A free, object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management * Provides access to all information about SGML document + Access to DTD and SGML declaration as well as document instance + Access to markup as well as abstract document + Sufficient to recreate character-for-character identical copy of any SGML document * Supports almost all optional SGML features + Arbitrary concrete syntaxes + SHORTTAG, OMITTAG, RANK, SUBDOC + LINK (SIMPLE, IMPLICIT and EXPLICIT) + Only DATATAG and CONCUR not supported * Sophisticated entity manager + Supports ISO/IEC 10744 Formal System Identifiers + Supports SGML Open catalogs + Supports WWW + Can be used independently of parser * Supports multi-byte character sets + Parser can use 16-bit characters internally + 16-bit characters can be used in tag names and other markup + Supports ISO/IEC 10646 (Unicode) using both UCS-2 and UTF-8 + Supports Japanese character sets (Shift-JIS, EUC)