*** nspmod.c.orig Sat Sep 16 04:10:37 1995 --- nspmod.c Sat Mar 7 04:43:55 1998 *************** *** 1,4 **** --- 1,5 ---- #include /*(perror)*/ + #include #include /*PROT_READ,MAP_xxx*/ #include /*O_RDONLY*/ #include /*stat*/ *************** *** 35,40 **** --- 36,42 ---- printf("NSPmod version " LIT(VERSION_MAJOR) "." LIT(VERSION_MINOR) "\n"); printf("Usage: %s [options] modfile\n", argv0); printf("Options:\n"); + printf(" -b # number of bits to output (8 or 16)\n"); printf(" -c # play only the channel\n"); printf(" -e show events\n"); printf(" -f # output sample rate\n"); *************** *** 59,69 **** static OptInfo oi; int optChar; oi.outRate = DEF_OUTRATE; oi.ovsFreq = -1; /*oi.repLimit = 1;*/ ! while ((optChar = getopt(argc, argv, "c:ef:il:mo:rs:v:")) > 0) { switch (optChar) { case 'c': oi.onlyCh = (i15x)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0) | 0x100; break; case 'e': oi.showEvents++; break; case 'f': oi.outRate = (u16x)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; --- 61,73 ---- static OptInfo oi; int optChar; + oi.bits = 8; oi.outRate = DEF_OUTRATE; oi.ovsFreq = -1; /*oi.repLimit = 1;*/ ! while ((optChar = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:ef:il:mo:rs:v:")) > 0) { switch (optChar) { + case 'b': oi.bits = (i15x)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'c': oi.onlyCh = (i15x)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0) | 0x100; break; case 'e': oi.showEvents++; break; case 'f': oi.outRate = (u16x)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; *************** *** 116,121 **** --- 120,126 ---- lookOverFile(p, statbuf.st_size); dacioInit(); + dci.bits = oi.bits; dci.speed = oi.outRate; dci.stereo = !oi.mono; dacioConf(&dci);