diff -r -c ./Makefile.in ../current/Makefile.in
*** ./Makefile.in	Wed Jun  2 06:31:19 1999
--- ../current/Makefile.in	Mon Oct  4 22:18:15 1999
*** 119,125 ****
  pgpsplit: pgpsplit.o $(PGPOBJS) $(UTILOBJS)
! kvcv: kvcv.o pgpfile.o $(PGPOBJS) $(UTILOBJS)
  kxa: kxa.o pgpfile.o $(PGPOBJS) $(UTILOBJS)
--- 119,125 ----
  pgpsplit: pgpsplit.o $(PGPOBJS) $(UTILOBJS)
! kvcv: kvcv.o pgpfile.o logging.o $(PGPOBJS) $(UTILOBJS)
  kxa: kxa.o pgpfile.o $(PGPOBJS) $(UTILOBJS)
diff -r -c ./kd_generic.c ../current/kd_generic.c
*** ./kd_generic.c	Mon Oct  4 18:54:19 1999
--- ../current/kd_generic.c	Mon Oct  4 22:40:47 1999
*** 235,240 ****
--- 235,241 ----
  int kd_txn_commit(kd_txn tid, error *err)
      int ret;
+     static int txn_count = 0;
      if (! tid)
*** 244,252 ****
  	err->str = "Failed committing transaction";
!     return(1);
! }
  int kd_txn_abort(kd_txn tid, error *err)
--- 245,268 ----
  	err->str = "Failed committing transaction";
!      txn_count++;
!      if (txn_count > KD_MAX_TXN_WO_CKPT) {
!        int count;
!        for (count=0; count<10; count++) {
!           if ((ret = txn_checkpoint(dbenv.tx_info, 0, 0)) == DB_INCOMPLETE) {
!              sleep(1);
!              continue;
!           }
!          /* Only reset if successful */
!          txn_count = 0;
!          break;
!        }
!       }
!       return(1);
!   }
  int kd_txn_abort(kd_txn tid, error *err)
diff -r -c ./kd_index.c ../current/kd_index.c
*** ./kd_index.c	Mon Oct  4 18:54:22 1999
--- ../current/kd_index.c	Mon Oct  4 22:42:19 1999
*** 54,59 ****
--- 54,63 ----
     gfu_state gfus;
     char buf[512];
+    if (se->keyid.buf == NULL) {
+        return xbuffer_append_str(s->xb, "sig       ????????              (Don't understand X.509 signatures yet)\n");
+    }
     err.str = err.buf;
diff -r -c ./kd_internal.h ../current/kd_internal.h
*** ./kd_internal.h	Mon Oct  4 18:54:24 1999
--- ../current/kd_internal.h	Mon Oct  4 22:36:27 1999
*** 11,16 ****
--- 11,19 ----
  #include <db.h>
  #include "llist.h"
+ /* Checkpoint after so many successful transactions */
+ #define KD_MAX_TXN_WO_CKPT 256
  /* keydb elements will be allocated with exponential size, starting
     with the min_alloc, until the max_alloc elements is reached, then
     the size will be incremented linearly by max_alloc elements.  These
diff -r -c ./kd_search.c ../current/kd_search.c
*** ./kd_search.c	Mon Oct  4 18:54:24 1999
--- ../current/kd_search.c	Mon Oct  4 22:33:16 1999
*** 379,389 ****
  	 long sig_time;
  	 sigs_elem *se;
  	 int ret;
  	 if (s->ignoring)
  	 /* extract the keyid and sigclass from the signature */
  	 if (!decode_sig(packet, plen, &keyid, &sigclass, &sig_time)) {
--- 379,395 ----
  	 long sig_time;
  	 sigs_elem *se;
  	 int ret;
!          static unsigned char maxid[8] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
!                                           0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
  	 if (s->ignoring)
  	 /* extract the keyid and sigclass from the signature */
+          /* if no keyid is found, take maxid */
+          keyid.data = maxid;
+          keyid.size = 8;
+          keyid.offset = 0;
  	 if (!decode_sig(packet, plen, &keyid, &sigclass, &sig_time)) {
diff -r -c ./kvcv.c ../current/kvcv.c
*** ./kvcv.c	Wed May 26 03:35:27 1999
--- ../current/kvcv.c	Mon Oct  4 22:28:33 1999
*** 10,15 ****
--- 10,16 ----
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <time.h>
+ #include "globals.h"
  #include "pgputil.h"
  #include "md5.h"
  #include "pgpfile.h"
*** 30,37 ****
     long ptype, plen;
     struct state *s = (struct state *) c;
!    if (!decode_psf(packet, &ptype, &plen))
!       return(0);
     switch (ptype) {
      case 6:
--- 31,41 ----
     long ptype, plen;
     struct state *s = (struct state *) c;
!    if (!decode_psf(packet, &ptype, &plen)) {
!        log_error("decode_psf", "");
!        return(0);
!    }
     switch (ptype) {
      case 6:
*** 52,59 ****
  	  time_t create_time;
  	  if (!decode_pubkey(packet, plen, &m, &e, NULL, &keytype,
! 			     &create_time))
  	  switch (keytype) {
  	  case 1:
--- 56,65 ----
  	  time_t create_time;
  	  if (!decode_pubkey(packet, plen, &m, &e, NULL, &keytype,
! 			     &create_time)) {
! 	       log_error("decode_pubkey", "");
+ 	  }
  	  switch (keytype) {
  	  case 1:
*** 77,84 ****
  	 int i;
  	 ddesc userid;
! 	 if (!decode_userid(packet, plen, &userid))
  	 if (s->got_userid) {
  	    printf("                              %.*s\n",
--- 83,92 ----
  	 int i;
  	 ddesc userid;
! 	 if (!decode_userid(packet, plen, &userid)) {
! 	    log_error("decode_pubkey", "");
+ 	 }
  	 if (s->got_userid) {
  	    printf("                              %.*s\n",
*** 93,100 ****
  	    struct tm *c_tm;
  	    if (!decode_pubkey(&(s->pubkey), s->pubkeylen, &modulus,
! 			       &exponent, NULL, &keytype, &create_time))
              if (keytype == 16 || keytype == 17) {
--- 101,110 ----
  	    struct tm *c_tm;
  	    if (!decode_pubkey(&(s->pubkey), s->pubkeylen, &modulus,
! 			       &exponent, NULL, &keytype, &create_time)) {
! 	 	 log_error("decode_pubkey 2", "");
+ 	    }
              if (keytype == 16 || keytype == 17) {
*** 158,178 ****
        /* signature packet */
  	 ddesc keyid;
  	 long sigclass;
  	 time_t sigtime;
  	 int i;
! 	 if (!decode_sig(packet, plen, &keyid, &sigclass, &sigtime))
! 	 if (sigclass == 0x20) {
  	    /* key revoked */
  	    s->got_revoke = 1;
  	 } else if (sigclass == 0x10) {
  	    printf("sig       ");
  	    for (i=4; i<8; i++)
  	       printf("%02X", keyid.data[i]);
! 	    printf("             (can't do uid->name conversion yet)\n");
  	 } else if (sigclass == 0x18) {
  	    printf("             (subkey signature)\n");
  	 } else {
--- 168,194 ----
        /* signature packet */
  	 ddesc keyid;
+ 	/* Point to "null" by default */
  	 long sigclass;
  	 time_t sigtime;
  	 int i;
! 	 keyid.data = NULL;
! 	 if (!decode_sig(packet, plen, &keyid, &sigclass, &sigtime)) {
! 	      log_error("decode_sig", "");
+ 	 }
! 	 if (keyid.data == NULL) {
! 	     printf("sig       ????????         (Don't understand X.509 signatures yet)\n");
! 	 } else if (sigclass == 0x20) {
  	    /* key revoked */
  	    s->got_revoke = 1;
  	 } else if (sigclass == 0x10) {
  	    printf("sig       ");
  	    for (i=4; i<8; i++)
  	       printf("%02X", keyid.data[i]);
! 	    printf("             (can't do keyid->name conversion yet)\n");
  	 } else if (sigclass == 0x18) {
  	    printf("             (subkey signature)\n");
  	 } else {
*** 196,198 ****
--- 212,221 ----
     return(decode_file(data, kvcv, (void *) &s));
+ /* These are just dummy, for the linker */
+ void kd_close(void)
+ {
+ }
+ int debug;
diff -r -c ./mail_req.c ../current/mail_req.c
*** ./mail_req.c	Mon Oct  4 18:54:29 1999
--- ../current/mail_req.c	Mon Oct  4 22:33:17 1999
*** 487,493 ****
  	 since -= 86400*days;
! 	 ret = kd_since(since, 0, conf->max_reply_keys,
  			NULL, &retstr, &ret_len);
  	 if (ret) {
--- 487,493 ----
  	 since -= 86400*days;
! 	 ret = kd_since(since, 0, conf->max_last_reply_keys,
  			NULL, &retstr, &ret_len);
  	 if (ret) {
diff -r -c ./mail_req.h ../current/mail_req.h
*** ./mail_req.h	Thu May 20 03:39:51 1999
--- ../current/mail_req.h	Mon Oct  4 22:33:17 1999
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,21 ----
     mail_send_conf *msc;
     pks_incr_conf *pic;
     int max_last;
+    int max_last_reply_keys;
     int max_reply_keys;
  } mail_req_conf;
diff -r -c ./mkpksdconf.in ../current/mkpksdconf.in
*** ./mkpksdconf.in	Wed Jun  2 06:04:33 1999
--- ../current/mkpksdconf.in	Mon Oct  4 22:33:17 1999
*** 49,55 ****
  ### to allow any argument to LAST.
  # max_last -1
  ### Set this to the maximum number of keys to return in the reply to
! ### an index, verbose index, get, or since reply.  Setting it to -1
  ### will allow any size reply.
  # max_reply_keys -1
--- 49,58 ----
  ### to allow any argument to LAST.
  # max_last -1
  ### Set this to the maximum number of keys to return in the reply to
! ### a last query.  Setting it to -1 will allow any size reply.
! # max_last_reply_keys -1
! ### Set this to the maximum number of keys to return in the reply to
! ### an index, verbose index, or get query.  Setting it to -1
  ### will allow any size reply.
  # max_reply_keys -1
diff -r -c ./pgpsplit.c ../current/pgpsplit.c
*** ./pgpsplit.c	Mon Oct  4 18:54:31 1999
--- ../current/pgpsplit.c	Mon Oct  4 22:17:46 1999
*** 79,84 ****
--- 79,86 ----
     s.maxbytes = 0;
     s.filenamebase = NULL;
+    s.f = NULL;
+    s.filenum = 0;
     for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
        if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
diff -r -c ./pks_config.c ../current/pks_config.c
*** ./pks_config.c	Thu May 20 03:39:51 1999
--- ../current/pks_config.c	Mon Oct  4 22:35:31 1999
*** 73,78 ****
--- 73,81 ----
  const char debug_str[] = "debug";
  long debug_len = sizeof(debug_str)-1;
+ const char max_last_reply_keys_str[] = "max_last_reply_keys";
+ long max_last_reply_keys_len = sizeof(max_last_reply_keys_str)-1;
  static int compare_strings(const void *e1, const void *e2)
     return(my_strncasecmp((const char *) e1, (const char *) e2, -1));
*** 157,162 ****
--- 160,167 ----
        else if (num_conf(max_last_str, max_last_len, pc->max_last))
        else if (num_conf(max_reply_keys_str, max_reply_keys_len,
+       else if (num_conf(max_last_reply_keys_str, max_last_reply_keys_len,
+ 	                pc->max_last_reply_keys))
        else if (llist_conf(syncsite_str, syncsite_len, &(pc->syncsites)))
        else if (num_conf(debug_str, debug_len, debug))
diff -r -c ./pks_config.h ../current/pks_config.h
*** ./pks_config.h	Thu May 20 03:39:52 1999
--- ../current/pks_config.h	Mon Oct  4 22:33:17 1999
*** 32,37 ****
--- 32,38 ----
     /* policy stuff */
     int max_last;
+    int max_last_reply_keys;
     int max_reply_keys;
  } pks_config;
diff -r -c ./pksd.c ../current/pksd.c
*** ./pksd.c	Mon May 31 20:21:20 1999
--- ../current/pksd.c	Mon Oct  4 22:33:17 1999
*** 78,83 ****
--- 78,84 ----
     mrc.msc = &msc;
     mrc.pic = &pic;
     mrc.max_last = pc.max_last;
+    mrc.max_last_reply_keys = pc.max_last_reply_keys;
     mrc.max_reply_keys = pc.max_reply_keys;
     psc.socket = pc.socket_name;