=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.11 2022/08/17 15:41:43 taca Exp $ Please refer to the following file on how to setup your RoundCube installation. ${DOCDIR}/INSTALL Please refer to the following file on how to upgrade your RoundCube from older version and make sure to remember the version of current installed Round cube with "pkg_info -I roundcube". And please refer config options changed. ${DOCDIR}/UPGRADING For pkgsrc installations the RoundCube package is installed in these locations. Log files: ${VARBASE}/log/roundcube/ Document root: ${PREFIX}/share/roundcube/ You will also need to make RoundCube accessible through your HTTP server. If you are running Apache and ap-php, then you can add the following lines to httpd.conf: Include ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/roundcube.conf Make sure to enable access_compat_module if you are using Apache 2.3 or later. Make sure ${PREFIX}/share/roundcube/temp/ exists and is writable by the web server user. Breaking Changes to 1.5 and prior versions The following config options have either been removed or renamed: 1. IMAP: * renamed default_host to imap_host * removed default_port option (non-standard port can be set via imap_host) * set "localhost:143" as a default for imap_host 2. SMTP: * renamed smtp_server to smtp_host * removed smtp_port option (non-standard port can be set via smtp_host) * set "localhost:587" as a default for smtp_host 3. LDAP: * removed port option from ldap_public array (non-standard port can be set via host) * removed use_tls option from ldap_public array (use tls:// prefix in host) 4. Managesieve: * removed managesieve_port option (non-standard port can be set via managesieve_host) * removed managesieve_usetls option (set tls:// prefix to managesieve_host) ===========================================================================