Last update: 31-Dec-2007 19:43 UTC
Address: 127.127.34.u
Reference ID: WWVB
Driver ID: ULINK
Serial Port: /dev/wwvbu; 9600 bps, 8-bits, no parity
Features: (none)
This driver supports the Ultralink Model 325 (replacement for Model 320) RS-232 powered WWVB receiver. PDF specs available on This driver also supports the Model 320, 330,331,332 decoders in both polled or continous time code mode.Leap second and quality are supported. Most of this code is originally from refclock_wwvb.c with thanks. Any mistakes are mine. Any improvements are welcome.
R = Signal readability indicator, ranging from R1 to R5 Q R1 is unreadable, R5 is best reception
_ = Space
1 = prev. received data bit, values: 0, 1 ,M or ? unknown
C = Signal reception from (C)olorado or (H)awaii 0 = Hours since last WWVB time and flag code update, values 0 00 to 99 (hopefully always 00)
L = HEX A5 if receiver is locked to WWVB, Space if not
YYYY = Year from 2000 to 2099
+ = '+' if current year is a leap year, else ' '
DDD = current day in the year from 1 to 365/366
UTC = timezone (always UTC)
S = Daylight savings indicator, (S)TD, (D)ST, (O) transition into DST, (I) transition out of DST
_ = Space
HH = UTC hour 0 to 23
: = Time delimiter, ':' if synced, Space if not
MM = Minutes of current hour from 0 to 59
: = Time delimiter, ':' if synced, Space if not
SS = Seconds of current minute from 0 to 59
mm = 10's milliseconds of the current second from 00 to 99
L = Leap second pending at end of month, (I)nsert, (D)elete or Space
+5 = UT1 correction, +/- .1 sec increments
Note that Model 325 reports a very similar output like Model 33X series. The driver for this clock is similar to Model 33X behavior. On a unmodified new ULM325 clock, the polling flag (flag1 =1) needs to be set.
S = 'S' -- sync'd in last hour, '0'-'9' - hours x 10 since last update, else '?'
Q = Number of correlating time-frames, from 0 to 5
R = 'R' -- reception in progress,'N' -- Noisy reception, ' ' -- standby mode
YYYY = year from 1990 to 2089
DDD = current day from 1 to 366 + = '+' if current year is a leap year, else ' '
HH = UTC hour 0 to 23
MM = Minutes of current hour from 0 to 59
SS = Seconds of current minute from 0 to 59
mm = 10's milliseconds of the current second from 00 to 99
L = Leap second pending at end of month -- 'I' = insert, 'D'=delete
T = DST <-> STD transition indicators
Note that this driver does not do anything with the T flag. The M320 also has a 'U' command which returns UT1 correction information. It is not used in this driver.
S = sync indicator S insync N not in sync the sync flag is WWVB decoder sync nothing to do with time being correct
9+ = signal level 0 thru 9+ If over 9 indicated as 9
D = data bit (fun to watch but useless ;-) space
00 = hours since last GOOD WWVB frame sync space
YYYY = current year + = leap year indicator
DDD = day of year
UTC = timezone (always UTC)
S = daylight savings indicator space
HH = hours : = This is the REAL in sync indicator (: = insync)
MM = minutes : = : = in sync ? = NOT in sync
SS = seconds
L = leap second flag
+5 = UT1 correction (sign + digit ))
This driver ignores UT1 correction, DST indicator,Leap year and signal level.
flag1 polling enable (1=poll 0=no poll)
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