$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 1.2 1998/08/07 10:36:15 agc Exp $

*** timidity.cfg.bak	Mon May 22 02:40:27 1995
--- timidity.cfg	Sun Nov 17 10:50:44 1996
*** 34,42 ****
  # This sets up the default patches in the TiMidity support package
  # "timidity-lib-0.1.tar.gz":
! bank 0
!    0 patch/acpiano.pat
!   24 patch/nylongt2.pat
  # If you have Dustin McCartney's "wowpats" patches, you can source the 
--- 34,42 ----
  # This sets up the default patches in the TiMidity support package
  # "timidity-lib-0.1.tar.gz":
! #bank 0
! #   0 patch/acpiano.pat
! #  24 patch/nylongt2.pat
  # If you have Dustin McCartney's "wowpats" patches, you can source the 
*** 67,73 ****
  # Note that midia.cfg sources gravis.cfg in turn, since the filenames are 
  # almost identical.
! #source midia.cfg
--- 67,73 ----
  # Note that midia.cfg sources gravis.cfg in turn, since the filenames are 
  # almost identical.
! source midia.cfg