=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE.smf,v 1.1 2018/09/30 15:55:25 jperkin Exp $ This package supports multiple SMF instances. By default a 'default' instance is created and a example tinc.conf config file is put in place in the 'default' network directory. No keys will be generated automatically, the user is expected to do so. Configure using the SMF properties: user, chroot, memlock 'user' is the user to setuid to after initialization. 'chroot' will chroot the server process to the directory where the network config is located. 'memlock' locks tinc into the main memory. For more information about these options check tincd(8) manpage. Add a example service instance: svccfg -s tinc add mynetwork svccfg -s tinc:mynetwork addpg tinc application svccfg -s tinc:mynetwork setprop tinc/user = astring: tincuser svccfg -s tinc:mynetwork setprop tinc/chroot = boolean: true svccfg -s tinc:mynetwork setprop tinc/memlock = boolean: true ===========================================================================