#	$NetBSD: BRANCHES,v 1.368 2024/06/29 18:44:36 perseant Exp $
# This file contains a list of branches that exist in the NetBSD CVS
# tree and their current state.
# This list is necessarily incomplete.
# Within reason, developers may create branch and version tags at any
# time for any purpose.  To avoid name collisions, private tags should
# have names which begin with the developer's NetBSD login name
# followed by a - or _ character (e.g., thorpej_scsipi,
# thorpej-signal)
# Any branch or version tag not listed here should be assumed to be
# private to the developer who created it.  It is inappropriate for
# anyone other than that developer to commit, move tags, or otherwise
# modify the contents of the branch.
# Please update this file when a new branch is ready for consumption
# by folks other than the maintainer, or when the use or status of an
# existing branch changes significantly.
# Format:
#   Branch:	  name of branch
#   Description:  Purpose and intention of the branch
#   Status:	  Active/Terminated/Dormant
#   Start Date:	  date first instantiated
#   End Date:	  date it was Terminated/made_Dormant, if any
#   Base Tag:	  netbsd-1-5-base, etc.
#   Maintainer:	  Somebody to blame.
#   Scope:	  Portion of the tree covered.
#   Notes:	  Various other info, perhaps explanation of special tags,
#		  who-may-commit policies, etc.
# There are four sections to this file:
#   Release branches
#   Individual developers' branches (Active/Dormant)
#   Individual developers' branches (Terminated), and
#   other
# Entries within each section should be alphabetized.

# Release branches:

Branch:		comdex-fall-1999
Description:	Special release branch for pre-1.5 release at
		Fall 1999 COMDEX.
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	comdex-fall-1999-base
Maintainer:	mycroft
Scope:		Entire tree.

Branch:		netbsd-0-9
Description:	The NetBSD 0.9 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-0-9-base
Maintainer:	Release Engineering <releng@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.
Notes:		Subsidiary tags of: netbsd-0-9-ALPHA, netbsd-0-9-ALPHA2,
		netbsd-0-9-BETA, netbsd-0-9-RELEASE.
		Commits restricted to release engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-1-0
Description:	The NetBSD 1.0 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-1-0-base
Maintainer:	Release Engineering <releng@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.
		Commits restricted to release engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-1-1
Description:	The NetBSD 1.1 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-1-1-base
Maintainer:	Release Engineering <releng@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.
		Commits restricted to release engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-1-2
Description:	The NetBSD 1.2 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-1-2-base
Maintainer:	Release Engineering <releng@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.
		Commits restricted to release engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-1-3
Description:	The NetBSD 1.3 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-1-3-base
Maintainer:	Release Engineering <releng@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.
		Commits restricted to release engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-1-4
Description:	The NetBSD 1.4 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	1 Apr 2000
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-1-4-base
Maintainer:	1.4 Release Engineering <releng-1-4@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.
		Commits restricted to release engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-1-5
Description:	The NetBSD 1.5 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	20 Jun 2000
End Date:	26 Jan 2005
Base Tag:	netbsd-1-5-base
Maintainer:	1.5 Release Engineering <releng-1-5@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.
		Commits restricted to release engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-1-6
Description:	The NetBSD 1.6 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	22 May 2002
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-1-6-base
Maintainer:	1.6 Release Engineering <releng-1-6@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-2
Description:    The NetBSD 2 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	23 Dec 2004
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-2-base
Maintainer:	2 Release Engineering <releng-2@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-2-0
Description:	Originally the NetBSD 2.0 release branch and now the branch 
		tracking security/critical fixes for the NetBSD 2.0 series
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	28 Mar 2004 and changed for security/critical function on
       		23 Dec 2004
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-2-0-base
Maintainer:	2.0 Release Engineering <releng-2-0@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
Notes:		Branch was re-purposed to security/critical change function
		once 2.0 released. See netbsd-2 for current branch to track
		NetBSD 2 tree.
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-2-1
Description:	Tracking security/critical fixes for NetBSD 2.1
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:     26 Oct 2005 
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-2-1-RELEASE
Maintainer:	2 Release Engineering <releng-2@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
Notes:		Branch contains only security/critical fixes to
		NetBSD 2.1.  For new features, use netbsd-2 branch.
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-3
Description:	The NetBSD 3 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	16 Mar 2005
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-3-base
Maintainer:	3 Release Engineering <releng-3@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-4
Description:	The NetBSD 4 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	8 Aug 2006
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-4-base
Maintainer:	4 Release Engineering <releng-4@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-5
Description:	The NetBSD 5 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	31 Oct 2008
End Date:	9 Nov 2015
Base Tag:	netbsd-5-base
Maintainer:	5.0 Release Engineering <releng-5@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-5-0
Description:	Tracking security/critical fixes for NetBSD 5.0
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	29 Apr 2009
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-5-0-RELEASE
Maintainer:	5.0 Release Engineering <releng-5@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
Notes:		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-5-1
Description:	Tracking security/critical fixes for NetBSD 5.1
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:	9 Nov 2015
Base Tag:	netbsd-5-1-RELEASE
Maintainer:	5.1 Release Engineering <releng-5@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
Notes:		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-5-2
Description:	Tracking security/critical fixes for NetBSD 5.2
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:	9 Nov 2015
Base Tag:	netbsd-5-2-RELEASE
Maintainer:	5.2 Release Engineering <releng-5@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
Notes:		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-6
Description:	The NetBSD 6 release branch
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	15 Feb 2012
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-6-base
Maintainer:	6.0 Release Engineering <releng-6@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-6-0
Description:	Tracking security/critical fixes for NetBSD 6.0
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	17 Oct 2012
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-6-0-RELEASE
Maintainer:	6.0 Release Engineering <releng-6@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-6-1
Description:	Tracking security/critical fixes for NetBSD 6.1
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	01 Feb 2013
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-6-1-RELEASE
Maintainer:	6.1 Release Engineering <releng-6@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-7
Description:	The NetBSD 7 release branch
Status:		Active
Start Date:	11 Aug 2014
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-7-base
Maintainer:	7.0 Release Engineering <releng-7@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-7-0
Description:	Tracking security/critical fixes for NetBSD 7.0
Status:		Active
Start Date:	10 Oct 2015
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-7-0-RELEASE
Maintainer:	7.0 Release Engineering <releng-7@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-7-1
Description:	Tracking security/critical fixes for NetBSD 7.1
Status:		Active
Start Date:	15 Mar 2017
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-7-1-RELEASE
Maintainer:	NetBSD 7 Release Engineering <releng-7@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-8
Description:	The NetBSD 8 release branch
Status:		Active
Start Date:	2017-06-04
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-8-base
Maintainer:	Release Engineering <releng@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-9
Description:	The NetBSD 9 release branch
Status:		Active
Start Date:	2019-07-30
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-9-base
Maintainer:	Release Engineering <releng@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

Branch:		netbsd-10
Description:	The NetBSD 10 release branch
Status:		Active
Start Date:	2022-12-16
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-10-base
Maintainer:	Release Engineering <releng@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree. (src + xsrc)
		Commits restricted to Release Engineering.

# Individual developers' branches (Active/Dormant):

Branch:		ad-audiomp
Description:	Add MP locking to the audio drivers
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	28 February 2007
End Date:	7 December 2008
Base Tag:	ad-audiomp-base
Maintainer:	Andrew Doran <ad@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Making the audio drivers MP safe is necessary before efforts
		can be made to make the VM system MP safe. About 1/2 of the
		drivers are converted, the remaining 1/2 need more changes.

		As of import this is snapshot of work in progress and so
		may not compile; in particular the midi changes are very
		much "in progress". The audio component has been tested
		and verified to work with emuxki and auvia. There may
		be a locking issue in the ac97 code at boot.

		The are two locks per device instance, an ISR lock and
		a character device lock. The ISR lock replaces calls to
		splaudio()/splx(), and will be held across calls to device
		methods which were called at splaudio() before (e.g.
		trigger_output). The character device lock is held across
		calls to nearly all of the methods, excluding some only
		used for initialization, e.g. get_locks. This needs to be
		documented at merge time.

		To test on a multi way x86 system, search for "mpsafe" in
		x86/x86/intr.c and change IPL_SCHED to IPL_AUDIO. Run a job
		that will acquire the ISR lock (depends on the hardware, but
		"while true; do mixerctl -a > /dev/null; done" may suffice).
		Play audio, run lockstat and verify that that there is
		contention on the ISR lock.

Branch:		ad-audiomp2
Description:	Add MP locking to the audio drivers
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	7 December 2008
End Date:	19 November 2011
Base Tag:	ad-audiomp2-base
Maintainer:	Andrew Doran <ad@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Ressurect ad-audiomp, make the audio drivers MP safe.

Branch:		ad-namecache
Description:	Redo the namecache
Status:		Active
Start Date:	8 January 2020
End Date:
Base Tag:	ad-namecache-base
Maintainer:	Andrew Doran <ad@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys src/common
Notes:		1) Redo the namecache to focus on per-directory data
		structures, removing the huge hashtable and nasty locking

		Initially this uses rbtrees (because that's what's there). 
		The intent is that ultimately some other data structure
		will be used.

		2) Experiment with having namei() traverse the cache and
		avoid vnode locks except for the leaf in the totally
		in-cache case.

Branch:		agc-netpgp-standalone
Description:	Remove dependency on openssl libraries in netpgp
Status:		Active
Start Date:	5 May 2012
End Date:
Base Tag:	agc-netpgp-standalone-base
Maintainer:	Alistair Crooks <agc@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp
Notes:		This branch is used to develop the version of netpgp
		which has its own version of bignum, ciphers, and signatures
		libraries, so that it is able to operate without openssl
		being in place.

Branch:		agc-symver
Description:	Add library symbol versioning information
Status:		Active
Start Date:	24 March 2013
End Date:
Base Tag:	agc-symver-base
Maintainer:	Alistair Crooks <agc@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src
Notes:		This branch is used to develop DSO symbol versioning, allowing
		symbols to be added, modified and removed from shared libraries.

Branch:		bjh21-hydra
Description:	Simtec Hydra support and ARM SMP in general
Status:		Dormant
Start Date:	18 Oct 2002
End Date:
Base Tag:	bjh21-hydra-base
Maintainer:	Ben Harris <bjh21@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys/arch/arm sys/arch/acorn32
Notes:		This code was on a branch because it involves changes to
		cpuswitch.S which would otherwise make merging the
		nathanw_sa branch difficult.

Branch:		bouyer-socketcan
Description:	Implement a CAN socket layer compatible with linux SocketCAN
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	Sun Jan 15 2017
End Date:	May 27 2017
Base Tag:	bouyer-socketcan-base
Maintainer:	Manuel Bouyer <bouyer@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/
Notes:		Some documentation on SocketCAN is there:

Branch:		cherry-xenmp
Description:	Port i386 and amd64 Xen kernels to run MP
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	1st June 2011
End Date:	13th January 2012
Base Tag:	cherry-xenmp-base
Maintainer:	Cherry G. Mathew <cherry@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		None

Branch:		chris-arm-intr-rework
Description:	Rework arm interrupt handling code
Status:		Dormant
Start Date:	11 Aug 2007
End Date:
Base Tag:	chris-arm-intr-rework-base
Maintainer:	Chris Gilbert <chris@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys/arch/arm sys/arch/cats (other arm archs to follow)
Notes:		Rework arm interrupt code to provide a shared set of interrupt
		routines, and allow improvements to be shared across all arm
		based hardware.

Branch:		gmcgarry_ucred
Description:	Integrate and encapsulate user credentials
Status:		Dormant
Start Date:	18 December 2002
End Date:
Base Tag:	gmcgarry_ucred_base
Maintainer:	Gregory McGarry <gmcgarry@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		merge pcred and ucred and poolify

Branch:		hpcarm-cleanup
Description:	Fix build problems for hpcarm
Status:		Active
Start Date:	31 July 2007
End Date:
Base Tag:	hpcarm-cleanup-base
Maintainer:	Robert Swindells <rjs@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Modify SA11x0 interrupt code to match PXA2x0 equivalent.

Branch:		itohy-usb1
Description:	USB stack overhaul, mostly DMA related
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	22 May 2007
End Date:
Base Tag:	itohy-usb1-base
Maintainer:	ITOH Yasufumi <itohy@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		To check out the kernel source tree,
		1. check out checkout script
			cvs checkout -ritohy-usb1 src/sys/dev/usb/filelist
		2. update files in the branch
			sh -e src/sys/dev/usb/filelist

Branch:		jruoho-x86intr
Description:	Cleanup and rework the x86 APIC and PIC subsystems
Status:		Active
Start Date:	17 January 2011
End Date:
Base Tag:	jruoho-x86intr-base
Maintainer:	Jukka Ruohonen <jruoho@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		This branch aims to cleanup the x86 interrupt routing code.
		In particular, a new implementation is provided for all
		elements of the APIC that involve ACPI. In addition, better
		abstractions are provided for the whole PIC layer. The main
		work areas are sys/arch/x86 and sys/dev/acpi.

Branch:		jym-xensuspend
Description:	Implement xm save/restore/migrate for NetBSD domU
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	2009-02-08
End Date:	2011-09-20
Base Tag:	jym-xensuspend-base
Maintainer:	Jean-Yves Migeon <jym@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		This branch contains the code required to support the Xen
		save/restore/migrate facilities. It affects domU frontend
		drivers (xbd, xennet, xencons, hypervisor), autoconf(9)
		machinery, as well as MD code (mostly pmap(9)).

Branch:		kame
Description:	KAME Project
Status:		Dormant
Start Date:	28 Jun 1999
End Date:
Base Tag:
Maintainer:	Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino <itojun@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		http://www.kame.net
		Used for "reference" purposes for early part of KAME
		integration effort.  The branch is not actively used, as I
		(itojun) use patch(1) and diff(1) for the KAME syncs.

Branch:		keiichi-mipv6
Description:	Developing Mobile IPv6 function
Status:		Active
Start Date:	21 Feb 2008
End Date:	
Base Tag:	keiichi-mipv6-base
Maintainer:	Keiichi Shima <keiichi@netbsd.org>
Scope:		sys, sbin, libc/net, distrib/sets, share/man/
Notes:		http://www.mobileip.jp/
		Work on developing Mobile IPv6/NEMO BS functions and
		related MIPv6 based advanced functions on NetBSD.
		Please consult keiichi for joining this activity.

Branch:		kent-audio2
Description:	In-kernel audio mixer
Status:		Active
Start Date:	Sun Jan 16 2005
End Date:	
Base Tag:	kent-audio2-base
Maintainer:	TAMURA Kent <kent@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel (audio device drivers)
Notes:		http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-kern/2004/12/03/0007.html
		Please consult with the maintainer before committing
		to this branch.
		This branch is not expected to be compilable yet.

Branch:		khorben-n900
Description:	Supporting the Nokia N900 smartphone
Status:		Active
Start Date:	2013-05-07
Maintainer:	Pierre Pronchery <khorben@netbsd.org>
Scope:		kernel (OMAP3 support, device drivers)
Notes:		Do not hesitate to communicate any change that would be welcome
		in HEAD.

Branch:		matt-mips64
Description:	Rototill the mips code to support LP64 mips and N32/N64 ABIs
Status:		Mostly dead
Start Date:	2007-07-17
End Date:
Base Tag:	matt-mips64-base
Maintainer:	Matt Thomas <matt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel & userland

Branch:		matt-nb5-mips64
Description:	Rototill the mips code to support LP64 mips and N32/N64 ABIs
Status:		Active
Start Date:	2009-08-01
End Date:
Base Tag:	netbsd-5-1-RELEASE
Maintainer:	Matt Thomas <matt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel & userland

Branch:		matt-nb5-pq3
Description:	Rototill the powerpc code to support mpc85xx
Status:		Inactive
Start Date:	2010-12-20
End Date:
Base Tag:	matt-nb5-pq3-base
Maintainer:	Matt Thomas <matt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel & userland

Branch:		matt-nb8-mediatek
Description:	Add support for various MediaTek SoCs
Status:		Active
Start Date:	2017-10-27
End Date:
Base Tag:	matt-nb8-mediatek-base
Maintainer:	Matt Thomas <matt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel & userland

Branch:		mjf-devfs2
Description:	device file system supporting dynamic device nodes
Status:		Active
Start Date:	21 February 2008
End Date:
Base Tag:	mjf-devfs2-base
Maintainer:	Matt Fleming <mjf@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel and userland
Notes:		This branch will move away from the static device nodes that
		are created with MAKEDEV scripts and allow nodes to be created
		and removed dynamically as devices are attached and detached
		from the machine.

Branch:		mjf-ufs-trans
Description:	file system transactions for ufs
Status:		Active
Start Date:	12 March 2007
End Date:
Base Tag:	mjf-ufs-trans-base
Maintainer:	Matt Fleming <mjf@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		nick-net80211-sync
Description:	sync of net80211 with FreeBSD
Status:		Dormant
Start Date:	21 February 2008
End Date:
Base Tag:	nick-net80211-base
Maintainer:	Nick Hudson <skrll@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys/
Notes:		Sync'ing net80211 with FreeBSD and drivers update. The branch is
		currently only the kernel, but will likely extend to some userland

Branch:	  	pkgviews
Description:  	package views, enabling multiple conflicting packages to co-exist
Status:		Active
Start Date:	22 July 2002
End Date:
Base Tag:	pkgviews
Maintainer:	Alistair Crooks <agc@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		pkgsrc, basesrc/usr.sbin/pkg_install
Notes:		A more flexible infrastructure for third-party packages by
		allowing multiple conflicting packages and versions to co-exist
		within the same tree

Branch:		phil-wifi
Description:	Refresh WiFi code from FreeBSD
Status:		Abandoned
Start Date:	2018-06-28
End Date:	-
Base Tag:	phil-wifi-base
Maintainer:	phil, martin
Scope:		src
Notes:		This branch has been superseeded by the topic 'wifi'
		in the src-draft mercurial repository.
		See https://wiki.netbsd.org/Wifi_renewal_on_hg/

Branch:		rmind-smpnet
Description:	MP safe network stack (milestone 1): IPv4, UDP and ICMP
Status:		Active
Start Date:	17 July 2013
End Date:	
Base Tag:	rmind-smpnet-base
Maintainer:	Mindaugas Rasiukevicius <rmind@netbsd.org>
Scope:		Kernel: src/sys (src/common is tagged but not branched)
Notes:		Goals:

		- Improve the abstraction of PCB and other interfaces.
		- Add PCB and route cache locking, adjust socket locking.
		- Rework IPv4, UDP and ICMP paths to be MP safe.
		- Switch UDP sockets to a separate lock, test and benchmark.

Branch:		rpaulo-netinet-merge-pcb
Description:	merge in6pcb with inpcb
Status:		Dormant
Start Date:	Wed Feb 01 2006
End Date:	
Base Tag:	rpaulo-netinet-merge-pcb-base
Maintainer:	Rui Paulo <rpaulo@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys
Notes:		No longer active due to the lack of time. If you plan to
		continue this branch, sys/netinet/in_pcb.h already contains
		the proposed structure layout (which was roughly discussed
		in the tech-net mailing list).
		I also defined INP_*() macros to mimicate FreeBSD's inpcb
		locking style, but currently they do nothing and are not
		yet called at the correct places (needs discussion about
		kernel fine-grained locking).
		To continue this branch, one needs to read all the relevant
		inpcb/in6pcb source files and change the function names,
		structure names, structure fields according to the new
		layout (in6pcb is gone).
		Don't try to build a kernel from this branch because it won't
		work. The missing pieces required to do a complete build
		were not committed because they were incomplete and generated
		You shouldn't need to worry about KAME syncs because
		they did most of them by now.
		After the work is done, you are required to test the branch
		(before the merge to -current) with an interop IPv6 test.
		More info at: http://www.tahi.org/

Branch:		thorpej-cfargs
Description:	Clean up how arguments are passed to various autoconfiguration
Status:		Merged
Start Date:	Sat March 20 2021
End Date:	Sat April 24 2021
Base Tag:	thorpej-cfargs-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@netbsd.org>
Scope:		src/sys

Branch:		thorpej-cfargs2
Description:	Address complaints regarding the use of variadic arguments in
Status:		Merged
Start Date:	Sun Aug 1 2021
End Date:	Sat Aug 7 2021
Base Tag:	thorpej-cfargs2-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@netbsd.org>
Scope:		src/sys

Branch:		thorpej-futex
Description:	Overhaul of futex operations to fix thread priority issues
Status:		Partially merged
Start Date:	Sun Nov 1 2020
End Date:	Sun Aug 19 2021
Base Tag:	thorpej-futex-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@netbsd.org>
Scope:		src/sys src/tests/lib/libc/sys src/distrib/sets/lists
Notes:		Normal futex operations pass the test suite, but there are
		issues with Linux compatibility currently, that need to be
		addressed before merging.  Also includes new NetBSD extensions
		to the futex interface to support reader/writer locks.  Those
		changes can be discounted in favor of fixing the standard
		futex operations with respect to Linux compatibility.
		Also includes implementations of eventfd and timerfd, as
		well as some additional improvements to COMPAT_LINUX{,32}.
		Branch was partially merged, with follow-ups to take place
		on thorpej-futex2.

Branch:		thorpej-futex2
Description:	Overhaul of futex operations to fix thread priority issues
Status:		Active
Start Date:	Thu Aug 5 2021
End Date:
Base Tag:	thorpej-futex2-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@netbsd.org>
Scope:		src/sys src/tests/lib/libc/sys
Notes:		Re-based version of thorpej-futex that includes ONLY
		the original futex priority issue fixes.  The other
		changes in thorpej-futex are still maintained on that

Branch:		thorpej-i2c-spi-conf
Description:	Improve device tree-based I2C and SPI enumeration.
Status:		Abandoned
Start Date:	Sun April 25, 2021
End Date:	Sun Aug 8, 2021
Base Tag:	thorpej-i2c-spi-conf-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@netbsd.org>
Scope:		src/sys
Notes:		Changes ported forward to thorpej-i2c-spi-conf2.

Branch:		thorpej-i2c-spi-conf2
Description:	Improve device tree-based I2C and SPI enumeration.
Status:		Active
Start Date:	Sun Aug 8, 2021
End Date:
Base Tag:	thorpej-i2c-spi-conf2-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@netbsd.org>
Scope:		src/sys

Branch:  	wrstuden-fixsa
Description:	Fix a number of issues present with Scheduler Activations.
Status: 	Active
Start Date:	15 May 2007
End Date:
Base Tag:	wrstuden-fixsa-base
Maintainer:	Bill Stouder-Studenmund <wrstuden@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src, though all the interesting stuff is in the kernel
		or lib/libpthread or maybe gdb.
Notes:		This branch is based off of the netbsd-4 branch!
		This branch is intended to stage improvements for the
		Scheduler Activations system for NetBSD 4. Improvements
		include not allocating memory while preparing to tsleep(),
		reducing inappropriate upcall delivery (hopefully also
		eliminating the need to mlock stacks), and being
		able to pthread_kill() running threads. At this date,
		most goals have been achieved. This branch also includes
		fixes to gdb to support working with threaded apps.

Branch:  	wrstuden-revivesa
Description:	Fix a number of issues present with Scheduler Activations.
Status: 	Active
Start Date:	10 May 2008
End Date:
Base Tag:	wrstuden-revivesa-base
Maintainer:	Bill Stouder-Studenmund <wrstuden@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src, though all the interesting stuff is in the kernel
Notes:		This branch is intended to revive Scheduler Activations
		in -current in the 5.0 era. This branch's main goal is
		to re-add syscall compatibility so that SA-based libpthread
		programs can run with a -current kernel. 1:1 threading will
		remain the NetBSD-default. This branch will re-add necessary
		upcall support, and will also serve as a chance to clean
		out cruft that had accumulated in the implementation over

Branch:		yamt-kmem
		- separate kernel va allocation from kernel fault handling.
		- make kmem_alloc interrupt-safe.
Status:		Active
Start Date:	Sun Dec  9 2007
End Date:	
Base Tag:	yamt-kmem-base3
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys  (src/common is tagged but not branched)
		- investigate if PMAP_PREFER equivalent can be done
		  with vmem_xalloc.  find a tester with hardware for it.
		- g/c replaced code, including kmapent and malloc.
		- consider to remove other submaps.  eg. mb_map

Branch:		yamt-nfs-mp
Description:	make nfs client mp-safe
Status:		Active
Start Date:	Sun Apr 27 2008
End Date:	
Base Tag:	yamt-nfs-mp-base11
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys  (src/common is tagged but not branched)

Branch:		yamt-pagecache
Description:	page cache related changes
Status:		Active
Start Date:	Wed Nov 2 2011
End Date:	
Base Tag:	yamt-pagecache-base8
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src
Notes:		- maintain object pages in radix tree rather than rb tree.
		- shrink the size of vm_page.
		- reduce unnecessary page scan in putpages.  esp. when an
		  object has a ton of pages cached but only a few of them
		  are dirty.
		- reduce the number of pmap operations by tracking page
		  dirtiness more precisely in uvm layer.
		- fix nfs commit range tracking.
		- fix nfs write clustering.  XXX hack
		- fix A->O loaning
		- write radixtree(9) man page

			- benchmark
			- test
			- make the write clustering fix less kludgy
			- fix or disable the ad-hoc per-cpu statistic
			- disable A->O loan as its benefit is unclear at best

		tested: i386, amd64, nfs, ffs

		have good chances to be broken: lfs, sparc64, hp700

		the following is kernel build test results.
		most of NG seem unrelated to the changes in the branch.

			acorn26  GENERIC    OK      
			acorn32  GENERIC    OK      
			algor    P6032      NG      
			alpha    GENERIC    OK      
			alpha    GENERIC.MP OK      
			amd64    GENERIC    OK      
			amd64    XEN3_DOM0  OK      
			amd64    XEN3_DOMU  OK      
			amiga    GENERIC    OK      
			amigappc GENERIC    OK      
			arc      GENERIC    OK      
			atari    MILAN-PCIIDE OK      
			bebox    GENERIC    OK      
			cats     GENERIC    OK      
			cesfic   GENERIC    OK      
			cobalt   GENERIC    OK      
			dreamcast GENERIC    NG      
			emips    GENERIC    OK      
			evbarm   NSLU2      NG      
			evbarm   TS7200     NG      
			evbmips  P6032      NG      
			evbmips  MALTA      NG      
			evbppc   WALNUT     NG      
			evbppc   EXPLORA451 NG      
			evbppc   PMPPC      NG      
			evbsh3   COMPUTEXEVB OK      
			ews4800mips GENERIC    OK      
			hp300    GENERIC    OK      
			hp700    GENERIC    OK      
			hpcarm   JORNADA720 OK      
			hpcarm   JORNADA728 OK      
			hpcmips  GENERIC    OK      
			hpcsh    GENERIC    OK      
			hpcsh    HPW650PA   OK      
			i386     MONOLITHIC OK      
			i386     GENERIC    OK      
			i386     XEN3_DOM0  OK      
			i386     XEN3_DOMU  OK      
			i386     ALL        NG      
			ia64     GENERIC    OK      
			ia64     GENERIC.SKI NG      
			ibmnws   GENERIC    OK      
			iyonix   GENERIC    NG      
			landisk  GENERIC    OK      
			luna68k  GENERIC    OK      
			mac68k   GENERIC    OK      
			macppc   GENERIC    OK      
			macppc   GENERIC.MP OK      
			mipsco   GENERIC    OK      
			mmeye    GENERIC    OK      
			mvme68k  GENERIC    OK      
			mvmeppc  GENERIC    OK      
			netwinder GENERIC    NG      
			news68k  GENERIC    OK      
			newsmips GENERIC    OK      
			next68k  GENERIC    OK      
			ofppc    GENERIC    OK      
			ofppc    GENERIC.MP NG      
			pmax     GENERIC    OK      
			prep     GENERIC    OK      
			rs6000   GENERIC    NG      
			sandpoint GENERIC    OK      
			sbmips   GENERIC    NG      
			sbmips   GENERIC.MP NG      
			sgimips  GENERIC32_IP3x OK      
			shark    GENERIC    NG      
			sparc    GENERIC    OK      
			sparc    GENERIC.MP OK      
			sparc64  GENERIC    OK      
			sun2     GENERIC    OK      
			sun3     GENERIC    OK      
			usermode GENERIC    NG      
			vax      GENERIC    OK      
			vax      GENERIC.MP OK      
			x68k     GENERIC    OK      
			zaurus   GENERIC    NG      

Branch:		reinoud-bufcleanup
Description:	implement and evaluate struct buf usage cleanup strategies.
		Ideas currently in mind (preference for b):
			1. use of bio_ops per buffer.
			2. allow chaining/overloading of functions in bio_ops
			   and provide some private context.
			3. extend the bio_ops with commonly used functionality
			   like pending action counting, custom context passing,
			   last minute processing of buffer data, buffer cache
			4. investigate the use of the kcont()
			   continuation-passing framework for async io
			   completion notification for bufs
			1. all sequencing use of B_CALL replaced by
			   device-threads, if possible generic code around BUFQ
			2. possibly use kcont() for async IO finished signaling
			3. counter of pending and queued actions requestable
			   by IOCTL interface?
			4. implement `last minute buffer fixup' calls and maybe
			   even finished I/O calls as vnode operations
Status:		Active
Start Date:	Thu Mar 15 2007
End Date:
Base Tag:	reinoud-bufcleanup-base
Maintainer:	Reinoud Zandijk <reinoud@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys and src/common
Notes:		Used as experiment sandbox and if successful hopefully one day
		to be integrated.

# Individual developers' branches (Terminated):

Branch:		pgoyette-compat
Description:	clean-up of compat module
Status:		Merged
Start Date:	Tues Mar 6, 2018
End Date:	Sun Jan 27, 2019
Base Tag:	pgoyette-compat-base
Maintainer:	pgoyette
Scope:		src/

Branch:		prg-localcount2
Description:	Implement localcount reference counting as proposed by
		riastradh@ - supersedes abandonded pgoyette-localcount
Status:		Suspended - core of the changes were merged to HEAD
Start Date:	Wed Apr 26 2017
End Date:	
Base Tag:	prg-localcount2-base
Maintainer:	pgoyette
Scope:		src/sys/

Branch:		pgoyette-localcount
Description:	Implement localcount reference counting as proposed by
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	Fri Jul 15 2016
End Date:	Wed Apr 26 2017
Base Tag:	pgoyette-localcount-base
Maintainer:	pgoyette
Scope:		src/sys/
Notes:		Abandoned - there seems to have been some CVS "pilot
		error during one of the sync-with-head and now there
		are an unknown number of commits missing from an
		unknown number of files from an unknown time period.
		The work will be salvaged as much as possible, and
		applied to a new clean branch.

Branch:		bouyer-scsipi
Description:	Integration of atapi support
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:
Maintainer:	Manuel Bouyer <bouyer@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Superseded by thorpej_scsipi

Branch:		bouyer-xen2
Description:	update xen port to xen 2.0, with support for domain0 operations
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	Dec 13 2004
End Date:	Mar 10 2005
Base Tag:	netbsd-2-base
Maintainer:	Manuel Bouyer <bouyer@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys/arch/xen

Branch:		bouyer-xenamd64
Description:	add amd64 support to Xen and rework some parts to share more code between Xen and others
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	18 Oct 2007
End Date:	22 Nov 2007
Base Tag:	bouyer-xenamd64-base
Maintainer:	Manuel Bouyer <bouyer@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		bouyer-xeni386
Description:	switch xen on i386 to the x86 pmap and the xen/x86/x86_xpmap.c bootstrap, and add i386 PAE support
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	10 Dec 2007
End Date:	23 Jan 2008
Base Tag:	bouyer-xeni386-base
Maintainer:	Manuel Bouyer <bouyer@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		bouyer-quota2
Description:	modernise disk quotas
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	Thu Jan 20 2011
End Date:	March 06 2011
Base Tag:	bouyer-quota2-base
Maintainer:	Manuel Bouyer <bouyer@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/

Branch: 	chap-midi
Description:	Renovation of MIDI support
Status: 	Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	19 May 2006
End Date:	30 Jun 2006
Base Tag:	chap-midi-base
Maintainer:	Chapman Flack <chap@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys, share/man, usr.bin

Branch:		chs-ubc
Description:	Unified Buffer Cache
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	chs-ubc-base
Maintainer:	Chuck Silvers <chs@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		chs-ubc2
Description:	 Unified Buffer Cache
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	chs-ubc2-base, chs-ubc2-newbase
Maintainer:	Chuck Silvers <chs@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		cjs-build-against-obj-dir
Description:	?
Status:		?
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:
Maintainer:	Curt Sampson <cjs@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Entire tree.

Branch:		cube-autoconf
Description:	Renovate autoconf(9) API
Status:		Terminated; abandoned
Start Date:	11 Dec 2007
End Date:
Base Tag:	cube-autoconf-base
Maintainer:	Quentin Garnier <cube@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel usr.bin/config (and some other userland bits)
Notes:		Address a number of issues the current autoconf(9) API has.

Branch:		eeh-paddr_t
Description:	use separate types for virtual vs. physical addresses
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	eeh-paddr_t-base
Maintainer:	Eduardo Horvath <eeh@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		This is needed to support 32-bit kernels on sparc64.

Branch:		elad-kernelauth
Description:	Native NetBSD implementation of Apple's kernel authorization
		based on TN2127. This is a "clean-room" implementation to
		avoid any licensing issues.
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Tue Mar	 7 2006
End Date:	Mon May 15 2006
Base Tag:	elad-kernelauth-base
Maintainer:	Elad Efrat <elad@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys, src/share/man/man9/Makefile,
		src/share/man/man9/kauth.h, src/distrib/sets/lists/comp/mi

Branch:		fvdl-softdep
Description:	FFS soft dependencies
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	fvdl-softdep-base
Maintainer:	Frank van der Linden <fvdl@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		gehenna-devsw
Description:	auto-generation of devsw table
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	16 May 2002
End Date:	6 Sep 2002
Base Tag:	gehenna-devsw-base
Maintainer:	MAEKAWA Masahide <gehenna@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		syssrc
Notes:		The goal is to get rid of the existing device switch tables in
		port-dependent conf.c and to generate them dynamically by

Branch:         haad-dm
Description:    Add support for LVM to NetBSD
Status:         Terminated; merged with -current
Start Date:     7 July 2008
End Date:	19 December 2008
Base Tag:       haad-dm-base
Maintainer:     Adam Hamsik <haad@NetBSD.org>
Scope:          kernel
Notes:          LVM support is based on Linux lvm2tools, 
                libdevmapper library and NetBSD device-mapper

Branch:		is-newarp
Description:	ARP for non-Ethernet
Status:		Terminated; merged before NetBSD 1.3
Start Date:	1996/10/13
End Date:	1997/03/15
Base Tag:	is-newarp-base
Maintainer:	Ignatios Souvatzis <is@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		isaki-audio2
Description:	Overhaul audio subsystem
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	21 Apr 2019
End Date:	08 May 2019
Base Tag:	isaki-audio2-base
Maintainer:	Tetsuya Isaki <isaki@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys
Notes:		Rework audio subsystem, including multiple streaming,
		filter pipeline.

Branch:		jmcneill-pm
Description:	Power management framework overhaul, ACPI improvements
Status:		Terminated; merged before NetBSD 5.0
Start Date:	3 Aug 2007
End Date:	9 Dec 2007
Base Tag:	jmcneill-pm-base
Maintainer:	Jared D. McNeill <jmcneill@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		jmcneill-audiomp3
Description:	Add MP locking to the audio drivers
Status:		Terminated; merged before NetBSD 6.0
Start Date:	19 Nov 2011
End Date:	23 Nov 2011
Base Tag:	jmcneill-audiomp3-base
Maintainer:	Jared D. McNeill <jmcneill@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Resurrect ad-audiomp2, make the audio drivers MP safe.

Branch:		kenh-if-detach
Description:	Interface detach support.
Status:		?
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	kenh-if-detach-base
Maintainer:	Ken Hornstein <kenh@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		kent-audio1
Description:	Audio converter pipeline
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Tue Dec  7 2004
End Date:	Tue Jan 11 2005
Base Tag:	kent-audio1-base
Maintainer:	TAMURA Kent <kent@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel (audio device drivers)
Notes:		http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-kern/2004/12/03/0007.html
		Please consult with the maintainer before committing
		to this branch.

Branch:		kqueue
Description:	kqueue kernel event notification mechanism (from FreeBSD)
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Tue Jul 10 23:08:38 EST 2001
End Date:	Tue Oct 24 09:14:14 GMT 2002
Base Tag:	kqueue-base
Maintainer:	Jaromir Dolecek <jdolecek@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel, libc/sys, share/man/man9, usr.bin/fstat
Notes:		Integration of FreeBSD's kqueue(2) mechanism, with various
		local internal changes to better suit NetBSD, and
		enhancements such as looking up filters by name or
		number, and dynamic registration of "user" filters.

Branch:		ktrace-lwp
Description:	ktrace support for lwp ids.
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Wed Jul  2 15:27:30 UTC 2003
End Date:	Sun Dec 11 12:25:29 UTC 2005
Base Tag:	ktrace-lwp-base
Maintainer:	Darren Reed <darrenr@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys

Branch:		marc-pcmcia
Description:	PCMCIA support
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	marc-pcmcia-base, marc-pcmcia-bp
Maintainer:	Marc Horowitz <marc@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		matt-armv6
Description:	Rototill the arm code to support features present in the
		v6 of the ARM Architecture.  Additionally, clean up things
		along the way to use common practices.
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	2007-08-27
End Date:	2008-04-27
Base Tag:	matt-armv6-base
Maintainer:	Matt Thomas <matt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel & userland

Branch:		minoura_x68k_bus_h
Description:	bus_space(9) and bus_dma(9) implementation for x68k
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	23 Dec 1998
End Date:	16 Mar 1999
Base Tag:	minoura_x68k_bus_h-base
Maintainer:	Minoura Makoto <minoura@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys/arch/x68k

Branch:		minoura-xpg4dl
Description:	Citrus Project locale subsystem
Status:		Terminated; (partly) merged to -current
Start Date:	28 March 2000
End Date:
Base Tag:	minoura-xpg4dl-base
Maintainer:	Minoura Makoto <minoura@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		basesrc, syssrc, sharesrc
Notes:		Citrus Project is developing dynamically-loadable, codeset-
		independent locale subsystem.  Part of the implementation
		(LC_CTYPE) called XPG4DL is now integrated to -current.

Branch:		mjf-devfs
Description:	device file system supporting dynamic device nodes
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	12 November 2007
End Date:	21 February 2008
Base Tag:	mjf-devfs-base
Maintainer:	Matt Fleming <mjf@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel and userland
Notes:		This branch will move away from the static device nodes that
		are created with MAKEDEV scripts and allow nodes to be created
		and removed dynamically as devices are attached and detached
		from the machine.

Branch:		mrg-vm-swap
Description:	dynamic swap allocation, swap-to-files support
Status:		Terminated; abandoned for mrg-vm-swap2
Start Date:	12 February 1997
End Date:	15 March 1997
Base Tag:	[none]
Maintainer:	Matthew R. Green <mrg@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		mrg-vm-swap2
Description:	dynamic swap allocation, swap-to-files support
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	4 May 1997
End Date:	12 June 1997
Base Tag:	mrg-vm-swap2-base
Maintainer:	Matthew R. Green <mrg@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		nathanw_sa
Description:	Scheduler activations
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	5 March 2001
End Date:	18 January 2003
Base Tag:	nathanw_sa_base
Maintainer:	Nathan Williams <nathanw@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel, libc, libkvm, libpthread, libpthread_dbg, include, 
		bin/ps usr.bin/systat usr.bin/top usr.bin/w
		gnu/dist/toolchain/gdb gnu/usr.bin/gdb
Notes:		The idea of scheduler activations is described in the
		classic paper by Anderson et al., in ACM Transactions
		a on Computer Systems volume 10 issue 1 (1992),which
		can be found at
		Many ideas in the implementation are based on the
		implementation of scheduler activations added to Mach
		3.0 and described by Davis et al. in the University of
		Washington CS tech report 92-08-93, which can be found

		My USENIX paper on the subject can be found at

		Please consult with the maintainer before committing
		to this branch.
		Other tags starting with nathanw_sa reserved for
		branch management and are not guaranteed to be stable.

		Trunk tagged with "nathanw_sa_before_merge" prior to
		merging branch down to trunk.  Branch tagged with
		"nathanw_sa_end" to indicate the ending revision of
		the branch.

Branch:		newlock
Description:	New locking primitives, based on Solaris's
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	March 9, 2002
End Date:	February 12, 2007
Base Tag:	newlock-base
Maintainer:	Jason R. Thorpe <thorpej@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Kernel
Notes:		The goal is to replace the existing lockmgr() and
		simple_lock() based locking mechanisms with the
		primitives found in Solaris: mutexes and rwlocks.
		Superseded by the newlock2 branch.

Branch:		newlock2
Description:	New locking primitives, based on Solaris's
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	September 9, 2006
End Date:	February 12, 2007
Base Tag:	newlock2-base
Maintainer:	Andrew Doran <ad@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		Kernel
Notes:		As per the newlock branch, however given the amount of time
		the original branch has lain dormant, a new one has been
		created.  Goals:
		- Implement new locking primitives on most-used ports.
		- Minor locking improvements.
		- Remove spinlockmgr().

Branch:		nick-csl-alignment
Description:	Provide correctly aligned __cpu_simple_lock_t for hppa
Status: 	Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	2007-07-18
End Date:
Base Tag:	nick-csl-alignment-base5
Maintainer:	Nick Hudson <skrll@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys, lib/libpthread, lib/libpthread_dbg

Branch:		perseant-exfatfs
Description:	exFAT filesystem development
Status:		Active
Start Date:	29 June 2024
End Date:	
Base Tag:	perseant-exfatfs-base
Maintainer:	Konrad Schroder <perseant@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel & userland

Branch:		perseant-iso10646
Description:	Implement __STDC_ISO_10646__.
Status:		Dormant
Start Date:	14 July 2017
End Date:	
Base Tag:	perseant-iso10646-base
Maintainer:	Konrad Schroder <perseant@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		lib/libc/citrus lib/libc/locale usr.bin/localedef

Branch:		perseant-lfsv2
Description:	LFS incompatible on-disk data structure changes
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	27 June 2001
End Date:	16 July 2001
Base Tag:	perseant-lfsv2-base
Maintainer:	Konrad Schroder <perseant@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		basesrc/{sbin/*lfs,libexec/lfs_cleanerd,usr.sbin/dumplfs}, syssrc/sys/ufs
Notes:		This branch should be short-lived, I expect to merge as soon
		as the data structures required for unremove are in and tested.

Branch:		ppcoea-renovation
Description:	General renovation and cleanup of all OEA PowerPC ports.
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	30 April 2007
End Date:	15 October 2007
Base Tag:	ppcoea-renovation-base
Maintainer:	Tim Rightnour <garbled@netbsd.org>
Scope:		src/sys/arch
Notes:		This branch is for a general cleanup of all OEA-based PowerPC
		ports. OEA (Operating Environment Architecture) PowerPC refers
		to the 601, 603, 604, and similar chips.  Specifically, not the
		403/401 and other embedded chips. The general concept is to get
		them all compiling, and sharing as much code as possible.  All
		developers are welcome to commit to this branch.

Branch:		thorpej-devvp
Description:	replace dev_t with struct vnode * in devsw entry points
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	Sep 6 2001
End Date:	???
Base Tag:	thorpej-devvp-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		syssrc
Notes:		Kernels built from this branch are not expected
		to function correctly at this time.

		Ports known to compile on this branch:

Branch:		peter-altq
Description:	New ALTQ framework:
		- sync with KAME sources
		- share mtag/name mapping functions
		- separate altq + pf attachment
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	March 16, 2006
End Date:	October 12, 2006
Base Tag:	peter-altq-base
Maintainer:	Peter Postma <peter@NetBSD.org>,
		Martin Husemann <martin@NetBSD.org>,
		Matthias Scheler <tron@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		dist/pf dist/ipf distrib/sets/lists sys usr.sbin/altq
Notes:		Only the first item in the description was finished
		in this branch.

Branch:		rmind-uvmplock
Description:	Reorganize locking in UVM and improve x86 pmap(9)
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	15 March 2010
End Date:	12 June 2011
Base Tag:	rmind-uvmplock-base
Maintainer:	Mindaugas Rasiukevicius <rmind@netbsd.org>
Scope:		Kernel
Notes:		Goals:

		- Reorganize locking in UVM and serialize pmap(9) operations
		  on same page(s).  New lock order: [vmpage-lock] -> pmap-lock.
		  Based on the patch from ad@.
		- Simplify locking in pmap(9) modules by removing P->V locking.
		- Use mutex_obj(9) on vmobjlock (and thus vnode_t::v_interlock)
		  to share locks among UVM objects where necessary.
		- Rewrite and optimize x86 TLB shootdown code.
		- Unify /dev/mem et al in MI code and provide required locking.

		Future work:

		- Optimize pmap_remove() with tracking in struct vm_map_entry.

Branch:		sommerfeld_i386mp_1
Description:	Multiprocessor support for i386 using Intel MP BIOS.
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	21 Feb 2000
End Date:	01 Oct 2002
Base Tag:	sommerfeld_i386mpbase_1
Maintainer:	Bill Sommerfeld <sommerfeld@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys/arch/i386
		Code committed to the branch has booted to multiuser 
		on at least one system.

		Not guaranteed to compile against mainline since -current
		may have changed incompatibly with the last branch update;
		use "cvs update -D" to roll-back the rest of the tree to match.

		Please get explicit permission from the maintainer 
		before each commit, or your changes will be backed out.
		Other tags starting with sommerfeld_ are private to 
		the developer and are guaranteed to be unstable.
		Only the maintainer should move tags.

		Note that this branch uses a DIFFERENT scheme for 
		syncing with the mainline.  the maintainer uses some private
		scripts for keeping them in sync; if you make commits 
		to the branch to "resynchronize" things, you'll
		probably do it wrong; instead, ask the maintainer to
		resynchronize things.

		See sys/arch/i386/TODO on the branch for a list of known
		issues with the branch.

Branch:		thorpej-mips-cache
Description:	overhaul MIPS cache support code
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Oct 23 2001
End Date:	Nov 14 2001
Base Tag:	thorpej-mips-cache-base
Scope:		syssrc
Notes:		This branch needs more debugging, testing, and more
		ports need to be converted to the new world order.

		The following processors have had cache ops

			* R2000/R3000 (cache_r3k) -- light testing,
			  needs to be beat on a lot more to make
			  sure it's working.

			* R4000/R4400 (cache_r4k) -- mhitch@NetBSD.org
			  tracked down a bug, which has been fixed.

			  Confirmed working on R4000-with-L2.

			  Confirmed working on R4400-no-L2 and

			* R4600/R5000 (cache_r5k) -- shin@NetBSD.org
			  has committed fixes to this code.

			  Confirmed working on R4600 v2 (SGI IP-22 with
			  no SysAD L2 cache).

			  Confirmed working on RM5260 (Algorithmics P-5064).

			* TX39 (cache_tx39) -- uch@NetBSD.org has
			  committed fixes to this code.  Awaiting
			  confirmation that it is working properly.

			* R5900 (cache_r5900) -- uch@NetBSD.org has
			  written this code and tested it on a
			  PlayStation 2.

		The following ports have been updated to compile (and
		use optimized-for-processor bus_dma routines).  Those
		that have been tested and work are marked with [WORKING].

			* algor		[WORKING]

			* arc		[WORKING]

			* pmax		[WORKING]

			* playstation2	[WORKING]
					Needs optimized bus_dmamap_sync().

			* hpcmips	[need verification that this is working]
					Needs optimized bus_dmamap_sync().

			* sgimips	[WORKING]
					Needs optimized bus_dmamap_sync().

			* cobalt	[need testing]

			* mipsco	[need testing]

			* newsmips	[need testing]

Branch:		thorpej_scsipi
Description:	SCSI/ATAPI midlayer rewrite.
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:
End Date:	Apr 25 2001
Base Tag:	thorpej_scsipi_base, thorpej_scsipi_nbase
Maintainer:	Manuel Bouyer <bouyer@NetBSD.org>,
		Jason Thorpe <thorpej@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		syssrc
Notes:		When a change from -current is pulled up please move the
		thorpej_scsipi_base tag to the revision you're syncing with.
		thorpej_scsipi_nbase is private to maintainer (only
		used when syncing the whole branch with HEAD).
		Just before the merge, syssrc has been tagged with

Branch:		thorpej-signal
Description:	?
Status:		?
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	thorpej-signal-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		thorpej-setroot
Description:	?
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel

Branch:		simonb-timecounters
Description:	Port FreeBSD timecounters to NetBSD
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	Sat Feb 04 2006
End Date:	Wed Jun 07 2006
Base Tag:	simonb-timecounters-base
Maintainer:	Simon Burge <simonb@NetBSD.org>,
		Frank Kardel <kardel@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys, sbin/savecore, usr.bin/vmstat, usr.sbin/ntp
Notes:		early (partial conversion) commit to -current
		ok'ed by core@ on 20060605 for testing and further
		simplified conversion

Branch:		simonb-wapbl
Description:	Wasabi's journaling filesystem support
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Tue Jun 10 2008
End Date:	Thu Jul 31 2008
Base Tag:	simonb-wapbl-base
Maintainer:	Simon Burge <simonb@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/distrib/sets/lists/comp src/distrib/utils/sysinst
		src/sbin/fsck_ffs src/sbin/fsdb src/sbin/mount_ffs
		src/sbin/tunefs src/usr.sbin/dumpfs src/sys
Notes:		Still has a number of issues:
		 - Some heavy workload performance issues on SMP machines.
		   Work around this issue by turning on WAPBL_DEBUG_SERIALIZE
		   in rev of vfs_wapbl.c.
		 - Removing large files (sparse only?) takes a long time.
		   Eg, a file created with
		      dd if=/dev/zero of=foox bs=1 count=1 seek=11261748520550
		   takes 0:00.00 to remove on my test box without logging and
		   0:22.25 to remove with logging.  No disk IO during this...
		 - sysinst should use in-fs logs now, not end-of-partition logs.

Branch:		uebayasi-xip
Description:	Support eXecute-In-Place (XIP)
Status:		Active
Start Date:	8 February 2010
End Date:	
Base Tag:	uebayasi-xip-base6 (2010-11-15 UTC)
Maintainer:	Masao Uebayashi <uebayasi@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/external/gpl3/binutils/usr.sbin/mdsetimage/mdsetimage.8
Notes:		Goals:
		- Clean up oddities in fault handler
		- Add a notion of device page
		- Teach XIP vnode VOP_GETPAGES
		- Hook XIP mount option
		- Teach some pmaps to handle device page

Branch:		vmlocking
Description:	Make VM and file system framework MP safe
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	13 March 2007
End Date:	4 December 2007
Base Tag:	vmlocking-base
Maintainer:	Andrew Doran <ad@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Superseded by vmlocking2 branch.

Branch:		vmlocking2
Description:	Make VM and file system framework MP safe
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	4 December 2007
End Date:	2 January 2008
Base Tag:	vmlocking2-base3
Maintainer:	Andrew Doran <ad@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Goals:

		- Make VM system / trap handling MP safe.
		- Replace simplelocks with mutexes.
		- Make file system framework MP safe.

		Status by architecture:

		  alpha		done
		  i386		done
		  amd64		done
		  mips		done
		  sparc		need pmap/trap locking changes	
		  sparc64	done
		  arm		done
		  powerpc	done
		  hppa		done
		  sh3		done
		  m68k		done
		  xen		need pmap/trap locking changes

		Remaining MI work to do:

		- Check aliased vnode handling. There may be problems.

		Remaining problems:

		- LFS stalls due to v_numoutput leak.

Branch:		wrstuden-devbsize
Description:	Modify buffer cache to deal with different devices having
		different block sizes. Also DEV_BSIZE would go away.
Status:		Terminated
Start Date:	Aug or Sept 1999
End Date:	1 Apr 2000
Base tag:	wrstuden-devbsize-base
Maintainer:	Bill Studenmund <wrstuden@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		No longer active due to lack of time, and introduction
		of UBC. In terms of UBC, the primary cache for
		file data is the VM cache, which needs to operate
		in terms of VM pages. As no existing device has native
		pages the same size as our VM pages, there already is
		a mapping going on between the VM system and the
		underlying blocks. So it would be easier and cleaner
		to adjust that to deal w/ different block sizes.
		Also with UBC, all i/o is in terms of bytes at an offset
		with a certain length, so the exact block size isn't a big

		Any other wrstuden-devbsize tag may (and should) go away.

Branch:		yamt-idlelwp
Description:	idle lwp, and some changes depending on it.

		1. separate context switching and thread scheduling.
		   (cf. gmcgarry_ctxsw)
		2. implement idle lwp.
		3. clean up related MD/MI interfaces.
		4. make scheduler(s) modular.

Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Fri Feb 17 2007
End Date:	Thu May 17 2007
Base Tag:	yamt-idlelwp-base8
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys  (src/common is tagged but not branched)
		Status of ports:
		  alpha			[ Done, UP tested, MP not tested ]
		  i386			[ Done, tested ]
		  amd64			[ Done, tested ]
		  mips			[ Done, both MIPS1 and MIPS3 tested]
		  sparc			[ Done, UP tested, MP might have
					  some problem after newlock2 merge ]
		  sparc64		[ Done, tested ]
		  arm			[ Done, SA1 tested. See PR 36548 ]
		  macppc/powerpc	[ Done, OEA tested ]
		  hppa			[ Done, tested ]
		  sh3			[ Done, tested ]
		  vax			[ Done, UP tested, MP untested ]
		  m68k			[ Done, tested on several ports ]
		  ns32k			[ broken ]
		  ia64			[ broken ]
		  pdp10			[ broken ]

		How to adapt a port?

		- unify cpu_switch, cpu_exit, cpu_switchto into
		  a single cpu_switchto.  see cpu_switchto.9.

		- implement cpu_idle.  see cpu_idle.9.

		- add a flag argument to cpu_need_resched.
		  handle RESCHED_IMMED flag, which means "cause a preemption
		  as soon as possible."  eg. in the case of MULTIPROCESSOR,
		  send an IPI to the target cpu.

		- "curlwp == NULL" is not a valid check for idle state anymore.
		  use "(curlwp->l_flag & LW_IDLE) != 0" instead.  curlwp is
		  almost always non-NULL, with exceptions like early on boot.

		- remove idle pcbs.

		- (if MULTIPROCESSOR) tweak processor trampoline code.

		- (if MULTIPROCESSOR) call mi_cpu_attach when attaching
		  secondary processors.

		- (if schedhz!=0) call schedclock regardless of the value of

		- of course, update MD users of scheduler/switching API.

Branch:		yamt-lazymbuf
Description:	change the way to share mbuf external storage so that
		it can work without kernel_lock.
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Wed Jul  6 2005
End Date:	Mon Mar 24 2008
Base Tag:	yamt-lazymbuf-base14
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys  (src/common is tagged but not branched)

Branch:		yamt-km, yamt-km-doc
Description:	simplify/improve kernel memory management and bootstrap
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Tue Jan 25 2005
End Date:	Fri Apr  1 2005
Base Tag:	yamt-km-base{,2,3,4}, yamt-km-doc-base
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		yamt-km: src/sys
		yamt-km-doc: src/share/man/man9/uvm.9
Notes:		http://mail-index.NetBSD.org/tech-kern/2004/12/25/0005.html

		the followings are per-port status.
		(account names mean "tested by".)

		works enough to go to multiuser:
			alpha, i386, xen (yamt@)
			pc532 (simonb@)
			alpha, i386, mac68k, macppc, pmax, shark,
			    sparc, sparc64, sun3, x68k (chs@)
			cobalt, dreamcast, hp300, news68k, newsmips,
			    sun3x (tsutsui@)
			amiga (mhitch@)
			cats, hp700 (skrll@)
			xen (bouyer@)

		known to have the same problem as trunk:
			vax (chs@, stuck while running kvm_mkdb)

		known to have a problem:
			luna68k (and, if any, other m68k ports which use TTR)
			needs to be revisited.
			-> for luna68k, although not tested,
			   Sysmap has been moved to avoid kva conflict with
			   I/O ranges.



Branch:		yamt-pdpolicy
Description:	play with page replacement policy
		- separate page replacement policy from the rest of kernel
		- implement alternative replacement policy
		- related read-ahead adjustment?
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Sun Mar  5 2006
End Date:	Sat Sep 16 2006
Base Tag:	yamt-pdpolicy-base9
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys  (src/common is tagged but not branched)

Branch:		yamt-pf42
Description:	import newer pf from OpenBSD 4.2
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Sat Apr 19 2008
End Date:	Wed Jun 18 2008
Base Tag:	yamt-pf42-base4
Maintainer:	Peter Postma <peter@NetBSD.org>,
		YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src
Notes:		see sys/dist/pf/net/TODO

Branch:		yamt-readahead
Description:	play with file readahead
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Mon Nov 14 2005
End Date:	Wed Nov 30 2005
Base Tag:	yamt-readahead-base3
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys

Branch:		yamt-uio_vmspace
Description:	uio_lwp/uio_segflg -> uio_vmspace
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Mon Dec 31 2005
End Date:	Wed Mar  1 2006
Base Tag:	yamt-uio_vmspace-base5
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys

Branch:		yamt-splraiseipl
Description:	finish implementing splraiseipl (and makeiplcookie).

		- completes workqueue(9) and netbt.
		- fix PR/33218.

Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Mon Sep 18 2006
End Date:	Fri Dec 22 2006
Base Tag:	yamt-splraiseipl-base5
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys  (src/common is tagged but not branched)
		tested (by who):
			alpha		(yamt)
			alpha		(pavel)
			amd64		(reported privately)
			cobalt		(tsutsui)
			ews4800mips	(tsutsui)
			hp300		(tsutsui)
			hpcarm		(reported privately)
			i386		(yamt)
			macppc		(tsutsui)
			news68k		(tsutsui)
			sgimips(IP32)	(tsutsui)
			sparc(sun4c)	(tsutsui)
			sun2		(tsutsui)
			sun3		(tsutsui)
			sun3x		(tsutsui)
			xen		(yamt)


		not tested:
			pdp10 (i don't know how to build)
			sh5 (not buildable with an unrelated problem.)

    compile  CAYMAN64/netbsd32_sa.o
    cc1: warnings being treated as errors
    /exports/nbsd/src/sys/compat/netbsd32/netbsd32_sa.c: In function 'netbsd32_sa_ucsp':
    /exports/nbsd/src/sys/compat/netbsd32/netbsd32_sa.c:126: warning: implicit declaration of function '_UC_MACHINE32_SP'
    --- netbsd32_sa.o ---
    *** [netbsd32_sa.o] Error code 1
    1 error


Branch:		yamt-vop
Description:	remove several VOPs
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Wed Oct 19 2005
End Date:	Wed Nov  2 2005
Base Tag:	yamt-vop-base3
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys
Notes:		http://mail-index.NetBSD.org/tech-kern/2005/09/27/0000.html

Branch:		yamt-x86pmap
Description:	merge i386 and amd64 pmap
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Mon Sep 24 2007
End Date:	Fri Oct 19 2007
Base Tag:	yamt-x86pmap-base4
Maintainer:	YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamt@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		src/sys  (src/common is tagged but not branched)

Branch:		gdamore-uart
Description:	Add register table support to com driver.
Status:		Active
Start Date:	14 June 2006
End Date:	13 July 2006
Base Tag:	gdamore-uart-base
Maintainer:	Garrett D'Amore <gdamore@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Results in consolidation of Alchemy (mips/dev/alchemy/aucom.c)
		com support, and also removes a nasty hack from Atheros com.

Branch:		christos-time_t
Description:	Change time_t and dev_t to 64 bit quantities; fix timeval
		and timespec.
Status:		merged
Start Date:	29 March 2008
End Date:	10 January 2009
Base Tag:	christos-time_t-base
Maintainer:	Christos Zoulas <christos@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel, libc, libutil, userland
Notes:		Requires a major bump of all libraries except libc, libutil.

Branch:		rtr-xorg-branch
Description:	xorg & static build alterations to src/x11
Status:		Dead; replaced by src/external/mit/xorg
Start Date:	Nov 15 2004
End Date:	?
Base tag:	rtr-xorg-branch-base
Maintainer:	Tyler R. Retzlaff <rtr@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		x11
Notes:		Requires parts of xsrc/xfree (HEAD)
		xsrc/local, xsrc/xfree/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/netbsd
		Requires xorg (XORG-6_8_1)

Branch:		gmcgarry_ctxsw
Description:	Separate scheduler from context-switch code
Status:		Dead; replaced by cpu_switchto / yamt-idlelwp branch
Start Date:	18 December 2002
End Date:
Base Tag:	gmcgarry_ctxsw_base
Maintainer:	Gregory McGarry <gmcgarry@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		kernel
Notes:		Removing knowledge of the scheduler and its run queues
		from the machine-dependent context switch code is the
		first step in cleaning up the scheduler.  It is necessary
		for the newlock branch, making the scheduler SMP friendly,
		adding real-time scheduler extensions, and reducing the
		number of code paths for LWP and proc switching.

Branch:		nick-hppapmap
Description:	Update of hppa pmap with OpenBSD code.
Status: 	Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	27 October 2008
End Date:	30 April 2009
Base Tag:	nick-hppapmap-base3
Maintainer:	Nick Hudson <skrll@NetBSD.org>
Scope:		sys/
Notes:		Port of the OpenBSD pmap including support for PA2.0 CPUs in
		32-bit mode.

Branch:		thorpej-atomic
Description:	Implementation of an atomic memory operations API modeled
		after the one in Solaris 10.
Status:		Terminated; merged to -current
Start Date:	Apr 11 2007
End Date:	Nov 18 2007
Base tag:	thorpej-atomic-base
Maintainer:	Jason Thorpe <thorpej@netbsd.org>
Scope:		src/common
Notes:		Base atomic primitives need to be implemented for
		all of the supported architectures:

		alpha		DONE
		arm		DONE
		i386		DONE
		m68k		DONE (except for 68010)
		powerpc		DONE except for membar_*()
		powerpc64	DONE except for membar_*()
		sparc		DONE except for membar_*()
		sparc64		DONE except for membar_*()
		x86_64		DONE


		alpha		NO
		arm		NO
		hppa		NO
		i386		NO
		ia64		NO
		m68k		NO
		mips		NO
		ns32k		NO
		powerpc		NO
		powerpc64	NO
		sh3		NO
		sparc		NO
		sparc64		NO
		vax		NO
		x86_64		NO


		all		- Need to replace mb_*() with membar_*().

				- Audit MUTEX_CAS() and RWLOCK_CAS() uses
				  to see of membar_enter() is required here.

				- Talk to ad@ -- figure out of non-atomic
				  mutex / rwlock release is actually safe.

		arm		- Consider using a RAS technique like
				  MIPS uses for _lock_cas() and the mutex
				  stubs.  Possibly do more than one atomic
				  op as a RAS.  Possibly implement mutex
				  stubs using the technique.

		m68k		- Need to do 68010 support.
		i386		- Need to change when x86_patch() is called
				  so we can test ncpus.

		powerpc		- Figure out if we need barriers in the
				  atomic ops themselves (hopefully not!)

		x86_64		- Need to change when x86_patch() is called
				  so we can test ncpus.

# Other:

Branch:		magnum
Description:	?
Status:		?
Start Date:
End Date:
Base Tag:	magnum-base
Maintainer:	?
Scope:		kernel