// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -verify -fsyntax-only struct xx { int bitf:1; }; struct entry { struct xx *whatever; int value; int bitf:1; }; void add_one(int *p) { (*p)++; } void test() { register struct entry *p; add_one(&p->value); struct entry pvalue; add_one(&p->bitf); // expected-error {{address of bit-field requested}} add_one(&pvalue.bitf); // expected-error {{address of bit-field requested}} add_one(&p->whatever->bitf); // expected-error {{address of bit-field requested}} } void foo() { register int x[10]; &x[10]; // expected-error {{address of register variable requested}} register int *y; int *x2 = &y; // expected-error {{address of register variable requested}} int *x3 = &y[10]; } void testVectorComponentAccess() { typedef float v4sf __attribute__ ((vector_size (16))); static v4sf q; float* r = &q[0]; // expected-error {{address of vector element requested}} } typedef __attribute__(( ext_vector_type(4) )) float float4; float *testExtVectorComponentAccess(float4 x) { return &x.w; // expected-error {{address of vector element requested}} } void f0() { register int *x0; int *_dummy0 = &(*x0); register int *x1; int *_dummy1 = &(*(x1 + 1)); } // FIXME: The checks for this function are broken; we should error // on promoting a register array to a pointer! (C99 void f1() { register int x0[10]; int *_dummy00 = x0; // fixme-error {{address of register variable requested}} int *_dummy01 = &(*x0); // fixme-error {{address of register variable requested}} register int x1[10]; int *_dummy1 = &(*(x1 + 1)); // fixme-error {{address of register variable requested}} register int *x2; int *_dummy2 = &(*(x2 + 1)); register int x3[10][10][10]; int (*_dummy3)[10] = &x3[0][0]; // expected-error {{address of register variable requested}} register struct { int f0[10]; } x4; int *_dummy4 = &x4.f0[2]; // expected-error {{address of register variable requested}} } void f2() { register int *y; int *_dummy0 = &y; // expected-error {{address of register variable requested}} int *_dummy1 = &y[10]; } void f3() { extern void f4(); void (*_dummy0)() = &****f4; } void f4() { register _Complex int x; int *_dummy0 = &__real__ x; // expected-error {{address of register variable requested}} } void f5() { register int arr[2]; /* This is just here because if we happened to support this as an lvalue we would need to give a warning. Note that gcc warns about this as a register before it warns about it as an invalid lvalue. */ int *_dummy0 = &(int*) arr; // expected-error {{cannot take the address of an rvalue}} int *_dummy1 = &(arr + 1); // expected-error {{cannot take the address of an rvalue}} } void f6(register int x) { int * dummy0 = &x; // expected-error {{address of register variable requested}} } char* f7() { register struct {char* x;} t1 = {"Hello"}; char* dummy1 = &(t1.x[0]); struct {int a : 10; struct{int b : 10;};} t2; int* dummy2 = &(t2.a); // expected-error {{address of bit-field requested}} int* dummy3 = &(t2.b); // expected-error {{address of bit-field requested}} void* t3 = &(*(void*)0); } void f8() { void *dummy0 = &f8(); // expected-error {{cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'void'}} extern void v; void *dummy1 = &(1 ? v : f8()); // expected-error {{cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'void'}} void *dummy2 = &(f8(), v); // expected-error {{cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'void'}} void *dummy3 = &({ ; }); // expected-error {{cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'void'}} }