/*- * Copyright (c) 2011 Tim Kientzle * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Andres Mejia * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR(S) ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "test.h" #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) #define open _open #define close _close #define read _read #if !defined(__BORLANDC__) #ifdef lseek #undef lseek #endif #define lseek(f, o, w) _lseek(f, (long)(o), (int)(w)) #endif #endif static void test_splitted_file(void) { char buff[64]; static const char *reffiles[] = { "test_read_splitted_rar_aa", "test_read_splitted_rar_ab", "test_read_splitted_rar_ac", "test_read_splitted_rar_ad", NULL }; const char test_txt[] = "test text document\r\n"; int size = sizeof(test_txt)-1; struct archive_entry *ae; struct archive *a; extract_reference_files(reffiles); assert((a = archive_read_new()) != NULL); assertA(0 == archive_read_support_filter_all(a)); assertA(0 == archive_read_support_format_all(a)); assertA(0 == archive_read_open_filenames(a, reffiles, 10240)); /* First header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("test.txt", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(20, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(33188, archive_entry_mode(ae)); assertA(size == archive_read_data(a, buff, size)); assertEqualMem(buff, test_txt, size); /* Second header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("testlink", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(0, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(41471, archive_entry_mode(ae)); assertEqualString("test.txt", archive_entry_symlink(ae)); assertEqualIntA(a, 0, archive_read_data(a, buff, sizeof(buff))); /* Third header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("testdir/test.txt", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(20, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(33188, archive_entry_mode(ae)); assertA(size == archive_read_data(a, buff, size)); assertEqualMem(buff, test_txt, size); /* Fourth header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("testdir", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(0, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(16877, archive_entry_mode(ae)); /* Fifth header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("testemptydir", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(0, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(16877, archive_entry_mode(ae)); /* Test EOF */ assertA(1 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualInt(5, archive_file_count(a)); assertEqualIntA(a, ARCHIVE_OK, archive_read_close(a)); assertEqualInt(ARCHIVE_OK, archive_read_free(a)); } static void test_large_splitted_file(void) { static const char *reffiles[] = { "test_read_large_splitted_rar_aa", "test_read_large_splitted_rar_ab", "test_read_large_splitted_rar_ac", "test_read_large_splitted_rar_ad", "test_read_large_splitted_rar_ae", NULL }; const char test_txt[] = "gin-bottom: 0in\">

\n\n"; int size = 241647978, offset = 0; char buff[64]; struct archive_entry *ae; struct archive *a; extract_reference_files(reffiles); assert((a = archive_read_new()) != NULL); assertA(0 == archive_read_support_filter_all(a)); assertA(0 == archive_read_support_format_all(a)); assertA(0 == archive_read_open_filenames(a, reffiles, 10240)); /* First header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("ppmd_lzss_conversion_test.txt", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(size, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(33188, archive_entry_mode(ae)); while (offset + (int)sizeof(buff) < size) { assertA(sizeof(buff) == archive_read_data(a, buff, sizeof(buff))); offset += sizeof(buff); } assertA(size - offset == archive_read_data(a, buff, size - offset)); assertEqualMem(buff, test_txt, size - offset); /* Test EOF */ assertA(1 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualInt(1, archive_file_count(a)); assertEqualIntA(a, ARCHIVE_OK, archive_read_close(a)); assertEqualInt(ARCHIVE_OK, archive_read_free(a)); } #define BLOCK_SIZE 10240 struct mydata { char *filename; void *buffer; int fd; }; static int file_open(struct archive *a, void *data) { struct mydata *mydata = (struct mydata *)data; (void)a; if (mydata->fd < 0) { mydata->fd = open(mydata->filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (mydata->fd >= 0) { if ((mydata->buffer = (void*)calloc(BLOCK_SIZE, 1)) == NULL) return (ARCHIVE_FAILED); } } return (ARCHIVE_OK); } static ssize_t file_read(struct archive *a, void *data, const void **buff) { struct mydata *mydata = (struct mydata *)data; (void)a; *buff = mydata->buffer; return read(mydata->fd, mydata->buffer, BLOCK_SIZE); } static int64_t file_skip(struct archive *a, void *data, int64_t request) { struct mydata *mydata = (struct mydata *)data; int64_t result = lseek(mydata->fd, SEEK_CUR, request); if (result >= 0) return result; archive_set_error(a, errno, "Error seeking in '%s'", mydata->filename); return -1; } static int file_switch(struct archive *a, void *data1, void *data2) { struct mydata *mydata1 = (struct mydata *)data1; struct mydata *mydata2 = (struct mydata *)data2; int r = (ARCHIVE_OK); (void)a; if (mydata1 && mydata1->fd >= 0) { close(mydata1->fd); free(mydata1->buffer); mydata1->buffer = NULL; mydata1->fd = -1; } if (mydata2) { r = file_open(a, mydata2); } return (r); } static int file_close(struct archive *a, void *data) { struct mydata *mydata = (struct mydata *)data; if (mydata == NULL) return (ARCHIVE_FATAL); file_switch(a, mydata, NULL); free(mydata->filename); free(mydata); return (ARCHIVE_OK); } static int64_t file_seek(struct archive *a, void *data, int64_t request, int whence) { struct mydata *mine = (struct mydata *)data; int64_t r; (void)a; r = lseek(mine->fd, request, whence); if (r >= 0) return r; return (ARCHIVE_FATAL); } static void test_customized_multiple_data_objects(void) { char buff[64]; static const char *reffiles[] = { "test_read_splitted_rar_aa", "test_read_splitted_rar_ab", "test_read_splitted_rar_ac", "test_read_splitted_rar_ad", NULL }; const char test_txt[] = "test text document\r\n"; int size = sizeof(test_txt)-1; struct archive_entry *ae; struct archive *a; struct mydata *mydata; const char *filename = *reffiles; int i; extract_reference_files(reffiles); assert((a = archive_read_new()) != NULL); assertA(0 == archive_read_support_filter_all(a)); assertA(0 == archive_read_support_format_all(a)); for (i = 0; filename != NULL;) { assert((mydata = (struct mydata *)calloc(1, sizeof(*mydata))) != NULL); if (mydata == NULL) { assertEqualInt(ARCHIVE_OK, archive_read_free(a)); return; } assert((mydata->filename = (char *)calloc(strlen(filename) + 1, sizeof(char))) != NULL); if (mydata->filename == NULL) { free(mydata); assertEqualInt(ARCHIVE_OK, archive_read_free(a)); return; } strcpy(mydata->filename, filename); mydata->fd = -1; filename = reffiles[++i]; assertA(0 == archive_read_append_callback_data(a, mydata)); } assertA(0 == archive_read_set_open_callback(a, file_open)); assertA(0 == archive_read_set_read_callback(a, file_read)); assertA(0 == archive_read_set_skip_callback(a, file_skip)); assertA(0 == archive_read_set_close_callback(a, file_close)); assertA(0 == archive_read_set_switch_callback(a, file_switch)); assertA(0 == archive_read_set_seek_callback(a, file_seek)); assertA(0 == archive_read_open1(a)); /* First header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("test.txt", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(20, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(33188, archive_entry_mode(ae)); assertA(size == archive_read_data(a, buff, size)); assertEqualMem(buff, test_txt, size); /* Second header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("testlink", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(0, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(41471, archive_entry_mode(ae)); assertEqualString("test.txt", archive_entry_symlink(ae)); assertEqualIntA(a, 0, archive_read_data(a, buff, sizeof(buff))); /* Third header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("testdir/test.txt", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(20, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(33188, archive_entry_mode(ae)); assertA(size == archive_read_data(a, buff, size)); assertEqualMem(buff, test_txt, size); /* Fourth header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("testdir", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(0, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(16877, archive_entry_mode(ae)); /* Fifth header. */ assertA(0 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualString("testemptydir", archive_entry_pathname(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_mtime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_ctime(ae)); assertA((int)archive_entry_atime(ae)); assertEqualInt(0, archive_entry_size(ae)); assertEqualInt(16877, archive_entry_mode(ae)); /* Test EOF */ assertA(1 == archive_read_next_header(a, &ae)); assertEqualInt(5, archive_file_count(a)); assertEqualIntA(a, ARCHIVE_OK, archive_read_close(a)); assertEqualInt(ARCHIVE_OK, archive_read_free(a)); } DEFINE_TEST(test_archive_read_multiple_data_objects) { test_splitted_file(); test_large_splitted_file(); test_customized_multiple_data_objects(); }