *val, int opcode) { short *regaddr = (short *)(((uint8_t *)DDB_REGS) + (size_t)vp->valuep); switch (opcode) { case DB_VAR_GET: *val = *regaddr; break; case DB_VAR_SET: *regaddr = *val; break; #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC default: printf("sparc_shortop: opcode %d\n", opcode); break; #endif } return 0; } #endif static int db_sparc_intop(const struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *val, int opcode) { int *regaddr = (int *)(((uint8_t *)DDB_REGS) + (size_t)vp->valuep); switch (opcode) { case DB_VAR_GET: *val = *regaddr; break; case DB_VAR_SET: *regaddr = *val; break; #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC default: printf("db_sparc_intop: opcode %d\n", opcode); break; #endif } return 0; } static int db_sparc_regop(const struct db_variable *vp, db_expr_t *val, int opcode) { db_expr_t *regaddr = (db_expr_t *)(((uint8_t *)DDB_REGS) + (size_t)vp->valuep); switch (opcode) { case DB_VAR_GET: *val = *regaddr; break; case DB_VAR_SET: *regaddr = *val; break; #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC default: printf("db_sparc_regop: unknown op %d\n", opcode); break; #endif } return 0; } /* * Machine register set. */ #define dbreg(xx) (long *)offsetof(db_regs_t, db_tf.tf_ ## xx) #define dbregfr(xx) (long *)offsetof(db_regs_t, db_fr.fr_ ## xx) #define dbregfp(xx) (long *)offsetof(db_regs_t, db_fpstate.fs_ ## xx) static uint64_t nil; const struct db_variable db_regs[] = { { "tstate", dbreg(tstate), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "pc", dbreg(pc), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "npc", dbreg(npc), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "ipl", dbreg(oldpil), db_sparc_charop, 0 }, { "y", dbreg(y), db_sparc_intop, 0 }, { "g0", (void *)&nil, FCN_NULL, 0 }, { "g1", dbreg(global[1]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "g2", dbreg(global[2]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "g3", dbreg(global[3]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "g4", dbreg(global[4]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "g5", dbreg(global[5]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "g6", dbreg(global[6]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "g7", dbreg(global[7]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "o0", dbreg(out[0]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "o1", dbreg(out[1]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "o2", dbreg(out[2]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "o3", dbreg(out[3]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "o4", dbreg(out[4]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "o5", dbreg(out[5]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "o6", dbreg(out[6]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "o7", dbreg(out[7]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "l0", dbregfr(local[0]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "l1", dbregfr(local[1]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "l2", dbregfr(local[2]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "l3", dbregfr(local[3]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "l4", dbregfr(local[4]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "l5", dbregfr(local[5]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "l6", dbregfr(local[6]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "l7", dbregfr(local[7]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "i0", dbregfr(arg[0]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "i1", dbregfr(arg[1]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "i2", dbregfr(arg[2]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "i3", dbregfr(arg[3]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "i4", dbregfr(arg[4]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "i5", dbregfr(arg[5]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "i6", dbregfr(fp), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "i7", dbregfr(pc), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f0", dbregfp(regs[0]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f2", dbregfp(regs[2]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f4", dbregfp(regs[4]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f6", dbregfp(regs[6]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f8", dbregfp(regs[8]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f10", dbregfp(regs[10]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f12", dbregfp(regs[12]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f14", dbregfp(regs[14]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f16", dbregfp(regs[16]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f18", dbregfp(regs[18]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f20", dbregfp(regs[20]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f22", dbregfp(regs[22]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f24", dbregfp(regs[24]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f26", dbregfp(regs[26]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f28", dbregfp(regs[28]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f30", dbregfp(regs[30]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f32", dbregfp(regs[32]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f34", dbregfp(regs[34]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f36", dbregfp(regs[36]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f38", dbregfp(regs[38]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f40", dbregfp(regs[40]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f42", dbregfp(regs[42]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f44", dbregfp(regs[44]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f46", dbregfp(regs[46]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f48", dbregfp(regs[48]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f50", dbregfp(regs[50]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f52", dbregfp(regs[52]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f54", dbregfp(regs[54]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f56", dbregfp(regs[56]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f58", dbregfp(regs[58]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f60", dbregfp(regs[60]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "f62", dbregfp(regs[62]), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "fsr", dbregfp(fsr), db_sparc_regop, 0 }, { "gsr", dbregfp(gsr), db_sparc_intop, 0 }, }; const struct db_variable * const db_eregs = db_regs + sizeof(db_regs)/sizeof(db_regs[0]); #endif #ifndef DDB const struct db_command db_machine_command_table[] = { { DDB_END_CMD }, }; #endif /* DDB */