echo T.recache: test re cache in b.c
	# thanks to ross ridge for this horror


echo b >foo1
$awk '
        # Fill up DFA cache with run-time REs that have all been
        # used twice.
        for(i = 0; i < CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
                for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
                        "" ~ i "";
        # Now evalutate an expression that uses two run-time REs
        # that have never been used before.  The second RE will
        # push the first out of the cache while the first RE is 
        # still needed.
        x = "a"
        reg1 = "[Aa]"
        reg2 = "A"
        sub(reg1, x ~ reg2 ? "B" : "b", x)

        print x
' >foo2
diff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.recache'