#	$NetBSD: RPI,v 1.96 2023/02/09 14:09:48 abs Exp $
#	RPi -- Raspberry Pi

include	"arch/evbarm/conf/std.rpi"
include "arch/evbarm/conf/GENERIC.common"

options 	CPU_ARM1176
options 	SOC_BCM2835
options 	ARM11_COMPAT_MMU
makeoptions 	CPUFLAGS="-march=armv6z -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp"

# Architecture options

# Development and Debugging options
#options 	EARLYCONS=bcm2835,CONSADDR=0x20201000		# RPI1, RPI0
#options 	EARLYCONS=bcm2835_aux,CONSADDR=0x20215040	# RPI0W
makeoptions	DEBUG="-g"	# compile full symbol table
makeoptions	COPY_SYMTAB=1
options 	PLCONSOLE

## USB Debugging options
#options USB_DEBUG
#options DWC2_DEBUG
#options UHUB_DEBUG

# Valid options for BOOT_ARGS:
#  single		Boot to single user only
#  kdb			Give control to kernel debugger
#  ask			Ask for file name to reboot from
#  memorydisk=<n>	Set memorydisk size to <n> KB
#  quiet		Show aprint_naive output
#  verbose		Show aprint_normal and aprint_verbose output
#options		BOOT_ARGS="\"\""

config		netbsd		root on ? type ?

# Device tree support
armfdt0		at root
simplebus*	at fdt? pass 0

# The CPU(s)
cpus*		at fdt? pass 0
cpu*		at fdt? pass 0

fclock*		at fdt? pass 0

# Interrupt Controller
bcmicu*		at fdt? pass 1

# System timer
bcmtmr0		at fdt? pass 1

# Clock manager
bcmcprman0 	at fdt? pass 1

bcmaux0		at fdt? pass 2

# pulse width modulator manager
#bcmpwm0 	at fdt?

fregulator*	at fdt?
gpiokeys*	at fdt?

gpioleds*	at fdt?

# VC Mailbox
bcmmbox*	at fdt?
vcmbox* 	at bcmmbox?

# DMA Controller
bcmdmac0	at fdt?

vchiq0		at fdt?

vcaudio0	at vchiq0
audio*		at audiobus?

spkr*		at audio?		# PC speaker (synthesized)

# PL011 uart
plcom*		at fdt?

com0		at fdt?

# Framebuffer console
genfb0		at fdt?
wsdisplay*	at genfb?
#options 	RPI_HWCURSOR

# Power management, Reset controller and Watchdog registers
bcmpmwdog*	at fdt?

# Random number generator
bcmrng0 	at fdt?

bcmgpio*	at fdt?

# Arasan SD/MMC Interface
sdhc*		at fdt?
sdmmc*		at sdhc?

# SD host controller
bcmsdhost* 	at fdt?
sdmmc* 		at bcmsdhost?

ld*     at sdmmc?
bwfm*   at      sdmmc?

# On-board USB
dwctwo* 	at fdt?
usb* 		at dwctwo?

# USB device drivers
include "dev/usb/usbdevices.config"

midi*		at midibus?

# MII/PHY support
exphy* 		at mii? phy ?		# 3Com internal PHYs
gentbi* 	at mii? phy ?		# Generic Ten-Bit 1000BASE-[CLS]X PHYs
glxtphy*	at mii? phy ?		# Level One LXT-1000 PHYs
gphyter* 	at mii? phy ?		# NS83861 Gig-E PHY
icsphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Integrated Circuit Systems ICS189x
igphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Intel IGP01E1000
ihphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Intel 82577 PHYs
ikphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Intel 82563 PHYs
inphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Intel 82555 PHYs
iophy*		at mii? phy ?		# Intel 82553 PHYs
lxtphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Level One LXT-970 PHYs
makphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Marvell Semiconductor 88E1000 PHYs
nsphy*		at mii? phy ?		# NS83840 PHYs
nsphyter*	at mii? phy ? 		# NS83843 PHYs
pnaphy*		at mii? phy ?		# generic HomePNA PHYs
qsphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Quality Semiconductor QS6612 PHYs
rdcphy*		at mii? phy ?		# RDC R6040 10/100 PHY
rgephy*		at mii? phy ?		# Realtek 8169S/8110S internal PHYs
rlphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Realtek 8139/8201L PHYs
smscphy*	at mii? phy ?		# SMSC LAN87xx PHYs
sqphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Seeq 80220/80221/80223 PHYs
tlphy*		at mii? phy ?		# ThunderLAN PHYs
tqphy*		at mii? phy ?		# TDK Semiconductor PHYs
urlphy*		at mii? phy ?		# Realtek RTL8150L internal PHYs
ukphy*		at mii? phy ?		# generic unknown PHYs

# Broadcom Serial Control (I2C)
bsciic* at fdt?
iic* at i2cbus?

# 'DS3231 Raspberry Pi RTC Board Real Time Clock Module for Arduino'
# sold by linksprite.com
#dsrtc* at iic1 addr 0x68 flags 3231

# MCP7940 based PiFace Real Time Clock
#dsrtc* at iic1 addr 0x6f flags 7940

# SPI controller
bcmspi* at fdt?
spi* at spibus?

# MCP3x0x ADC
# flags selects the actual chip, refer to mcp3kadc(4)
#mcp3kadc0 at spi? slave 0 flags 0

# PIFace or other boards using that chip (needs gpio)
#mcpgpio0 at spi? slave 0 flags 0
#mcpgpio1 at spi? slave 0 flags 1
#mcpgpio2 at spi? slave 0 flags 2
#mcpgpio3 at spi? slave 0 flags 3

# MCP230xx GPIO on I2C.
mcpgpio* at iic? addr ?

# gpio support (e. g. mcpgpio, bcmgpio)
gpio*		at gpiobus?

# various options for wscons - we try to look as much like a standard
# sun console as possible
options 	WSEMUL_VT100		# sun terminal emulation
options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_PCVT		# emulate some ioctls
options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_SYSCONS	# emulate some more ioctls
options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_USL		# wsconscfg VT handling
options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_RAWKBD		# can get raw scancodes

options 	FONT_BOLD8x16
options 	FONT_BOLD16x32

#options 	FONT_QVSS8x15
#options 	FONT_GALLANT12x22	# the console font

# Pseudo-Devices

# network pseudo-devices
#pseudo-device	carp			# Common Address Redundancy Protocol
#pseudo-device	npf			# NPF packet filter
#pseudo-device	kttcp			# network loopback
#pseudo-device	sl			# Serial Line IP
#pseudo-device	irframetty		# IrDA frame line discipline
#pseudo-device	faith			# IPv[46] TCP relay translation i/f
#pseudo-device	stf			# 6to4 IPv6 over IPv4 encapsulation
#pseudo-device	agr			# IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation

# miscellaneous pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	openfirm

# wscons pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	wsmux			# mouse & keyboard multiplexor
pseudo-device	wsfont

# userland interface to drivers, including autoconf and properties retrieval

# Bluetooth devices
include "dev/bluetooth/bluetoothdevices.config"

# Pull in optional local configuration - always at end
cinclude	"arch/evbarm/conf/RPI.local"