#	$NetBSD: IMX31LITE,v 1.36 2022/08/07 02:52:25 simonb Exp $
#	IMX31LITE -- Freescale IMX31LITE Evaluation Board Kernel

include	"arch/evbarm/conf/std.imx31"

#options 	INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE	# embed config file in kernel binary

# estimated number of users

maxusers	32

# Standard system options

options 	RTC_OFFSET=0	# hardware clock is this many mins. west of GMT
#options 	NTP		# NTP phase/frequency locked loop

# CPU options

# For StrongARM systems
options 	CPU_ARM1136	# Support the SA110 core

# Architecture options
options        IMX31_IPGCLK_FREQ=66000000	# Fixme. bogus value

# File systems

file-system	FFS		# UFS
#file-system	LFS		# log-structured file system
file-system	MFS		# memory file system
file-system	NFS		# Network file system
#file-system 	ADOSFS		# AmigaDOS-compatible file system
#file-system 	EXT2FS		# second extended file system (linux)
#file-system	CD9660		# ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge file system
#file-system	MSDOSFS		# MS-DOS file system
file-system	FDESC		# /dev/fd
file-system	KERNFS		# /kern
file-system	NULLFS		# loopback file system
file-system	PROCFS		# /proc
#file-system	PUFFS		# Userspace file systems (e.g. ntfs-3g & sshfs)
file-system	TMPFS		# memory file system
#file-system	UMAPFS		# NULLFS + uid and gid remapping
#file-system	UNION		# union file system
file-system	PTYFS		# /dev/pts/N support

# File system options
#options 	FFS_EI		# FFS Endian Independent support
#options 	FFS_NO_SNAPSHOT	# No FFS snapshot support
#options 	QUOTA		# legacy UFS quotas
#options 	QUOTA2		# new, in-filesystem UFS quotas
#options 	UFS_DIRHASH	# UFS Large Directory Hashing
#options 	UFS_EXTATTR	# Extended attribute support for UFS1
options 	WAPBL		# File system journaling support
#options 	DISKLABEL_EI	# disklabel Endian Independent support
options 	NFSSERVER	# Network File System server

# Networking options

#options 	GATEWAY		# packet forwarding
options 	INET		# IP + ICMP + TCP + UDP
options 	INET6		# IPV6
#options 	IPSEC		# IP security
#options 	IPSEC_DEBUG	# debug for IP security
#options 	MROUTING	# IP multicast routing
#options 	PIM		# Protocol Independent Multicast
#options 	NETATALK	# AppleTalk networking
#options 	PPP_BSDCOMP	# BSD-Compress compression support for PPP
#options 	PPP_DEFLATE	# Deflate compression support for PPP
#options 	PPP_FILTER	# Active filter support for PPP (requires bpf)
#options 	TCP_DEBUG	# Record last TCP_NDEBUG packets with SO_DEBUG

options 	NFS_BOOT_DHCP

# Compatibility options

include 	"conf/compat_netbsd14.config"
options 	COMPAT_NETBSD32	# allow running arm (e.g. non-earm) binaries

# Shared memory options

options 	SYSVMSG		# System V-like message queues
options 	SYSVSEM		# System V-like semaphores
options 	SYSVSHM		# System V-like memory sharing

# Device options

#options 	MEMORY_DISK_HOOKS	# boottime setup of ramdisk
#options 	MEMORY_DISK_ROOT_SIZE=3400	# Size in blocks
#options 	MEMORY_DISK_IS_ROOT	# use memory disk as root

# Console options.
#options 	CONSPEED=38400		# Console speed

# Miscellaneous kernel options
options 	KTRACE		# system call tracing, a la ktrace(1)
options 	IRQSTATS	# manage IRQ statistics
#options 	SCSIVERBOSE	# Verbose SCSI errors
options 	MIIVERBOSE	# Verbose MII autoconfuration messages
#options 	PCI_CONFIG_DUMP	# verbosely dump PCI config space
#options 	DDB_KEYCODE=0x40
options 	USERCONF	# userconf(4) support
#options	PIPE_SOCKETPAIR	# smaller, but slower pipe(2)
#options 	SYSCTL_INCLUDE_DESCR	# Include sysctl descriptions in kernel

# Development and Debugging options

options 	DIAGNOSTIC	# internal consistency checks
options 	DEBUG
#options 	LOCKDEBUG
#options 	UVMHIST		# kernhist for uvm/pmap subsystems
options 	VERBOSE_INIT_ARM # verbose bootstraping messages
options 	DDB		# in-kernel debugger
options 	DDB_HISTORY_SIZE=100	# Enable history editing in DDB
#makeoptions	DEBUG="-g"	# compile full symbol table
makeoptions	COPY_SYMTAB=1

config		netbsd		root on ? type ?

# The main bus device
mainbus0	at root

# The boot cpu
cpu0		at mainbus?
#l2cc0		at mainbus?

# Specify the memory size in bytes.
options 	MEMSIZE=0x8000000

# Devices

ahb0		at mainbus?
avic0		at ahb? addr 0x68000000 irqbase 0
aips*		at ahb0
imxuart*	at aips? addr 0x43f90000 intr 45
imxgpio0	at ahb? addr 0x53fcc000 irqbase 64 intr 52
imxgpio1	at ahb? addr 0x53fd0000 irqbase 96 intr 51
imxgpio2	at ahb? addr 0x53fa4000 irqbase 128 intr 56
gpio*		at imxgpio?

# pcic
imx31lk_pcic0	at aips? addr 0xb8004000
pcmcia*		at imx31lk_pcic0
wdc*		at pcmcia? function ?
atabus*		at wdc? channel ?
wd*		at atabus? drive ? flags 0x0000

# Pseudo-Devices

# disk/mass storage pseudo-devices
#pseudo-device	md			# memory disk device (ramdisk)
#pseudo-device	vnd			# disk-like interface to files
#pseudo-device	fss			# file system snapshot device
#pseudo-device	putter			# for puffs and pud

# network pseudo-devices
#pseudo-device	bpfilter		# Berkeley packet filter
pseudo-device	loop			# network loopback

# miscellaneous pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	pty			# pseudo-terminals
pseudo-device	ksyms			# /dev/ksyms
pseudo-device	clockctl		# NTP clockctl