/* $NetBSD: promcons.c,v 1.41 2020/09/03 02:09:09 thorpej Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include /* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */ __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: promcons.c,v 1.41 2020/09/03 02:09:09 thorpej Exp $"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CONSPEED #define CONSPEED 9600 #endif #ifdef _PROM_MAY_USE_PROM_CONSOLE dev_type_open(promopen); dev_type_close(promclose); dev_type_read(promread); dev_type_write(promwrite); dev_type_ioctl(promioctl); dev_type_stop(promstop); dev_type_tty(promtty); dev_type_poll(prompoll); const struct cdevsw prom_cdevsw = { .d_open = promopen, .d_close = promclose, .d_read = promread, .d_write = promwrite, .d_ioctl = promioctl, .d_stop = promstop, .d_tty = promtty, .d_poll = prompoll, .d_mmap = nommap, .d_kqfilter = ttykqfilter, .d_discard = nodiscard, .d_flag = D_TTY }; #define PROM_POLL_HZ 50 static struct tty *prom_tty[1]; static int polltime; void promstart(struct tty *); void promtimeout(void *); int promparam(struct tty *, struct termios *); struct callout prom_ch; int promopen(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct lwp *l) { int unit = minor(dev); struct tty *tp; int s; int error = 0, setuptimeout = 0; static bool callo; if (!callo) { callout_init(&prom_ch, 0); callo = true; } if (!prom_uses_prom_console() || unit >= 1) return ENXIO; s = spltty(); if (!prom_tty[unit]) { tp = prom_tty[unit] = tty_alloc(); tty_attach(tp); } else tp = prom_tty[unit]; tp->t_oproc = promstart; tp->t_param = promparam; tp->t_dev = dev; if (kauth_authorize_device_tty(l->l_cred, KAUTH_DEVICE_TTY_OPEN, tp)) { splx(s); return (EBUSY); } if ((tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0) { tp->t_state |= TS_CARR_ON; ttychars(tp); tp->t_iflag = TTYDEF_IFLAG; tp->t_oflag = TTYDEF_OFLAG; tp->t_cflag = TTYDEF_CFLAG|CLOCAL; tp->t_lflag = TTYDEF_LFLAG; tp->t_ispeed = tp->t_ospeed = CONSPEED; ttsetwater(tp); setuptimeout = 1; } splx(s); error = (*tp->t_linesw->l_open)(dev, tp); if (error == 0 && setuptimeout) { polltime = hz / PROM_POLL_HZ; if (polltime < 1) polltime = 1; callout_reset(&prom_ch, polltime, promtimeout, tp); } return error; } int promclose(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct lwp *l) { int unit = minor(dev); struct tty *tp = prom_tty[unit]; callout_stop(&prom_ch); (*tp->t_linesw->l_close)(tp, flag); ttyclose(tp); return 0; } int promread(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flag) { struct tty *tp = prom_tty[minor(dev)]; return ((*tp->t_linesw->l_read)(tp, uio, flag)); } int promwrite(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flag) { struct tty *tp = prom_tty[minor(dev)]; return ((*tp->t_linesw->l_write)(tp, uio, flag)); } int prompoll(dev_t dev, int events, struct lwp *l) { struct tty *tp = prom_tty[minor(dev)]; return ((*tp->t_linesw->l_poll)(tp, events, l)); } int promioctl(dev_t dev, u_long cmd, void *data, int flag, struct lwp *l) { int unit = minor(dev); struct tty *tp = prom_tty[unit]; int error; error = (*tp->t_linesw->l_ioctl)(tp, cmd, data, flag, l); if (error != EPASSTHROUGH) return error; return ttioctl(tp, cmd, data, flag, l); } int promparam(struct tty *tp, struct termios *t) { return 0; } void promstart(struct tty *tp) { int s; s = spltty(); if (tp->t_state & (TS_TTSTOP | TS_BUSY)) goto out; ttypull(tp); tp->t_state |= TS_BUSY; while (tp->t_outq.c_cc != 0) promcnputc(tp->t_dev, getc(&tp->t_outq)); tp->t_state &= ~TS_BUSY; out: splx(s); } /* * Stop output on a line. */ void promstop(struct tty *tp, int flag) { int s; s = spltty(); if (tp->t_state & TS_BUSY) if ((tp->t_state & TS_TTSTOP) == 0) tp->t_state |= TS_FLUSH; splx(s); } void promtimeout(void *v) { struct tty *tp = v; u_char c; while (promcnlookc(tp->t_dev, &c)) { if (tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) (*tp->t_linesw->l_rint)(c, tp); } callout_reset(&prom_ch, polltime, promtimeout, tp); } struct tty * promtty(dev_t dev) { if (minor(dev) != 0) panic("promtty: bogus"); return prom_tty[0]; } #else /* _PROM_MAY_USE_PROM_CONSOLE */ /* * If not defined _PROM_MAY_USE_PROM_CONSOLE, * this fake prom_cdevsw is attached to the kernel. * NEVER REMOVE! */ const struct cdevsw prom_cdevsw = { .d_open = noopen, .d_close = noclose, .d_read = noread, .d_write = nowrite, .d_ioctl = noioctl, .d_stop = nostop, .d_tty = notty, .d_poll = nopoll, .d_mmap = nommap, .d_kqfilter = nokqfilter, .d_discard = nodiscard, .d_flag = 0 }; #endif /* _PROM_MAY_USE_PROM_CONSOLE */