This is a Perl5 extension module which provides an interface to the CMU-SNMPv2 library. Description: The basic operations offered by SNMP are provided through an object oriented interface for modularity and ease of use. The primary object is SNMP::Session which is implemented as a blessed hash reference. The object supports 'get', 'set', and 'getNext' method calls. All calls are blocking/synchronous (i.e., they must receive a response or timeout before control is returned to the caller). The methods take a variety of input argument formats(see and examp/* for examples). A description of the objects data fields follow. SNMP::Session DestHost - default 'localhost', hostname or ip addr of SNMP agent Community - default 'public', SNMP community string Version - default '1', v1 support only for now Timeout - default '1000000', micro-seconds before retry Retries - default '5', retries before failure RetryNoSuch - default '1', for get request NOSUCH errors, the pdu will be repaired, removing the varbind in error, and resent - undef will be returned for all NOSUCH varbinds, setting to '0' disables this feature and the entire get request will fail on any NOSUCH error ErrorStr - read-only, returns a test description of any error occuring in the last request ErrorNum - read-only, returns the snmp_err or staus of last request private DestAddr - internal field used to hold the translated DestHost field SessPtr - internal field used to cache a created session structure