#	$NetBSD: ARMADILLO9,v 1.68 2024/01/29 18:27:11 christos Exp $
#	ARMADILLO9 -- Atmark Techno, Armadillo-9

include	"arch/evbarm/conf/std.armadillo9"

#options 	INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE	# embed config file in kernel binary
options 	MSGBUFSIZE=65536

# estimated number of users
maxusers	16

# Standard system options
options 	RTC_OFFSET=0	# hardware clock is this many mins. west of GMT
options 	NTP		# NTP phase/frequency locked loop

# CPU options
options 	CPU_ARM9	# Support the ARM9TDMI core

# File systems
file-system	FFS		# UFS
#file-system	LFS		# log-structured file system
file-system	MFS		# memory file system
file-system	NFS		# Network file system
#file-system 	ADOSFS		# AmigaDOS-compatible file system
file-system 	EXT2FS		# second extended file system (linux)
file-system	CD9660		# ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge file system
file-system	MSDOSFS		# MS-DOS file system
file-system	FDESC		# /dev/fd
#file-system	FILECORE	# Acorn filecore file system
file-system	KERNFS		# /kern
file-system	NULLFS		# loopback file system
file-system	PROCFS		# /proc
#file-system	PUFFS		# Userspace file systems (e.g. ntfs-3g & sshfs)
#file-system	UMAPFS		# NULLFS + uid and gid remapping
file-system	UNION		# union file system
file-system	PTYFS		# /dev/pts/N support

# File system options
#options 	FFS_EI		# FFS Endian Independent support
#options 	FFS_NO_SNAPSHOT	# No FFS snapshot support
#options 	QUOTA		# legacy UFS quotas
#options 	QUOTA2		# new, in-filesystem UFS quotas
#options 	UFS_DIRHASH	# UFS Large Directory Hashing
#options 	UFS_EXTATTR	# Extended attribute support for UFS1
options 	WAPBL		# File system journaling support
#options 	DISKLABEL_EI	# disklabel Endian Independent support
options 	NFSSERVER	# Network File System server

# Networking options
#options 	GATEWAY		# packet forwarding
options 	INET		# IP + ICMP + TCP + UDP
options 	INET6		# IPV6
#options 	IPSEC		# IP security
#options 	IPSEC_DEBUG	# debug for IP security
#options 	MROUTING	# IP multicast routing
#options	PIM		# Protocol Independent Multicast
#options 	NETATALK	# AppleTalk networking
#options 	PPP_BSDCOMP	# BSD-Compress compression support for PPP
#options 	PPP_DEFLATE	# Deflate compression support for PPP
#options 	PPP_FILTER	# Active filter support for PPP (requires bpf)
#options 	TCP_DEBUG	# Record last TCP_NDEBUG packets with SO_DEBUG

options 	NFS_BOOT_DHCP

# Compatibility options
include 	"conf/compat_netbsd20.config"
options 	COMPAT_NETBSD32	# allow running arm (e.g. non-earm) binaries

# Shared memory options
options 	SYSVMSG		# System V-like message queues
options 	SYSVSEM		# System V-like semaphores
options 	SYSVSHM		# System V-like memory sharing

# Device options

#options 	MEMORY_DISK_HOOKS	# boottime setup of ramdisk
#options 	MEMORY_DISK_ROOT_SIZE=3400	# Size in blocks
#options 	MEMORY_DISK_IS_ROOT	# use memory disk as root

# Console options. The default console is speed is 115200 baud.
options 	CONSPEED=115200		# Console speed
options 	CONUNIT=0		# Console port number

# Miscellaneous kernel options
options 	KTRACE		# system call tracing, a la ktrace(1)
#options 	IRQSTATS	# manage IRQ statistics
#options 	SCSIVERBOSE	# Verbose SCSI errors
#options 	PCIVERBOSE	# Verbose PCI descriptions
#options 	MIIVERBOSE	# Verbose MII autoconfuration messages
#options 	PCI_CONFIG_DUMP	# verbosely dump PCI config space
#options 	DDB_KEYCODE=0x40
#options 	USERCONF	# userconf(4) support
#options	PIPE_SOCKETPAIR	# smaller, but slower pipe(2)
#options	SYSCTL_INCLUDE_DESCR	# Include sysctl descriptions in kernel

# Development and Debugging options

options 	DIAGNOSTIC	# internal consistency checks
#options 	DEBUG
#options 	UVMHIST		# kernhist for uvm/pmap subsystems
#options 	VERBOSE_INIT_ARM # verbose bootstraping messages
options 	DDB		# in-kernel debugger
#options	DDB_ONPANIC=1
options 	DDB_HISTORY_SIZE=100	# Enable history editing in DDB
#makeoptions	DEBUG="-g"	# compile full symbol table
makeoptions	COPY_SYMTAB=1

#options 	LOCKDEBUG

config		netbsd		root on ? type ?
#config		netbsd		root on epe0 type nfs
#config		netbsd		root on wd0 type ffs
#config		netbsd		root on sd0 type ffs

# The main bus device
mainbus0	at root

# The boot cpu
cpu0		at mainbus?

# Cirrus Logic EP93xx System-on-chip
epsoc0		at mainbus?

# AHB Peripheral
# On-chip 10/100 Ethernet
epe0		at epsoc? addr 0x80010000 size 0x10000 intr 39
# On-chip USB host controller
ohci0		at epsoc? addr 0x80020000 size 0x1000 intr 56
# On-chip Raster (not yet)
#vga0		at epsoc? addr 0x80030000 size 0x10000 intr ??
# On-chip PCMCIA controller
eppcic0		at epsoc? addr 0x80080000 size 0x44
# On-chip IDE (not yet)
#wdc0		at epsoc? addr 0x800a0000 size 0x38 intr ??

# APB Peripheral
# On-chip timers
epclk0		at epsoc? addr 0x80810000 size 0x90 intr 4
epgpio0		at epsoc? addr 0x80840000 size 0xcc intr 59
gpio*		at epgpio?
# On-chip serial UARTS
epcom0		at epsoc? addr 0x808c0000 size 0x1000 intr 52
epcom1		at epsoc? addr 0x808d0000 size 0x1000 intr 54
#epcom2		at epsoc? addr 0x808e0000 size 0x1000 intr 55
# RealTime Clock (no battery backup)
eprtc0		at epsoc? addr 0x80920000 size 0x10c intr 37
# Watchdog Timer
epwdog0		at epsoc? addr 0x80940000 size 0x08 intr 36
epled0		at epgpio0 port 4 bit1 0 bit2 1

# I^2C Controller Unit
armadillo9iic0	at epgpio0 port 1 bit1 4 bit2 5
iic*		at armadillo9iic?
seeprom0	at iic? addr 0x50 flags 1	# 128 bytes
#s3531rtc0	at iic? addr 0x30

# PCMCIA bus support
pcmcia*	at eppcic0 controller ? socket ?

# PCMCIA network interfaces
ne*	at pcmcia? function ?		# NE2000-compatible Ethernet
wi*	at pcmcia? function ?		# Lucent/Intersil WaveLan IEEE (802.11)

# MII/PHY support
lxtphy* at mii? phy ?			# Level One LXT-970 PHYs

# PCMCIA serial interfaces
com*	at pcmcia? function ?		# Modems and serial cards

wdc*	at pcmcia? function ?

# USB Controller and Devices

# USB bus support
usb*	at ohci?

# USB Hubs
uhub*	at usb?
uhub*	at uhub? port ?

# USB HID device
uhidev*	at uhub? port ? configuration ? interface ?

# USB Mice
#ums*	at uhidev? reportid ?
#wsmouse* at ums? mux 0

# USB Keyboards
#ukbd*	at uhidev? reportid ?
#wskbd*	at ukbd? console ? mux 1

# USB Generic HID devices
uhid*	at uhidev? reportid ?

# USB Mass Storage
umass*	at uhub? port ? configuration ? interface ?
scsibus* at umass?

# USB audio
#uaudio*	at uhub? port ? configuration ?

#umidi*	at uhub? port ? configuration ?

# USB Generic driver
ugen*	at uhub? port ?

# ATA (IDE) bus support
atabus*	at ata?

# IDE drives
wd*	at atabus? drive ? flags 0x0000

# ATAPI bus support
atapibus* at atapi?

# ATAPI devices
cd*	at atapibus? drive ? flags 0x0ff0	# ATAPI CD-ROM drives
sd*	at atapibus? drive ? flags 0x0000	# ATAPI disk drives
uk*	at atapibus? drive ? flags 0x0000	# ATAPI unknown

# SCSI devices
sd*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# SCSI disk drives
cd*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# SCSI CD-ROM drives
uk*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# SCSI unknown

# Audio support
#audio*	at audiobus?

#spkr*	at audio?			# PC speaker (synthesized)

# MIDI support
#midi*	at midibus?

# Pseudo-Devices

# disk/mass storage pseudo-devices
#pseudo-device	md			# memory disk device (ramdisk)
pseudo-device	vnd			# disk-like interface to files
options 	VND_COMPRESSION		# compressed vnd(4)
#pseudo-device	fss			# file system snapshot device
#pseudo-device	putter			# for puffs and pud

# network pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	bpfilter		# Berkeley packet filter
#pseudo-device	npf			# NPF packet filter
pseudo-device	loop			# network loopback
#pseudo-device	ppp			# Point-to-Point Protocol
#pseudo-device	pppoe			# PPP over Ethernet (RFC 2516)
#pseudo-device	sl			# Serial Line IP
#pseudo-device	irframetty		# IrDA frame line discipline
#pseudo-device	tap			# virtual Ethernet
#pseudo-device	tun			# network tunneling over tty
#pseudo-device	gre			# generic L3 over IP tunnel
#pseudo-device	gif			# IPv[46] over IPv[46] tunnel (RFC1933)
#pseudo-device	faith			# IPv[46] tcp relay translation i/f
#pseudo-device	stf			# 6to4 IPv6 over IPv4 encapsulation
#pseudo-device	vlan			# IEEE 802.1q encapsulation
#pseudo-device	bridge			# simple inter-network bridging
#pseudo-device	vether			# Virtual Ethernet for bridge
#pseudo-device	kttcp			# network loopback

# miscellaneous pseudo-devices
pseudo-device	pty			# pseudo-terminals
#options	RND_COM
pseudo-device	clockctl		# user control of clock subsystem
pseudo-device	ksyms			# /dev/ksyms
#pseudo-device	crypto			# /dev/crypto device
#pseudo-device	swcrypto		# software crypto implementation
#pseudo-device	sequencer		# MIDI sequencer

# wscons options
# builtin terminal emulations
#options 	WSEMUL_SUN		# sun terminal emulation
options 	WSEMUL_VT100		# VT100 / VT220 emulation
# customization of console and kernel output - see dev/wscons/wsdisplayvar.h
#options 	WSDISPLAY_CUSTOM_OUTPUT	# color customization from wsconsctl(8)
#options 	WS_DEFAULT_COLATTR="(0)"
#options 	WS_DEFAULT_MONOATTR="(0)"
#options 	WS_KERNEL_COLATTR=""
# customization of console border color
#options 	WSDISPLAY_CUSTOM_BORDER	# border customization from wsconsctl(8)
#options 	WSDISPLAY_BORDER_COLOR=WSCOL_BLUE	# default color
# compatibility to other console drivers
#options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_PCVT		# emulate some ioctls
#options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_SYSCONS	# emulate some ioctls
#options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_USL		# wsconscfg VT handling
#options 	WSDISPLAY_COMPAT_RAWKBD		# can get raw scancodes
# see dev/pckbport/wskbdmap_mfii.c for implemented layouts
# allocate a number of virtual screens at autoconfiguration time
# use a large software cursor that doesn't blink
# modify the screen type of the console; defaults to "80x25"
#options 	VGA_CONSOLE_SCREENTYPE="\"80x24\""
# work around a hardware bug that loaded fonts don't work; found on ATI cards
# console scrolling support.
# enable VGA raster mode capable of displaying multilingual text on console

# wscons pseudo-devices
#pseudo-device	wsmux			# mouse & keyboard multiplexor
#pseudo-device	wsfont