/* $NetBSD: db_disasm.c,v 1.49 2021/05/23 11:56:28 riastradh Exp $ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. * * Id: db_disasm.c,v 2.3 91/02/05 17:11:03 mrt (CMU) */ /* * Instruction disassembler. */ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: db_disasm.c,v 1.49 2021/05/23 11:56:28 riastradh Exp $"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Size attributes */ #define BYTE 0 #define WORD 1 #define LONG 2 #define QUAD 3 #define SNGL 4 #define DBLR 5 #define EXTR 6 #define SDEP 7 #define NONE 8 #define RDEP 9 /* * Addressing modes */ #define E 1 /* general effective address */ #define Eind 2 /* indirect address (jump, call) */ #define Ew 3 /* address, word size */ #define Eb 4 /* address, byte size */ #define R 5 /* register, in 'reg' field */ #define Rw 6 /* word register, in 'reg' field */ #define Ri 7 /* register in instruction */ #define S 8 /* segment reg, in 'reg' field */ #define Si 9 /* segment reg, in instruction */ #define A 10 /* accumulator */ #define BX 11 /* (bx) */ #define CL 12 /* cl, for shifts */ #define DX 13 /* dx, for IO */ #define SI 14 /* si */ #define DI 15 /* di */ #define CR 16 /* control register */ #define DR 17 /* debug register */ #define TR 18 /* test register */ #define I 19 /* immediate, unsigned */ #define Is 20 /* immediate, signed */ #define Ib 21 /* byte immediate, unsigned */ #define Ibs 22 /* byte immediate, signed */ #define Iw 23 /* word immediate, unsigned */ #define Il 24 /* long immediate */ #define O 25 /* direct address */ #define Db 26 /* byte displacement from EIP */ #define Dl 27 /* long displacement from EIP */ #define o1 28 /* constant 1 */ #define o3 29 /* constant 3 */ #define OS 30 /* immediate offset/segment */ #define ST 31 /* FP stack top */ #define STI 32 /* FP stack */ #define X 33 /* extended FP op */ #define XA 34 /* for 'fstcw %ax' */ #define El 35 /* address, long size */ #define Ril 36 /* long register in instruction */ #define Iba 37 /* byte immediate, don't print if 0xa */ #define MEx 38 /* memory, or an extension op */ struct inst { const char *i_name; /* name */ short i_has_modrm; /* has regmodrm byte */ short i_size; /* operand size */ int i_mode; /* addressing modes */ const void *i_extra; /* pointer to extra opcode table */ }; #define op1(x) (x) #define op2(x,y) ((x)|((y)<<8)) #define op3(x,y,z) ((x)|((y)<<8)|((z)<<16)) struct finst { const char *f_name; /* name for memory instruction */ int f_size; /* size for memory instruction */ int f_rrmode; /* mode for rr instruction */ const void *f_rrname; /* name for rr instruction (or pointer to table) */ }; const char * const db_Grp6[] = { "sldt", "str", "lldt", "ltr", "verr", "verw", "", "" }; struct inst db_Grp7[] = { { "sgdt", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "sidt", false, NONE, op2(MEx,4), "monitor\0mwait\0clac\0stac"}, { "lgdt", false, NONE, op2(MEx,2), "xgetbv\0xsetbv" }, { "lidt", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "smsw", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, { "lmsw", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "invlpg", false, NONE, op2(MEx,2), "swapgs\0rdtscp" }, }; const char * const db_Grp8[] = { "", "", "", "", "bt", "bts", "btr", "btc" }; struct inst db_Grp9[] = { { "fxsave", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "fxrstor", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "ldmxcsr", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "stmxcsr", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "xsave", false, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "xrstor", false, NONE, op2(MEx,1), "lfence" }, { "xsaveopt", false, NONE, op2(MEx,1), "mfence" }, { "clflush", false, NONE, op2(MEx,1), "sfence" }, }; const char * db_GrpA[] = { "", "cmpxchg8b", "", "", "", "", "rdrand", "rdseed" }; const char * db_GrpB[] = { "xstore-rng", "xcrypt-ecb", "xcrypt-cbc", "xcrypt-ctr", "xcrypt-cfb", "xcrypt-ofb", "", "" }; const char * db_GrpC[] = { "montmul", "xsha1", "xsha256", "", "", "", "", "" }; const struct inst db_inst_0f0x[] = { /*00*/ { NULL, true, NONE, op1(Ew), db_Grp6 }, /*01*/ { "", true, RDEP, op1(Ew), db_Grp7 }, /*02*/ { "lar", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*03*/ { "lsl", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*04*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*05*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*06*/ { "clts", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*07*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*08*/ { "invd", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*09*/ { "wbinvd",false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*0a*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*0b*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*0c*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*0d*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*0e*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*0f*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, }; const struct inst db_inst_0f2x[] = { /*20*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(CR,El), 0 }, /*21*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(DR,El), 0 }, /*22*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(El,CR), 0 }, /*23*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(El,DR), 0 }, /*24*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(TR,El), 0 }, /*25*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*26*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(El,TR), 0 }, /*27*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*28*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*29*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2a*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2b*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2c*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2d*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2e*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2f*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, }; const struct inst db_inst_0f3x[] = { /*30*/ { "wrmsr", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*31*/ { "rdtsc", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*32*/ { "rdmsr", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*33*/ { "rdpmc", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*34*/ { "sysenter",false,NONE, 0, 0 }, /*35*/ { "sysexit",false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*36*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*37*/ { "getsec",false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*38*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*39*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*3a*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*3b*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*3c*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*3d*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*3e*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*3f*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, }; const struct inst db_inst_0f4x[] = { /*40*/ { "cmovo", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*41*/ { "cmovno", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*42*/ { "cmovc", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*43*/ { "cmovnc", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*44*/ { "cmovz", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*45*/ { "cmovnz", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*46*/ { "cmovbe", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*47*/ { "cmovmbe",true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*48*/ { "cmovs", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*49*/ { "cmovns", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*4a*/ { "cmovp", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*4b*/ { "cmovnp", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*4c*/ { "cmovl", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*4d*/ { "cmovnl", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*4e*/ { "cmovle", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, /*4f*/ { "cmovnle",true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, }; const struct inst db_inst_0f8x[] = { /*80*/ { "jo", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*81*/ { "jno", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*82*/ { "jb", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*83*/ { "jnb", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*84*/ { "jz", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*85*/ { "jnz", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*86*/ { "jbe", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*87*/ { "jnbe", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*88*/ { "js", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*89*/ { "jns", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*8a*/ { "jp", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*8b*/ { "jnp", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*8c*/ { "jl", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*8d*/ { "jnl", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*8e*/ { "jle", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*8f*/ { "jnle", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, }; const struct inst db_inst_0f9x[] = { /*90*/ { "seto", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*91*/ { "setno", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*92*/ { "setb", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*93*/ { "setnb", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*94*/ { "setz", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*95*/ { "setnz", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*96*/ { "setbe", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*97*/ { "setnbe",true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*98*/ { "sets", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*99*/ { "setns", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*9a*/ { "setp", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*9b*/ { "setnp", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*9c*/ { "setl", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*9d*/ { "setnl", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*9e*/ { "setle", true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, /*9f*/ { "setnle",true, NONE, op1(Eb), 0 }, }; const struct inst db_inst_0fax[] = { /*a0*/ { "push", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*a1*/ { "pop", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*a2*/ { "cpuid", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*a3*/ { "bt", true, LONG, op2(R,E), 0 }, /*a4*/ { "shld", true, LONG, op3(Ib,R,E), 0 }, /*a5*/ { "shld", true, LONG, op3(CL,R,E), 0 }, /*a6*/ { NULL, true, NONE, 0, db_GrpC }, /*a7*/ { NULL, true, NONE, 0, db_GrpB }, /*a8*/ { "push", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*a9*/ { "pop", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*aa*/ { "rsm", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*ab*/ { "bts", true, LONG, op2(R,E), 0 }, /*ac*/ { "shrd", true, LONG, op3(Ib,R,E), 0 }, /*ad*/ { "shrd", true, LONG, op3(CL,R,E), 0 }, /*ae*/ { "", true, RDEP, op1(E), db_Grp9 }, /*af*/ { "imul", true, LONG, op2(E,R), 0 }, }; const struct inst db_inst_0fbx[] = { /*b0*/ { "cmpxchg",true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*b1*/ { "cmpxchg",true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*b2*/ { "lss", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*b3*/ { "btr", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*b4*/ { "lfs", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*b5*/ { "lgs", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*b6*/ { "movzb", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*b7*/ { "movzw", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*b8*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*b9*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*ba*/ { NULL, true, LONG, op2(Ib, E), db_Grp8 }, /*bb*/ { "btc", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*bc*/ { "bsf", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*bd*/ { "bsr", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*be*/ { "movsb", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*bf*/ { "movsw", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, }; const struct inst db_inst_0fcx[] = { /*c0*/ { "xadd", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*c1*/ { "xadd", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*c2*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*c3*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*c4*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*c5*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*c6*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*c7*/ { NULL, true, NONE, op1(E), db_GrpA }, /*c8*/ { "bswap", false, LONG, op1(Ril), 0 }, /*c9*/ { "bswap", false, LONG, op1(Ril), 0 }, /*ca*/ { "bswap", false, LONG, op1(Ril), 0 }, /*cb*/ { "bswap", false, LONG, op1(Ril), 0 }, /*cc*/ { "bswap", false, LONG, op1(Ril), 0 }, /*cd*/ { "bswap", false, LONG, op1(Ril), 0 }, /*ce*/ { "bswap", false, LONG, op1(Ril), 0 }, /*cf*/ { "bswap", false, LONG, op1(Ril), 0 }, }; const struct inst * const db_inst_0f[] = { db_inst_0f0x, NULL, db_inst_0f2x, db_inst_0f3x, db_inst_0f4x, NULL, NULL, NULL, db_inst_0f8x, db_inst_0f9x, db_inst_0fax, db_inst_0fbx, db_inst_0fcx, NULL, NULL, NULL }; const char * const db_Esc92[] = { "fnop", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; const char * const db_Esc93[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; const char * const db_Esc94[] = { "fchs", "fabs", "", "", "ftst", "fxam", "", "" }; const char * const db_Esc95[] = { "fld1", "fldl2t","fldl2e","fldpi","fldlg2","fldln2","fldz","" }; const char * const db_Esc96[] = { "f2xm1","fyl2x","fptan","fpatan","fxtract","fprem1","fdecstp", "fincstp" }; const char * const db_Esc97[] = { "fprem","fyl2xp1","fsqrt","fsincos","frndint","fscale","fsin","fcos" }; const char * const db_Esca4[] = { "", "fucompp","", "", "", "", "", "" }; const char * const db_Escb4[] = { "", "", "fnclex","fninit","", "", "", "" }; const char * const db_Esce3[] = { "", "fcompp","", "", "", "", "", "" }; const char * const db_Escf4[] = { "fnstsw","", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; const struct finst db_Esc8[] = { /*0*/ { "fadd", SNGL, op2(STI,ST), 0 }, /*1*/ { "fmul", SNGL, op2(STI,ST), 0 }, /*2*/ { "fcom", SNGL, op2(STI,ST), 0 }, /*3*/ { "fcomp", SNGL, op2(STI,ST), 0 }, /*4*/ { "fsub", SNGL, op2(STI,ST), 0 }, /*5*/ { "fsubr", SNGL, op2(STI,ST), 0 }, /*6*/ { "fdiv", SNGL, op2(STI,ST), 0 }, /*7*/ { "fdivr", SNGL, op2(STI,ST), 0 }, }; const struct finst db_Esc9[] = { /*0*/ { "fld", SNGL, op1(STI), 0 }, /*1*/ { "", NONE, op1(STI), "fxch" }, /*2*/ { "fst", SNGL, op1(X), db_Esc92 }, /*3*/ { "fstp", SNGL, op1(X), db_Esc93 }, /*4*/ { "fldenv", NONE, op1(X), db_Esc94 }, /*5*/ { "fldcw", NONE, op1(X), db_Esc95 }, /*6*/ { "fnstenv",NONE, op1(X), db_Esc96 }, /*7*/ { "fnstcw", NONE, op1(X), db_Esc97 }, }; const struct finst db_Esca[] = { /*0*/ { "fiadd", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*1*/ { "fimul", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*2*/ { "ficom", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*3*/ { "ficomp", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*4*/ { "fisub", WORD, op1(X), db_Esca4 }, /*5*/ { "fisubr", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*6*/ { "fidiv", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*7*/ { "fidivr", WORD, 0, 0 } }; const struct finst db_Escb[] = { /*0*/ { "fild", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*1*/ { "", NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2*/ { "fist", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*3*/ { "fistp", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*4*/ { "", WORD, op1(X), db_Escb4 }, /*5*/ { "fld", EXTR, 0, 0 }, /*6*/ { "", WORD, 0, 0 }, /*7*/ { "fstp", EXTR, 0, 0 }, }; const struct finst db_Escc[] = { /*0*/ { "fadd", DBLR, op2(ST,STI), 0 }, /*1*/ { "fmul", DBLR, op2(ST,STI), 0 }, /*2*/ { "fcom", DBLR, op2(ST,STI), 0 }, /*3*/ { "fcomp", DBLR, op2(ST,STI), 0 }, /*4*/ { "fsub", DBLR, op2(ST,STI), "fsubr" }, /*5*/ { "fsubr", DBLR, op2(ST,STI), "fsub" }, /*6*/ { "fdiv", DBLR, op2(ST,STI), "fdivr" }, /*7*/ { "fdivr", DBLR, op2(ST,STI), "fdiv" }, }; const struct finst db_Escd[] = { /*0*/ { "fld", DBLR, op1(STI), "ffree" }, /*1*/ { "", NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2*/ { "fst", DBLR, op1(STI), 0 }, /*3*/ { "fstp", DBLR, op1(STI), 0 }, /*4*/ { "frstor", NONE, op1(STI), "fucom" }, /*5*/ { "", NONE, op1(STI), "fucomp" }, /*6*/ { "fnsave", NONE, 0, 0 }, /*7*/ { "fnstsw", NONE, 0, 0 }, }; const struct finst db_Esce[] = { /*0*/ { "fiadd", LONG, op2(ST,STI), "faddp" }, /*1*/ { "fimul", LONG, op2(ST,STI), "fmulp" }, /*2*/ { "ficom", LONG, 0, 0 }, /*3*/ { "ficomp", LONG, op1(X), db_Esce3 }, /*4*/ { "fisub", LONG, op2(ST,STI), "fsubrp" }, /*5*/ { "fisubr", LONG, op2(ST,STI), "fsubp" }, /*6*/ { "fidiv", LONG, op2(ST,STI), "fdivrp" }, /*7*/ { "fidivr", LONG, op2(ST,STI), "fdivp" }, }; const struct finst db_Escf[] = { /*0*/ { "fild", LONG, 0, 0 }, /*1*/ { "", LONG, 0, 0 }, /*2*/ { "fist", LONG, 0, 0 }, /*3*/ { "fistp", LONG, 0, 0 }, /*4*/ { "fbld", NONE, op1(XA), db_Escf4 }, /*5*/ { "fld", QUAD, 0, 0 }, /*6*/ { "fbstp", NONE, 0, 0 }, /*7*/ { "fstp", QUAD, 0, 0 }, }; const struct finst * const db_Esc_inst[] = { db_Esc8, db_Esc9, db_Esca, db_Escb, db_Escc, db_Escd, db_Esce, db_Escf }; const char * const db_Grp1[] = { "add", "or", "adc", "sbb", "and", "sub", "xor", "cmp" }; const char * const db_Grp2[] = { "rol", "ror", "rcl", "rcr", "shl", "shr", "shl", "sar" }; const struct inst db_Grp3[] = { { "test", true, NONE, op2(I,E), 0 }, { "test", true, NONE, op2(I,E), 0 }, { "not", true, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "neg", true, NONE, op1(E), 0 }, { "mul", true, NONE, op2(E,A), 0 }, { "imul", true, NONE, op2(E,A), 0 }, { "div", true, NONE, op2(E,A), 0 }, { "idiv", true, NONE, op2(E,A), 0 }, }; const struct inst db_Grp4[] = { { "inc", true, BYTE, op1(E), 0 }, { "dec", true, BYTE, op1(E), 0 }, { "", true, NONE, 0, 0 }, { "", true, NONE, 0, 0 }, { "", true, NONE, 0, 0 }, { "", true, NONE, 0, 0 }, { "", true, NONE, 0, 0 }, { "", true, NONE, 0, 0 } }; const struct inst db_Grp5[] = { { "inc", true, LONG, op1(E), 0 }, { "dec", true, LONG, op1(E), 0 }, { "call", true, NONE, op1(Eind),0 }, { "lcall", true, NONE, op1(Eind),0 }, { "jmp", true, NONE, op1(Eind),0 }, { "ljmp", true, NONE, op1(Eind),0 }, { "push", true, LONG, op1(E), 0 }, { "", true, NONE, 0, 0 } }; const struct inst db_inst_table[256] = { /*00*/ { "add", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*01*/ { "add", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*02*/ { "add", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*03*/ { "add", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*04*/ { "add", false, BYTE, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*05*/ { "add", false, LONG, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*06*/ { "push", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*07*/ { "pop", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*08*/ { "or", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*09*/ { "or", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*0a*/ { "or", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*0b*/ { "or", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*0c*/ { "or", false, BYTE, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*0d*/ { "or", false, LONG, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*0e*/ { "push", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*0f*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*10*/ { "adc", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*11*/ { "adc", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*12*/ { "adc", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*13*/ { "adc", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*14*/ { "adc", false, BYTE, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*15*/ { "adc", false, LONG, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*16*/ { "push", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*17*/ { "pop", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*18*/ { "sbb", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*19*/ { "sbb", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*1a*/ { "sbb", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*1b*/ { "sbb", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*1c*/ { "sbb", false, BYTE, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*1d*/ { "sbb", false, LONG, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*1e*/ { "push", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*1f*/ { "pop", false, NONE, op1(Si), 0 }, /*20*/ { "and", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*21*/ { "and", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*22*/ { "and", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*23*/ { "and", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*24*/ { "and", false, BYTE, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*25*/ { "and", false, LONG, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*26*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*27*/ { "daa", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*28*/ { "sub", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*29*/ { "sub", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*2a*/ { "sub", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*2b*/ { "sub", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*2c*/ { "sub", false, BYTE, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*2d*/ { "sub", false, LONG, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*2e*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*2f*/ { "das", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*30*/ { "xor", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*31*/ { "xor", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*32*/ { "xor", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*33*/ { "xor", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*34*/ { "xor", false, BYTE, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*35*/ { "xor", false, LONG, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*36*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*37*/ { "aaa", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*38*/ { "cmp", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*39*/ { "cmp", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*3a*/ { "cmp", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*3b*/ { "cmp", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*3c*/ { "cmp", false, BYTE, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*3d*/ { "cmp", false, LONG, op2(Is, A), 0 }, /*3e*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*3f*/ { "aas", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*40*/ { "inc", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*41*/ { "inc", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*42*/ { "inc", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*43*/ { "inc", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*44*/ { "inc", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*45*/ { "inc", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*46*/ { "inc", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*47*/ { "inc", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*48*/ { "dec", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*49*/ { "dec", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*4a*/ { "dec", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*4b*/ { "dec", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*4c*/ { "dec", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*4d*/ { "dec", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*4e*/ { "dec", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*4f*/ { "dec", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*50*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*51*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*52*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*53*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*54*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*55*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*56*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*57*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*58*/ { "pop", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*59*/ { "pop", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*5a*/ { "pop", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*5b*/ { "pop", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*5c*/ { "pop", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*5d*/ { "pop", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*5e*/ { "pop", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*5f*/ { "pop", false, LONG, op1(Ri), 0 }, /*60*/ { "pusha", false, LONG, 0, 0 }, /*61*/ { "popa", false, LONG, 0, 0 }, /*62*/ { "bound", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*63*/ { "arpl", true, NONE, op2(Ew,Rw), 0 }, /*64*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*65*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*66*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*67*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*68*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(I), 0 }, /*69*/ { "imul", true, LONG, op3(I,E,R), 0 }, /*6a*/ { "push", false, LONG, op1(Ib), 0 }, /*6b*/ { "imul", true, LONG, op3(Ibs,E,R),0 }, /*6c*/ { "ins", false, BYTE, op2(DX, DI), 0 }, /*6d*/ { "ins", false, LONG, op2(DX, DI), 0 }, /*6e*/ { "outs", false, BYTE, op2(SI, DX), 0 }, /*6f*/ { "outs", false, LONG, op2(SI, DX), 0 }, /*70*/ { "jo", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*71*/ { "jno", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*72*/ { "jb", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*73*/ { "jnb", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*74*/ { "jz", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*75*/ { "jnz", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*76*/ { "jbe", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*77*/ { "jnbe", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*78*/ { "js", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*79*/ { "jns", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*7a*/ { "jp", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*7b*/ { "jnp", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*7c*/ { "jl", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*7d*/ { "jnl", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*7e*/ { "jle", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*7f*/ { "jnle", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*80*/ { NULL, true, BYTE, op2(I, E), db_Grp1 }, /*81*/ { NULL, true, LONG, op2(I, E), db_Grp1 }, /*82*/ { NULL, true, BYTE, op2(I,E), db_Grp1 }, /*83*/ { NULL, true, LONG, op2(Ibs,E), db_Grp1 }, /*84*/ { "test", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*85*/ { "test", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*86*/ { "xchg", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*87*/ { "xchg", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*88*/ { "mov", true, BYTE, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*89*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(R, E), 0 }, /*8a*/ { "mov", true, BYTE, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*8b*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*8c*/ { "mov", true, NONE, op2(S, Ew), 0 }, /*8d*/ { "lea", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*8e*/ { "mov", true, NONE, op2(Ew, S), 0 }, /*8f*/ { "pop", true, LONG, op1(E), 0 }, /*90*/ { "nop", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*91*/ { "xchg", false, LONG, op2(A, Ri), 0 }, /*92*/ { "xchg", false, LONG, op2(A, Ri), 0 }, /*93*/ { "xchg", false, LONG, op2(A, Ri), 0 }, /*94*/ { "xchg", false, LONG, op2(A, Ri), 0 }, /*95*/ { "xchg", false, LONG, op2(A, Ri), 0 }, /*96*/ { "xchg", false, LONG, op2(A, Ri), 0 }, /*97*/ { "xchg", false, LONG, op2(A, Ri), 0 }, /*98*/ { "cbw", false, SDEP, 0, "cwde" }, /* cbw/cwde */ /*99*/ { "cwd", false, SDEP, 0, "cdq" }, /* cwd/cdq */ /*9a*/ { "lcall", false, NONE, op1(OS), 0 }, /*9b*/ { "wait", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*9c*/ { "pushf", false, LONG, 0, 0 }, /*9d*/ { "popf", false, LONG, 0, 0 }, /*9e*/ { "sahf", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*9f*/ { "lahf", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*a0*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(O, A), 0 }, /*a1*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(O, A), 0 }, /*a2*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(A, O), 0 }, /*a3*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(A, O), 0 }, /*a4*/ { "movs", false, BYTE, op2(SI,DI), 0 }, /*a5*/ { "movs", false, LONG, op2(SI,DI), 0 }, /*a6*/ { "cmps", false, BYTE, op2(SI,DI), 0 }, /*a7*/ { "cmps", false, LONG, op2(SI,DI), 0 }, /*a8*/ { "test", false, BYTE, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*a9*/ { "test", false, LONG, op2(I, A), 0 }, /*aa*/ { "stos", false, BYTE, op1(DI), 0 }, /*ab*/ { "stos", false, LONG, op1(DI), 0 }, /*ac*/ { "lods", false, BYTE, op1(SI), 0 }, /*ad*/ { "lods", false, LONG, op1(SI), 0 }, /*ae*/ { "scas", false, BYTE, op1(SI), 0 }, /*af*/ { "scas", false, LONG, op1(SI), 0 }, /*b0*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b1*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b2*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b3*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b4*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b5*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b6*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b7*/ { "mov", false, BYTE, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b8*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*b9*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*ba*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*bb*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*bc*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*bd*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*be*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*bf*/ { "mov", false, LONG, op2(I, Ri), 0 }, /*c0*/ { NULL, true, BYTE, op2(Ib, E), db_Grp2 }, /*c1*/ { NULL, true, LONG, op2(Ib, E), db_Grp2 }, /*c2*/ { "ret", false, NONE, op1(Iw), 0 }, /*c3*/ { "ret", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*c4*/ { "les", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*c5*/ { "lds", true, LONG, op2(E, R), 0 }, /*c6*/ { "mov", true, BYTE, op2(I, E), 0 }, /*c7*/ { "mov", true, LONG, op2(I, E), 0 }, /*c8*/ { "enter", false, NONE, op2(Ib, Iw), 0 }, /*c9*/ { "leave", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*ca*/ { "lret", false, NONE, op1(Iw), 0 }, /*cb*/ { "lret", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*cc*/ { "int", false, NONE, op1(o3), 0 }, /*cd*/ { "int", false, NONE, op1(Ib), 0 }, /*ce*/ { "into", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*cf*/ { "iret", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*d0*/ { NULL, true, BYTE, op2(o1, E), db_Grp2 }, /*d1*/ { NULL, true, LONG, op2(o1, E), db_Grp2 }, /*d2*/ { NULL, true, BYTE, op2(CL, E), db_Grp2 }, /*d3*/ { NULL, true, LONG, op2(CL, E), db_Grp2 }, /*d4*/ { "aam", true, NONE, op1(Iba), 0 }, /*d5*/ { "aad", true, NONE, op1(Iba), 0 }, /*d6*/ { ".byte\t0xd6",false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*d7*/ { "xlat", false, BYTE, op1(BX), 0 }, /*d8*/ { "", true, NONE, 0, db_Esc8 }, /*d9*/ { "", true, NONE, 0, db_Esc9 }, /*da*/ { "", true, NONE, 0, db_Esca }, /*db*/ { "", true, NONE, 0, db_Escb }, /*dc*/ { "", true, NONE, 0, db_Escc }, /*dd*/ { "", true, NONE, 0, db_Escd }, /*de*/ { "", true, NONE, 0, db_Esce }, /*df*/ { "", true, NONE, 0, db_Escf }, /*e0*/ { "loopne",false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*e1*/ { "loope", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*e2*/ { "loop", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*e3*/ { "jcxz", false, SDEP, op1(Db), "jecxz" }, /*e4*/ { "in", false, BYTE, op2(Ib, A), 0 }, /*e5*/ { "in", false, LONG, op2(Ib, A) , 0 }, /*e6*/ { "out", false, BYTE, op2(A, Ib), 0 }, /*e7*/ { "out", false, LONG, op2(A, Ib) , 0 }, /*e8*/ { "call", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*e9*/ { "jmp", false, NONE, op1(Dl), 0 }, /*ea*/ { "ljmp", false, NONE, op1(OS), 0 }, /*eb*/ { "jmp", false, NONE, op1(Db), 0 }, /*ec*/ { "in", false, BYTE, op2(DX, A), 0 }, /*ed*/ { "in", false, LONG, op2(DX, A) , 0 }, /*ee*/ { "out", false, BYTE, op2(A, DX), 0 }, /*ef*/ { "out", false, LONG, op2(A, DX) , 0 }, /*f0*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*f1*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*f2*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*f3*/ { "", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*f4*/ { "hlt", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*f5*/ { "cmc", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*f6*/ { "", true, BYTE, 0, db_Grp3 }, /*f7*/ { "", true, LONG, 0, db_Grp3 }, /*f8*/ { "clc", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*f9*/ { "stc", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*fa*/ { "cli", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*fb*/ { "sti", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*fc*/ { "cld", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*fd*/ { "std", false, NONE, 0, 0 }, /*fe*/ { "", true, RDEP, 0, db_Grp4 }, /*ff*/ { "", true, RDEP, 0, db_Grp5 }, }; const struct inst db_bad_inst = { "???", false, NONE, 0, 0 } ; #define f_mod(byte) ((byte)>>6) #define f_reg(byte) (((byte)>>3)&0x7) #define f_rm(byte) ((byte)&0x7) #define sib_ss(byte) ((byte)>>6) #define sib_index(byte) (((byte)>>3)&0x7) #define sib_base(byte) ((byte)&0x7) struct i_addr { int is_reg; /* if reg, reg number is in 'disp' */ int disp; const char * base; const char * index; int ss; }; const char * const db_index_reg_16[8] = { "%bx,%si", "%bx,%di", "%bp,%si", "%bp,%di", "%si", "%di", "%bp", "%bx" }; const char * const db_reg[3][8] = { { "%al", "%cl", "%dl", "%bl", "%ah", "%ch", "%dh", "%bh" }, { "%ax", "%cx", "%dx", "%bx", "%sp", "%bp", "%si", "%di" }, { "%eax", "%ecx", "%edx", "%ebx", "%esp", "%ebp", "%esi", "%edi" } }; const char * const db_seg_reg[8] = { "%es", "%cs", "%ss", "%ds", "%fs", "%gs", "", "" }; /* * lengths for size attributes */ const int db_lengths[] = { 1, /* BYTE */ 2, /* WORD */ 4, /* LONG */ 8, /* QUAD */ 4, /* SNGL */ 8, /* DBLR */ 10, /* EXTR */ }; #define get_value_inc(result, loc, size, is_signed) \ do { \ result = db_get_value((loc), (size), (is_signed)); \ (loc) += (size); \ } while (0) db_addr_t db_read_address(db_addr_t, int, int, struct i_addr *); void db_print_address(const char *, int, struct i_addr *); db_addr_t db_disasm_esc(db_addr_t, int, int, int, const char *); /* * Read address at location and return updated location. */ db_addr_t db_read_address(db_addr_t loc, int short_addr, int regmodrm, struct i_addr *addrp) /* addrp: out */ { int mod, rm, sib, index, disp; mod = f_mod(regmodrm); rm = f_rm(regmodrm); if (mod == 3) { addrp->is_reg = true; addrp->disp = rm; return (loc); } addrp->is_reg = false; addrp->index = 0; if (short_addr) { addrp->index = 0; addrp->ss = 0; switch (mod) { case 0: if (rm == 6) { get_value_inc(disp, loc, 2, false); addrp->disp = disp; addrp->base = 0; } else { addrp->disp = 0; addrp->base = db_index_reg_16[rm]; } break; case 1: get_value_inc(disp, loc, 1, true); addrp->disp = disp; addrp->base = db_index_reg_16[rm]; break; case 2: get_value_inc(disp, loc, 2, false); addrp->disp = disp; addrp->base = db_index_reg_16[rm]; break; } } else { if (mod != 3 && rm == 4) { get_value_inc(sib, loc, 1, false); rm = sib_base(sib); index = sib_index(sib); if (index != 4) addrp->index = db_reg[LONG][index]; addrp->ss = sib_ss(sib); } switch (mod) { case 0: if (rm == 5) { get_value_inc(addrp->disp, loc, 4, false); addrp->base = 0; } else { addrp->disp = 0; addrp->base = db_reg[LONG][rm]; } break; case 1: get_value_inc(disp, loc, 1, true); addrp->disp = disp; addrp->base = db_reg[LONG][rm]; break; case 2: get_value_inc(disp, loc, 4, false); addrp->disp = disp; addrp->base = db_reg[LONG][rm]; break; } } return (loc); } void db_print_address(const char * seg, int size, struct i_addr *addrp) { if (addrp->is_reg) { db_printf("%s", db_reg[size][addrp->disp]); return; } if (seg) db_printf("%s:", seg); db_printsym((db_addr_t)addrp->disp, DB_STGY_ANY, db_printf); if (addrp->base != 0 || addrp->index != 0) { db_printf("("); if (addrp->base) db_printf("%s", addrp->base); if (addrp->index) db_printf(",%s,%d", addrp->index, 1<ss); db_printf(")"); } } /* * Disassemble floating-point ("escape") instruction * and return updated location. */ db_addr_t db_disasm_esc(db_addr_t loc, int inst, int short_addr, int size, const char *seg) { int regmodrm; const struct finst *fp; int mod; struct i_addr address; const char * name; get_value_inc(regmodrm, loc, 1, false); fp = &db_Esc_inst[inst - 0xd8][f_reg(regmodrm)]; mod = f_mod(regmodrm); if (mod != 3) { if (*fp->f_name == '\0') { db_printf(""); return (loc); } /* * Normal address modes. */ loc = db_read_address(loc, short_addr, regmodrm, &address); db_printf("%s", fp->f_name); switch (fp->f_size) { case SNGL: db_printf("s"); break; case DBLR: db_printf("l"); break; case EXTR: db_printf("t"); break; case WORD: db_printf("s"); break; case LONG: db_printf("l"); break; case QUAD: db_printf("q"); break; default: break; } db_printf("\t"); db_print_address(seg, BYTE, &address); } else { /* * 'reg-reg' - special formats */ switch (fp->f_rrmode) { case op2(ST,STI): name = (fp->f_rrname) ? fp->f_rrname : fp->f_name; db_printf("%s\t%%st,%%st(%d)", name, f_rm(regmodrm)); break; case op2(STI,ST): name = (fp->f_rrname) ? fp->f_rrname : fp->f_name; db_printf("%s\t%%st(%d),%%st", name, f_rm(regmodrm)); break; case op1(STI): name = (fp->f_rrname) ? fp->f_rrname : fp->f_name; db_printf("%s\t%%st(%d)", name, f_rm(regmodrm)); break; case op1(X): name = ((const char *const*)fp->f_rrname)[f_rm(regmodrm)]; if (*name == '\0') goto bad; db_printf("%s", name); break; case op1(XA): db_printf("%s\t%%ax", ((const char *const*)fp->f_rrname)[f_rm(regmodrm)]); break; default: bad: db_printf(""); break; } } return (loc); } /* * Disassemble instruction at 'loc'. 'altfmt' specifies an * (optional) alternate format. Return address of start of * next instruction. */ db_addr_t db_disasm(db_addr_t loc, bool altfmt) { int inst; int size; int short_addr; const char * seg; const struct inst * ip; const char * i_name; int i_size; int i_mode; int regmodrm = 0; bool first; int displ; int prefix; int imm; int imm2; int len; struct i_addr address; get_value_inc(inst, loc, 1, false); short_addr = false; size = LONG; seg = 0; /* * Get prefixes */ prefix = true; do { switch (inst) { case 0x66: /* data16 */ size = WORD; break; case 0x67: short_addr = true; break; case 0x26: seg = "%es"; break; case 0x36: seg = "%ss"; break; case 0x2e: seg = "%cs"; break; case 0x3e: seg = "%ds"; break; case 0x64: seg = "%fs"; break; case 0x65: seg = "%gs"; break; case 0xf0: db_printf("lock "); break; case 0xf2: db_printf("repne "); break; case 0xf3: db_printf("repe "); /* XXX repe VS rep */ break; default: prefix = false; break; } if (prefix) get_value_inc(inst, loc, 1, false); } while (prefix); if (inst >= 0xd8 && inst <= 0xdf) { loc = db_disasm_esc(loc, inst, short_addr, size, seg); db_printf("\n"); return (loc); } if (inst == 0x0f) { get_value_inc(inst, loc, 1, false); ip = db_inst_0f[inst>>4]; if (ip == 0) ip = &db_bad_inst; else ip = &ip[inst&0xf]; } else { ip = &db_inst_table[inst]; } if (ip->i_has_modrm) { get_value_inc(regmodrm, loc, 1, false); loc = db_read_address(loc, short_addr, regmodrm, &address); } i_name = ip->i_name; i_size = ip->i_size; i_mode = ip->i_mode; if (i_size == RDEP) { /* sub-table to handle dependency on reg from ModR/M byte */ ip = (const struct inst *)ip->i_extra; ip = &ip[f_reg(regmodrm)]; i_name = ip->i_name; i_mode = ip->i_mode; i_size = ip->i_size; } else if (i_name == NULL) { i_name = ((const char *const*)ip->i_extra)[f_reg(regmodrm)]; } else if (ip->i_extra == (const char *)db_Grp3) { ip = (const struct inst *)ip->i_extra; ip = &ip[f_reg(regmodrm)]; i_name = ip->i_name; i_mode = ip->i_mode; } /* ModR/M-specific operation? */ if ((i_mode & 0xFF) == MEx) { if (f_mod(regmodrm) != 3) i_mode = op1(E); else { /* unknown extension? */ if (f_rm(regmodrm) > (i_mode >> 8)) i_name = ""; else { /* skip to the specific op */ int i = f_rm(regmodrm); i_name = ip->i_extra; while (i-- > 0) while (*i_name++) ; } i_mode = 0; } } if (i_size == SDEP) { if (size == WORD) db_printf("%s", i_name); else db_printf("%s", (const char *)ip->i_extra); } else { db_printf("%s", i_name); if (i_size != NONE) { if (i_size == BYTE) { db_printf("b"); size = BYTE; } else if (i_size == WORD) { db_printf("w"); size = WORD; } else if (size == WORD) { db_printf("w"); } else { db_printf("l"); } } } db_printf("\t"); for (first = true; i_mode != 0; i_mode >>= 8, first = false) { char tbuf[24]; if (!first) db_printf(","); switch (i_mode & 0xFF) { case E: db_print_address(seg, size, &address); break; case Eind: db_printf("*"); db_print_address(seg, size, &address); break; case El: db_print_address(seg, LONG, &address); break; case Ew: db_print_address(seg, WORD, &address); break; case Eb: db_print_address(seg, BYTE, &address); break; case R: db_printf("%s", db_reg[size][f_reg(regmodrm)]); break; case Rw: db_printf("%s", db_reg[WORD][f_reg(regmodrm)]); break; case Ri: db_printf("%s", db_reg[size][f_rm(inst)]); break; case Ril: db_printf("%s", db_reg[LONG][f_rm(inst)]); break; case S: db_printf("%s", db_seg_reg[f_reg(regmodrm)]); break; case Si: db_printf("%s", db_seg_reg[f_reg(inst)]); break; case A: db_printf("%s", db_reg[size][0]); /* acc */ break; case BX: if (seg) db_printf("%s:", seg); db_printf("(%s)", short_addr ? "%bx" : "%ebx"); break; case CL: db_printf("%%cl"); break; case DX: db_printf("%%dx"); break; case SI: if (seg) db_printf("%s:", seg); db_printf("(%s)", short_addr ? "%si" : "%esi"); break; case DI: db_printf("%%es:(%s)", short_addr ? "%di" : "%edi"); break; case CR: db_printf("%%cr%d", f_reg(regmodrm)); break; case DR: db_printf("%%dr%d", f_reg(regmodrm)); break; case TR: db_printf("%%tr%d", f_reg(regmodrm)); break; case I: len = db_lengths[size]; get_value_inc(imm, loc, len, false);/* unsigned */ db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, (unsigned int)imm, true); db_printf("$%s", tbuf); break; case Is: len = db_lengths[size]; get_value_inc(imm, loc, len, true); /* signed */ db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, imm, true); db_printf("$%s", tbuf); break; case Ib: get_value_inc(imm, loc, 1, false); /* unsigned */ db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, (unsigned int)imm, true); db_printf("$%s", tbuf); break; case Iba: get_value_inc(imm, loc, 1, false); if (imm != 0x0a) { db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, (unsigned int)imm, true); db_printf("$%s", tbuf); } break; case Ibs: get_value_inc(imm, loc, 1, true); /* signed */ db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, imm, true); db_printf("$%s", tbuf); break; case Iw: get_value_inc(imm, loc, 2, false); /* unsigned */ db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, (unsigned int)imm, true); db_printf("$%s", tbuf); break; case Il: get_value_inc(imm, loc, 4, false); db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, (unsigned int)imm, true); db_printf("$%s", tbuf); break; case O: if (short_addr) get_value_inc(displ, loc, 2, true); else get_value_inc(displ, loc, 4, true); if (seg) { db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, displ, true); db_printf("%s:%s", seg, tbuf); } else db_printsym((db_addr_t)displ, DB_STGY_ANY, db_printf); break; case Db: get_value_inc(displ, loc, 1, true); db_printsym((db_addr_t)(displ + loc), DB_STGY_XTRN, db_printf); break; case Dl: get_value_inc(displ, loc, 4, true); db_printsym((db_addr_t)(displ + loc), DB_STGY_XTRN, db_printf); break; case o1: db_printf("$1"); break; case o3: db_printf("$3"); break; case OS: get_value_inc(imm, loc, 4, false); /* offset */ db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, (unsigned int)imm, true); db_printf("$%s", tbuf); get_value_inc(imm2, loc, 2, false); /* segment */ db_format_radix(tbuf, 24, (unsigned int)imm2, true); db_printf(",%s", tbuf); break; } } db_printf("\n"); return (loc); }