Don't call s_my_atof_infnan if the machine doesn't have an infinity
or a NaN

diff -cwr work/perl-5.30.2/numeric.c workoff/perl-5.30.2/numeric.c
*** numeric.c.orig	Sat Feb 29 11:55:23 2020
--- numeric.c	Tue Jun 30 20:31:27 2020
*** 1552,1559 ****
--- 1552,1561 ----
          char* endp;
          char* copy = NULL;
+ #if defined(NV_INF) || defined(NV_NAN)
          if ((endp = S_my_atof_infnan(aTHX_ s, negative, send, value)))
              return endp;
+ #endif
          /* If the length is passed in, the input string isn't NUL-terminated,
           * and in it turns out the function below assumes it is; therefore we