[+: -*- Mode: nroff -*-

  AutoGen5 template man

# cmd-doc.tlib -- Template for command line man/mdoc pages
#  This file is part of AutoOpts, a companion to AutoGen.
#  AutoOpts is free software.
#  Copyright (C) 1992-2013 Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
#  AutoOpts is available under any one of two licenses.  The license
#  in use must be one of these two and the choice is under the control
#  of the user of the license.
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later
#      See the files "COPYING.lgplv3" and "COPYING.gplv3"
#   The Modified Berkeley Software Distribution License
#      See the file "COPYING.mbsd"
#  These files have the following sha256 sums:
#  8584710e9b04216a394078dc156b781d0b47e1729104d666658aecef8ee32e95  COPYING.gplv3
#  4379e7444a0e2ce2b12dd6f5a52a27a4d02d39d247901d3285c88cf0d37f477b  COPYING.lgplv3
#  13aa749a5b0a454917a944ed8fffc530b784f5ead522b1aacaf4ec8aa55a6239  COPYING.mbsd

# Produce a man page for section 1, 5, 6 or 8 commands.  Which is
# selected via: -DMAN_SECTION=n.  "n" may have a suffix, if desired.
# These sections have default section names that may be overridden
# with -DSECTIN_NAME=XX, also passed to the autogen invocation.

   (shell "CLexe=${AGexe%/agen5/*}/columns/columns
  test -x \"${CLexe}\" || {
    test -x \"${CLexe}\" || die 'columns program is not findable'


(shell "CLexe=`echo ${AGexe} | sed 's@/autogen@/columns@'`
       test -x \"${CLexe}\" || CLexe=`which columns`")


(define down-prog-name (string-downcase! (get "prog-name")))
(define UP-PROG-NAME   (get-up-name "prog-name"))

(define command-doc    #t)
(define tmp-val        (getenv "MAN_SECTION"))
(define man-sect       (if (exist? "cmd-section") (get "cmd-section") "1"))
(define file-name      "")
(define sect-name      "")
(define macro-name     "")
(define tmp-str        "")
(define fname-line     "")
(define use-flags      (exist? "flag.value"))
(define named-mode     (not (or use-flags (exist? "long-opts") )))

(if (defined? 'tmp-val)
    (if (string? tmp-val)
        (set! man-sect tmp-val)))

(define section-name
   (if (=* man-sect "1") "User Commands"
   (if (=* man-sect "5") "File Formats"
   (if (=* man-sect "6") "Games"
   (if (=* man-sect "8") "System Management"
    "the agman-cmd template only produces section 1, 5, 6 and 8 man pages")
(set! tmp-val (getenv "SECTION_NAME"))
(if (defined? 'tmp-val) (if (string? tmp-val)
    (set! section-name tmp-val) ))

(define package-text "")
(define package+version (and (exist? "package") (exist? "version")))

(if (or (exist? "package") (exist? "version")) (begin
  (set! package-text (string-append
        (get "package")
        (if package+version " (" "")
        (get "version")
        (if package+version ")" "") ))
) )

(define name-to-fname (lambda (nm)
    (string-tr (string-downcase nm) " " "-") ))

(define sect-line-fname (lambda () (begin
    (out-push-new file-name)
    (emit (string-append ".Sh \"" sect-name "\"\n"))
    (string-append "mk-" macro-name) )))


(define home-rc-files (exist? "homerc"))
(define home-rc-text
  "\nSee \\fBOPTION PRESETS\\fP for configuration files.")

(define environ-init  (exist? "environrc"))
(define environ-text
  "\nSee \\fBOPTION PRESETS\\fP for configuration environment variables.")

(emit (head-line))
(dne ".\\\"  ")                       :+]
.Nm [+: prog-name                     :+]
.Nd [+: prog-title                    :+]
[+: INCLUDE "tpl-config.tlib"         :+][+:#

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  B U I L D   D O C
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE build-doc                      :+][+:

(if (not command-doc) (begin
    (set! home-rc-files #f)
    (set! home-rc-text "")
)   )                                 :+][+:

INVOKE doc-sections                   :+][+:
INVOKE ao-sections                    :+][+:
INVOKE assemble-sections              :+][+:

ENDDEF build-doc

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  A S S E M B L E   S E C T I O N S
.\" Emit the files for each section that was provided, and do conversions
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE assemble-sections    :+][+:


#.\" Insert the sections in the prescribed order
#.\" Ensure a newline between them all.  We strip blank lines,
#.\" so extra blank lines get removed.

    (define target-form   (if man-page "man" "mdoc"))
    (define source-form   (get "option-format" "texi"))
    (define converter     (string-append source-form "2" target-form ))
    (set! tmp-str (find-file converter))

    (if (not (defined? 'tmp-str))
        (error (string-append "cannot locate " converter)))
cvt_prog=`cd \`dirname "$cvt_prog"\` >/dev/null && pwd
         `/`basename "$cvt_prog"`
cd $tmp_dir
test -x "$cvt_prog" || die "'$cvt_prog' is not executable"
    list='synopsis description options option-presets'
    for f in $list ; do cat $f ; echo ; done
    rm -f $list name
    list='implementation-notes environment files examples exit-status errors
        compatibility see-also conforming-to history authors copyright bugs
    for f in $list ; do cat $f ; echo ; done > .end-doc
    rm -f $list
    list=`ls -1 *`' .end-doc'
    for f in $list ; do cat $f ; echo ; done
    rm -f $list
} 1>.doc 2>/dev/null
IF (exist? "doc-sub")       :+][+:
  (out-push-new (string-append tmp-dir "/.cmds")) :+][+:
  FOR doc-sub               :+][+:

    IF (define field-name (get "sub-type" target-form))
       (~~ target-form field-name)  :+][+:

       (set! field-name (get "sub-name"))
       (define rep-string (string-append "<<" field-name ">>"))
       (emit (string-substitute (get "sub-text") rep-string (get field-name)))

    :+][+:  ENDIF           :+][+:

  ENDFOR doc-sub            :+][+:

  (define post-proc-cmd (string-append
          (get "doc-sub-cmd" "sed -f %s %s") " | "
          egrep-prog " -v '^[ 	]*$' | $cvt_prog"))
  (sprintf post-proc-cmd ".cmds" ".doc")
ELSE                       \:+]
[+:(. egrep-prog):+] -v '^[ 	]*$' .doc | $cvt_prog[+:
ENDIF doc-sub exists        :+][+:

(shell (out-pop #t))        :+][+:

ENDDEF assemble-sections

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  D O C   S E C T I O N S
.\" Emit the files for each section that was provided.
.\" If multiple sections exist, they get glued together with ".Pp"
.\" between them.
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE doc-sections                   :+][+:

FOR doc-section                       :+][+:
    (define sec-type (string-upcase (get "ds-type")))
    (define sec-name (name-to-fname sec-type))
    (define cvt-fn (find-file (string-append
         (get "ds-format" "man") "2mdoc")))
    (if (not (defined? 'cvt-fn))
        (error (sprintf "Cannot locate converter for %s"
               (get "ds-format" "man"))))

    (define sec-file (string-append tmp-dir "/" sec-name))
    (access? sec-file R_OK)           :+][+:
        (out-push-add sec-file)
        (emit ".Pp\n")                :+][+:

  ELSE :+][+: CASE
    (out-push-new sec-file)
    sec-type :+][+:

    == ""    :+][+: (error "unnamed doc-section") :+][+:
    *==* " " :+].Sh "[+: (. sec-type)             :+]"[+:
    *        :+].Sh [+: (. sec-type)              :+][+:
    ESAC     :+][+:
  ENDIF :+]
    (shell (string-append
      "fn='" cvt-fn "'\n"
      "test -f ${fn} || die ${fn} not found from $PWD\n"
      "${fn} <<\\_EndOfDocSection_ || die ${fn} failed in $PWD\n"
      (get "ds-text")
    ))                                :+][+:

    CASE (emit "\n") sec-type         :+][+:
    == FILES                          :+][+:
        (if home-rc-files (emit home-rc-text))
        (set! home-rc-files #f)       :+][+:

    == ENVIRONMENT                    :+][+:
        (if environ-init (emit environ-text))
        (set! environ-init #f)        :+][+:
    ESAC                              :+][+:


ENDFOR doc-section                    :+][+:

ENDDEF doc-sections

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  A O   S E C T I O N S
.\" Emit the files for the sections that these templates augment,
.\" replace or conditionally replace
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE ao-sections              :+][+:
  IF (. command-doc)            :+][+:
    INVOKE cond-section  sec = "OPTIONS"       mode = "replace"       :+][+:
    INVOKE cond-section  sec = "EXIT STATUS"   mode = "insert"        :+][+:

    IF (or home-rc-files environ-init)                                :+][+:
      INVOKE cond-section   sec = "OPTION PRESETS" mode = "replace"   :+][+:

      IF (. home-rc-files)                                            :+][+:
        INVOKE cond-section sec = "FILES"          mode = "append"    :+][+:
      ENDIF                                                           :+][+:

      IF (. environ-init)                                             :+][+:
        INVOKE cond-section sec = "ENVIRONMENT"    mode = "append"    :+][+:
      ENDIF                                                           :+][+:
    ENDIF                                                             :+][+:

  ELSE  section 5, not command  :+][+:
    INVOKE cond-section sec = "FILES"          mode = "append"        :+][+:
  ENDIF  section 5/not          :+][+:

  INVOKE cond-section  sec = "SYNOPSIS"        mode = "alt"           :+][+:
  INVOKE cond-section  sec = "DESCRIPTION"     mode = "append"        :+][+:
  INVOKE cond-section  sec = "AUTHORS"         mode = "alt"           :+][+:
  INVOKE cond-section  sec = "BUGS"            mode = "append"        :+][+:
  INVOKE cond-section  sec = "NOTES"           mode = "append"        :+][+:

IF (exist? "copyright")                                               :+][+:
  INVOKE cond-section   sec = "COPYRIGHT"      mode = "alt"           :+][+:
ENDIF                                                                 :+][+:

ENDDEF ao-sections

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  C O N D I T I O N A L   S E C T I O N
.\" Figure out what to do for AutoOpts required sections, depending on "mode"
.\" In all cases, if the file does not exist, invoke the "mk" macro to create
.\" a new file.  If it does exist, then:
.\" alt       Alternate -- emit no text
.\" replace   throw away any pre-existing file.
.\" append    invoke the "append" macro to emit additional text
.\" insert    save the current contents, replacing the .Sh line with .Pp.
.\"           invoke the "mk" macro then emit the saved text
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE cond-section                     :+][+:

     (set! sect-name   (string-upcase! (string-substitute
                       (get "sec") "-" " " )))
     (set! macro-name  (string-downcase! (string-substitute
                       sect-name " " "-" )))
     (set! file-name   (string-append tmp-dir "/" macro-name))

     (not (access? file-name R_OK))     :+][+:

     INVOKE (sect-line-fname)           :+][+:

  ELSE file exists                      :+][+:

     CASE (get "mode")                  :+][+:

     ==  replace                        :+][+:
         INVOKE (sect-line-fname)       :+][+:

     ==  append                         :+][+:
         (out-push-add file-name)       :+][+:
         INVOKE (string-append "append-" macro-name) :+][+:

     ==  insert                         :+][+:
         (set! fname-line (shellf
           "sed '1s/.Sh .*/.Pp/' %1$s ; rm -f %1$s" file-name)) :+][+:
         INVOKE (sect-line-fname)       :+][+:

     ==  alt                            :+][+:
         (out-push-new)                 :+][+:

     *                                  :+][+:
         (error (sprintf "invalid section type: %s" (get "mode")))

     ESAC                               :+][+:

  ENDIF file existence/non-existence    :+][+:
  (out-pop) :+][+: # All paths open out :+][+:
ENDDEF cond-section

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - D E S C R I P T I O N
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-description                   :+][+:

     (if (exist? "prog-man-descrip")
         (stack-join "\n.Pp\n" "prog-man-descrip")
         (if (exist? "detail")
             (stack-join "\n.Pp\n" "detail")
             "There is no description for this command."
   ) )   )
   (shell "sed 's/^$/.sp/' <<\\_EODesc_\n" (out-pop #t) "\n_EODesc_")

   INVOKE append-description            :+][+:

ENDDEF mk-description

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  A P P E N D - D E S C R I P T I O N
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE append-description               :+][+:

IF (= (get "main.main-type") "for-each"):+][+:

  CASE main.handler-type                :+][+:
  ~* ^(name|file)|.*text               \:+]
This program will perform its function for every file named on the command
line or every file named in a list read from stdin.  The arguments or input
names must be pre\-existing files.  The input list may contain comments,

  !E                                   \:+]
This program will perform its function for every command line argument
or every non\-comment line in a list read from stdin.
The input list comments[+:

  *                                     :+][+:
  (error "the 'for-each' main has in invalid handler-type.") :+][+:
  ESAC                                 \:+]
 are blank lines or lines beginning with a '[+:
  ?% comment-char "%s" "#" :+]' character.

ENDIF - "main" is of "for-each" type    :+][+:

ENDDEF append-description

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - O P T I O N S
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-options


(define opt-arg       "")
(define dis-name      "")
(define opt-name      "")
(define optname-from  "A-Z_^")
(define optname-to    "a-z--")
(define cvt-cmd       "")
(define formatted-doc (exist? "option-format"))

(if formatted-doc (begin
    (set! cvt-cmd (string-append (get "option-format") "2mdoc"))
)   )

(if (exist? "preserve-case")
      (set! optname-from "_^")
      (set! optname-to   "--")
)  )

(define fix-optname (lambda (o_nm) (begin
   (set! o_nm (string-tr o_nm optname-from optname-to))
   (set! o_nm (string-substitute o_nm "-" "\\-" ))
   o_nm )))

(if (exist? "option-info")
    (string-append ".Pp\n" (get "option-info") "\n") )
.Bl -tag[+:

FOR flag                              :+][+:
  IF (not (exist? "documentation"))   :+][+:
    IF (exist? "aliases")             :+][+:
      INVOKE emit-alias-opt           :+][+:
    ELSE                              :+][+:
      INVOKE emit-flag-text           :+][+:
    ENDIF                             :+][+:

  ELSE                                :+]
.Ss "[+: (get "descrip" "") :+]"[+:
(set! tmp-str (get "documentation" ""))
(if (> (string-length tmp-str) 3) (string-append
    "\n" tmp-str "\n" ))              :+][+:

  ENDIF                               :+][+:

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  help option
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

.It [+:
  (define tmp-val (get "help-value" "\\&?"))
  (if (and use-flags (> (string-length tmp-val) 0))
      (string-append "Fl " tmp-val
            (if (exist? "long-opts") " , Fl -help" "") )
      (string-append (if (exist? "long-opts") "Fl -" "") "help" )
  )  \:+]

Display usage information and exit.[+:#

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  more-help option
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

  IF (not (exist? "no-libopts")) :+]
.It [+:
  (define tmp-val (get "more-help-value" "\\&!"))
  (if (and use-flags (> (string-length tmp-val) 0))
      (string-append "Fl " tmp-val
            (if (exist? "long-opts") " , Fl -more-help" "") )
      (string-append (if (exist? "long-opts") "Fl -" "") "more-help" )
  )       \:+]

Pass the extended usage information through a pager.[+:

ENDIF no no-libopts

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  save and load configuration
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

IF (exist? "homerc") :+]
.It [+:

  IF (not (exist? "disable-save"))    :+][+:

  (define tmp-val (get "save-opts-value" ">"))
  (if (and use-flags (> (string-length tmp-val) 0))
      (string-append "Fl " tmp-val " Oo Ar cfgfile Oc"
            (if (exist? "long-opts")
                " , Fl -save-opts Oo Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile Oc" ) "")
      (string-append (if (exist? "long-opts") "Fl -" "")
            "save-opts Oo Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile Oc" )
  )       \:+]

Save the option state to \fIcfgfile\fP.  The default is the \fIlast\fP
configuration file listed in the \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP section, below.
The command will exit after updating the config file.
.It [+:
  ENDIF  saving not disabled          :+][+:

  (define tmp-val (get "load-opts-value" "<"))
  (define tmp-str (if (exist? "long-opts") "Fl -" ""))

  (if (and use-flags (> (string-length tmp-val) 0))
      (string-append "Fl " tmp-val " Ar cfgfile"
         (if (exist? "long-opts")
             (string-append " , " tmp-str "load-opts Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile"
                            " , " tmp-str "no-load-opts" )
             "") )
      (string-append tmp-str "load-opts Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile , "
                     tmp-str "no-load-opts" )
  )       \:+]

Load options from \fIcfgfile\fP.
The \fIno-load-opts\fP form will disable the loading
of earlier config/rc/ini files.  \fI\-\-no-load-opts\fP is handled early,
out of order.[+:

ENDIF (exist? "homerc")

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  version
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

IF (exist? "version") :+]
.It [+:

  (define tmp-val (get "version-value" "v"))
  (if (and use-flags (> (string-length tmp-val) 0))
      (string-append "Fl " tmp-val " Op Brq Ar v|c|n"
            (if (exist? "long-opts")
                "  Fl -version Op Brq Ar v|c|n" ) "")
      (string-append (if (exist? "long-opts") "Fl -" "")
            "version Op Brq Ar v|c|n" )
  )       \:+]

Output version of program and exit.  The default mode is `v', a simple
version.  The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
print the full copyright notice.[+:
ENDIF                                 :+]

(if formatted-doc
    (shell (string-append
    "fn='" (find-file cvt-cmd)
    "'\ntest -f ${fn} || die '" cvt-cmd " not found'\n"
    "${fn} <<\\_EndOfMdoc_ || die ${fn} failed in $PWD\n"
    (out-pop #t)
    "\n_EndOfMdoc_" )) )           :+][+:

ENDDEF mk-options

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - O P T I O N - P R E S E T S
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-option-presets              \:+]
Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
by loading values from [+:
  IF (. home-rc-files)
    :+]configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s)[+:
    IF (. environ-init) :+] and values from
    ENDIF                             :+][+:
  ENDIF                               :+][+:
  IF (. environ-init) :+]environment variables named:
  \fB[+:(. UP-PROG-NAME):+]_<option-name>\fP or \fB[+:(. UP-PROG-NAME):+]\fP
    IF (. home-rc-files)              :+]
The environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than)
the configuration files.[+:
    ENDIF                             :+][+:
  ELSE                                :+].[+:
  ENDIF                               :+][+:

    (define rc-file
       (get "rcfile" (string-append "." (get "prog-name") "rc")) )
    (count "homerc")                  :+][+:

  == "0"                              :+][+:
  == "1"                              :+][+:

    CASE homerc                       :+][+:
    ~~ '\.|\$HOME'                    :+]
The file "\fI[+: (string-append (get "homerc") "/" rc-file)
:+]\fP" will be used, if present.[+:

    == ""                             :+][+:

    *                                 :+]
The \fIhomerc\fP file is "\fI[+:homerc:+]\fP", unless that is a directory.
In that case, the file "\fI[+: (. rc-file) :+]\fP"
is searched for within that directory.[+:
    ESAC                              :+][+:

  *                                   :+]
The \fIhomerc\fP files are [+:
    FOR homerc ", "                   :+][+:
      IF (last-for?)                  :+]and [+:
      ENDIF :+]"\fI[+: homerc :+]\fP"[+: ENDFOR :+].
If any of these are directories, then the file \fI[+: (. rc-file) :+]\fP
is searched for within those directories.[+:
  ESAC                                :+][+:

ENDDEF mk-option-presets

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - E X I T - S T A T U S
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-exit-status                \:+]
One of the following exit values will be returned:
.Bl -tag
(ag-fprintf 0 ".It 0 \" (EXIT_%s)\"\n%s\n"
    (string->c-name! (string-upcase (get "exit-name[0]" "SUCCESS")))
    (get "exit-desc[0]" "Successful program execution.") )

(define need-ex-noinput  (exist? "homerc"))
(define need-ex-software #t)

(ag-fprintf 0 ".It 1 \" (EXIT_%s)\"\n%s\n"
    (string->c-name! (string-upcase (get "exit-name[1]" "FAILURE")))
    (get "exit-desc[1]"
    "The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.")) :+][+:

FOR exit-desc (for-from 2)            :+][+:
  (if (= (for-index) 66)
      (set! need-ex-noinput  #f)
      (if (= (for-index) 70)
          (set! need-ex-software #f) ))

  (set! tmp-str (get (sprintf "exit-name[%d]" (for-index)) "* unnamed *"))
  (sprintf ".It %d \" (EXIT_%s)\"\n%s\n"
    (string-upcase (string->c-name! tmp-str))
    (get "exit-desc" ""))             :+][+:
ENDFOR exit-desc                      :+][+:
(if need-ex-noinput
    (emit ".It 66 \" (EX_NOINPUT)\"
A specified configuration file could not be loaded.\n"))

(if need-ex-software
    (emit ".It 70 \" (EX_SOFTWARE)\"
libopts had an internal operational error.  Please report
it to autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.net.  Thank you.\n"))

(if (> (string-length fname-line) 1)
    (emit fname-line))                :+]

ENDDEF mk-exit-status

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - A U T H O R S
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-authors                     :+][+:

  (define remove-authors #t)

  (set! tmp-val
      (if (exist? "copyright.author")
          (stack-join ",\n" "copyright.author")
          (stack-join ",\n" "copyright.owner") ))

  (if (> (string-length tmp-val) 1)
      (string-append tmp-val "\n")
      (delete-file file-name))


ENDDEF mk-authors

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - B U G S
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-bugs                        :+][+:

    (set! tmp-val (get "copyright.eaddr" (get "eaddr")))
    (if (> (string-length tmp-val) 1)
        (string-append "Please send bug reports to: " tmp-val "\n")
        (delete-file file-name) )

ENDDEF mk-bugs                        :+][+:

DEFINE append-bugs                    :+][+:

    (set! tmp-val (get "copyright.eaddr" (get "eaddr")))
    (if (> (string-length tmp-val) 1)
        (string-append "\n.Pp\nPlease send bug reports to: " tmp-val "\n") )

ENDDEF append-bugs

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - C O P Y R I G H T  (+ licensing)
.\"  This section is guaranteed to be the last section in the man page
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-copyright                    \:+]
Copyright (C) [+: copyright.date        :+] [+:
  (get "copyright.owner" (get "copyright.author" (get "copyright.eaddr")))
  :+] all rights reserved.
[+: CASE (get "copyright.type")         :+][+:
    = note  :+][+: (get "copyright.text") :+][+:
    == ''   :+]This program has an unspecified license.[+:

    *       :+][+:
    (string-append "This program is released under the terms of "
            (license-name (get "copyright.type")) ".")    :+][+:

  ESAC      :+]
ENDDEF mk-copyright

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - N O T E S
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-notes                       \:+]
This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP-erated from the \fB[+: prog-name :+]\fP
option definitions.

ENDDEF mk-notes

.\" = = = = = APPEND TO IT:           :+][+:

DEFINE append-notes                   :+]
This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP-erated from the \fB[+: prog-name :+]\fP
option definitions.[+:

ENDDEF append-notes

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - E N V I R O N M E N T
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-environment                 :+][+:
  INVOKE  append-environment          :+][+:
ENDDEF mk-environment

.\" = = = = = APPEND TO IT:           :+][+:

DEFINE append-environment             :+]
[+:(. environ-text)                   :+][+:
ENDDEF append-environment

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  M K - F I L E S
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE mk-files                       :+][+:
  INVOKE  append-files                :+][+:
ENDDEF mk-files

.\" = = = = = APPEND TO IT:           :+][+:

DEFINE append-files                   :+]
[+:(. home-rc-text)                   :+][+:
ENDDEF append-files

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  E M I T   A L I A S   O P T
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE emit-alias-opt                   :+]
.It [+:
  IF (exist? "value")                   :+][+:
    IF (exist? "long-opts")            \:+]
 Fl [+:value:+] , Fl \-[+: name         :+][+:
    ELSE                               \:+]
 Fl [+:value:+][+:
    ENDIF  (exist? "long-opts")         :+][+:

  ELSE  value does not exist -- named option only  :+][+:

    IF (not (exist? "long-opts"))      \:+]
 [+: name :+][+:
    ELSE                               \:+]
 Fl \-[+: (get "name")                   :+][+:
    ENDIF                               :+][+:
  ENDIF                                 :+]
This is an alias for the \fI--[+: aliases :+]\fR option.[+:
  IF (exist? "deprecated")            :+]
  ENDIF                               :+][+:
ENDDEF emit-alias-opt

.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
.\"  E M I T   F L A G   T E X T
.\" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :+][+:

DEFINE emit-flag-text                 :+][+:

  (if (exist? "enable")
      (set! opt-name (string-append (get "enable") "-" (get "name")))
      (set! opt-name (get "name")) )
  (if (exist? "disable")
      (set! dis-name (string-append (get "disable") "-" (get "name")))
      (set! dis-name "") )

  (set! opt-name (fix-optname opt-name))
  (if (> (string-length dis-name) 0)
      (set! dis-name (fix-optname dis-name)) )

  (if (not (exist? "arg-type"))
      (set! opt-arg "")
      (set! opt-arg (string-append "Ar "
            (fix-optname (if (exist? "arg-name")
                (get "arg-name")
                (string-downcase! (get "arg-type"))  ))

.It [+:
  IF (exist? "value")                   :+][+:
    IF (exist? "long-opts")             :+][+:

          # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
          *  The option has a flag value (character) AND
          *  the program uses long options
 Fl [+:value:+][+:
      IF (not (exist? "arg-type"))      :+] , Fl -[+:
      ELSE  :+] [+:(. opt-arg):+] , Fl -[+:
      ENDIF :+][+: (. opt-name)         :+] [+:
      IF (exist? "arg-type")            :+][+:
              ? arg-optional Oo Ns = Ns
              :+] [+:  (. opt-arg)      :+] [+:
              arg-optional Oc           :+][+:
      ENDIF                             :+][+:
      IF (exist? "disable") :+] , Fl -[+:(. dis-name):+][+:
      ENDIF                             :+][+:

    ELSE                                :+][+:

          # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
          *  The option has a flag value (character) BUT
          *  the program does _NOT_ use long options
 Fl [+:value:+] [+:
      IF (exist? "arg-type")            :+][+:
            arg-optional Oo     :+] [+:(. opt-arg):+] [+:
            arg-optional Oc     :+] [+:
      ENDIF "                           :+][+:
    ENDIF  (exist? "long-opts")         :+][+:

  ELSE  value does not exist -- named option only  :+][+:

    IF (not (exist? "long-opts"))       :+][+:

          # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
          *  The option does not have a flag value (character).
          *  The program does _NOT_ use long options either.
          *  Special magic:  All arguments are named options.
 [+: (. opt-name) :+] [+:
      IF (exist? "arg-type")            :+] [+:
         ? arg-optional ' Oo = Ns' ' Ns = Ns '
         :+] [+:(. opt-arg)              :+] [+:
         arg-optional Oc                :+] [+:
      IF (exist? "disable") :+] , Fl -[+:(. dis-name):+][+:
      ENDIF                             :+][+:

    ELSE                                :+][+:
          # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
          *  The option does not have a flag value (character).
          *  The program, instead, only accepts long options.
 Fl -[+: (. opt-name) :+] [+:

      IF (exist? "arg-type") :+][+:
            arg-optional Oo :+] Ns = Ns [+:(. opt-arg):+] [+:
            arg-optional Oc :+][+:
      ENDIF                             :+][+:

      IF (exist? "disable")
        :+], " Fl \-[+:(. dis-name):+]"[+:
      ENDIF                             :+][+:
    ENDIF                               :+][+:
  ENDIF                                 :+]
[+: (get "descrip" "") :+].[+:

  IF (exist? "min")                     :+]
This option is required to appear.[+:
  ENDIF                                 :+][+:

  IF (exist? "max") :+]
This option may appear [+:
    IF % max (= "%s" "NOLIMIT")
      :+]an unlimited number of times[+:ELSE
      :+]up to [+: max :+] times[+:

  IF (exist? "disable")               :+]
The \fI[+:(. dis-name):+]\fP form will [+:
    IF (exist? "stack-arg")
          :+]clear the list of option arguments[+:
    ELSE  :+]disable the option[+:
    ENDIF :+].[+:

  IF (exist? "enabled")               :+]
This option is enabled by default.[+:
  ENDIF                               :+][+:

  IF (exist? "no-preset")             :+]
This option may not be preset with environment variables
or in initialization (rc) files.[+:
  ENDIF                               :+][+:

  IF (and (exist? "default") named-mode) :+]
This option is the default option.[+:
  ENDIF                               :+][+:

  IF (exist? "equivalence")           :+]
This option is a member of the [+:equivalence:+] class of options.[+:
  ENDIF                               :+][+:

  IF (exist? "flags-must")            :+]
This option must appear in combination with the following options:
[+: FOR flags-must ", " :+][+:flags-must:+][+:ENDFOR:+].[+:
  ENDIF                               :+][+:

  IF (exist? "flags-cant")            :+]
This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
[+: FOR flags-cant ", " :+][+:flags-cant:+][+:ENDFOR:+].[+:
  ENDIF                               :+][+:

  IF (~* (get "arg-type") "key|set") :+]
This option takes a keyword as its argument[+:

    IF (=* (get "arg-type") "set")

:+] list.  Each entry turns on or off
membership bits.  The bits are set by name or numeric value and cleared
by preceding the name or number with an exclamation character ('!').
They can all be cleared with the magic name \fInone\fR and they can all be set
.IR all .
A single option will process a list of these values.[+:


:+].  The argument sets an enumeration value that can
be tested by comparing them against the option value macro.[+:


The available keywords are:
.in +4
[+: (shellf "${CLexe} --indent='' --spread=1 -W50 <<_EOF_\n%s\n_EOF_"
            (join "\n" (stack "keyword"))  )   :+]
or their numeric equivalent.
.in -4[+: (if (exist? "arg-default") "\n.sp" ) :+][+:

  ELIF (=* (get "arg-type") "num")    :+]
This option takes an integer number as its argument.[+:

    IF  (exist? "arg-range")          :+]
The value of
.[+:(. opt-arg):+]
is constrained to being:
.in +4
.na[+:FOR arg_range ", or"            :+]
[+: (shellf "

case \"X${range}\" in
X'->'?*  )
  echo \"less than or equal to\" `
    echo $range | sed 's/->//' ` ;;

X?*'->'  )
  echo \"greater than or equal to\" `
    echo $range | sed 's/->.*//' ` ;;

X?*'->'?* )
  echo \"in the range \" `
    echo $range | sed 's/->/ through /' ` ;;

X?* )
  echo exactly $range ;;

X* ) echo $range is indeterminate

(get "arg-range") )
      ENDFOR arg-range :+]
.in -4[+:

    ENDIF  arg-range exists           :+][+:

  ENDIF  arg-type key/set/num         :+][+:

  IF (exist? "arg-default")           :+]
The default
.[+: (. opt-arg) :+]
for this option is:
.ti +4
 [+: (join " + " (stack "arg-default" )) :+][+:
  ENDIF                               :+]
 (if (exist? "doc") (string-substitute (get "doc" "") "\n\n" "\n.sp\n")
     "This option has not been fully documented." ) :+][+:
  IF (exist? "deprecated")            :+]
  ENDIF                               :+][+:

ENDDEF emit-flag-text

.\" cmd-doc.tlib ends here \:+]