# $NetBSD: Makefile.bootprogs,v 1.15 2022/05/28 22:16:43 andvar Exp $ .include <bsd.own.mk> .include <bsd.klinks.mk> S= ${.CURDIR}/../../../.. .PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../common STRIPFLAG= BINMODE= 444 # XXX SHOULD NOT NEED TO DEFINE THESE! LIBCRT0= LIBCRTI= LIBC= LIBCRTBEGIN= LIBCRTEND= STRIP?= strip CHECKSIZE_CMD= SIZE=${SIZE} ${HOST_SH} ${.CURDIR}/../common/checksize.sh AFLAGS+= -DASSEMBLER -D_LOCORE -mno-abicalls -mips64 # -I${.CURDIR}/../.. done by Makefile.inc CPPFLAGS+= -nostdinc -I${.OBJDIR} -D_STANDALONE -I${S} CFLAGS= -Os -g -ffreestanding -mno-abicalls -msoft-float -G 0 CFLAGS+= -mips64 CFLAGS+= -Werror ${CWARNFLAGS} NETBSD_VERS!=${HOST_SH} ${.CURDIR}/../../../../conf/osrelease.sh CPPFLAGS+= -DNETBSD_VERS='"${NETBSD_VERS}"' CWARNFLAGS+= -Wno-main CWARNFLAGS+= -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith CWARNFLAGS+= -Wno-pointer-sign VERSIONFLAGS+=-n .include "${S}/conf/newvers_stand.mk" # # Refer to CFE documentation for a description of these regions. # REGION1_START= 0x20000000 # "Region 1 start" REGION1_SIZE!= expr 256 \* 1024 # 256k LDSCRIPT= ${.CURDIR}/../common/boot.ldscript # our memory lauout: # 'unified' boot loaders (e.g. netboot) can consume all of region # 1 for their text+data, or text+data+bss. UNIFIED_LOAD_ADDRESS= ${REGION1_START} UNIFIED_MAX_LOAD!= expr ${REGION1_SIZE} UNIFIED_MAX_TOTAL!= expr ${REGION1_SIZE} #UNIFIED_HEAP_START= right after secondary bss UNIFIED_HEAP_LIMIT= (${REGION1_START} + ${REGION1_SIZE}) # two-stage boot loaders must share region 1. The first stage # loads into the lowest portion, and uses the highest portion # for its heap. The second stage loads in between the primary image # and the heap, and can reuse the memory after it (i.e. the primary's # heap) for its own heap. PRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS= ${REGION1_START} #PRIMARY_MAX_LOAD= booter dependent, no more than ${PRIMARY_MAX_TOTAL} PRIMARY_MAX_TOTAL!= expr 16 \* 1024 # XXX SECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS should be # XXX (${PRIMARY_LOAD_ADDRESS} + ${PRIMARY_MAX_TOTAL}) bt there's no easy # XXX way to do that calculation and 'ld' wants a single number. SECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS= 0x20004000 # XXX SECONDARY_MAX_LOAD!= expr 112 \* 1024 SECONDARY_MAX_TOTAL!= expr ${REGION1_SIZE} - ${PRIMARY_MAX_TOTAL} PRIMARY_HEAP_START= (${SECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS} + ${SECONDARY_MAX_LOAD}) PRIMARY_HEAP_LIMIT= (${REGION1_START} + ${REGION1_SIZE}) #SECONDARY_HEAP_START= right after secondary bss SECONDARY_HEAP_LIMIT= (${REGION1_START} + ${REGION1_SIZE}) # standalone programs are like kernels. They load at # 0xfffffc0000300000 and can use the rest of memory. STANDPROG_LOAD_ADDRESS= 0xfffffc0000300000 FILE_FORMAT_CPPFLAGS= -DBOOT_ELF UNIFIED_CPPFLAGS= -DUNIFIED_BOOTBLOCK \ -DHEAP_LIMIT="${UNIFIED_HEAP_LIMIT}" \ ${FILE_FORMAT_CPPFLAGS} PRIMARY_CPPFLAGS= -DPRIMARY_BOOTBLOCK \ -DSECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS="${SECONDARY_LOAD_ADDRESS}" \ -DSECONDARY_MAX_LOAD="${SECONDARY_MAX_LOAD}" \ -DHEAP_LIMIT="${PRIMARY_HEAP_LIMIT}" \ -DHEAP_START="${PRIMARY_HEAP_START}" SECONDARY_CPPFLAGS= -DSECONDARY_BOOTBLOCK \ -DHEAP_LIMIT="${SECONDARY_HEAP_LIMIT}" \ ${FILE_FORMAT_CPPFLAGS} STANDPROG_CPPFLAGS= -DSTANDALONE_PROGRAM .include <bsd.prog.mk> ### find out what to use for libkern KERN_AS= library .include "${S}/lib/libkern/Makefile.inc" LIBKERN= ${KERNLIB} ### find out what to use for libz Z_AS= library .include "${S}/lib/libz/Makefile.inc" LIBZ= ${ZLIB} ### find out what to use for libsa SA_AS= library SAMISCMAKEFLAGS+="SA_USE_LOADFILE=yes" .include "${S}/lib/libsa/Makefile.inc" LIBSA= ${SALIB} /usr/lib/crt0.o: true /usr/lib/crtbegin.o: true /usr/lib/crtend.o: true cleandir: .WAIT cleandirlocal cleandirlocal: -rm -rf lib